Red Dwarf SD to HD Comparison for "Tikka to Ride"

  • 2 years ago
In the episode 3 of my series, From the Archive: A British Television Vlog, I looked at the new Blu-ray release of the Red Dwarf episode The Promised Land. Within that episode I talked about the original Red Dwarf series being released on Blu-ray and wanted to show a little bit of the comparison between the DVD and Blu-ray because I have always thought the DVD had been so compressed because they put so much material on it. That is a good thing but at the same time, when watching on a HD or 4K set, really showing the limitation in picture quality. In this clip cut from the YouTube upload in August of 2020, I show the comparison between the DVD and Blu-ray release of Series 7 of Red Dwarf, Tikka to Ride. Please support me on Patreon