BLASTED Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Bros before UFOs...This sci-fi comedy is inspired by the Norwegian UFO phenomenon. Former childhood friends and local laser tag duo -- Sebastian and Mikkel -- reconnect later in life for the ultimate bachelor party that gets invaded by aliens. To defeat the aliens they need to rekindle their relationship to save everyone.
directed by Martin Sofiedal
starring Axel Boyum, Fredrik Skogsrud, Ingrid Bolso Berdal, Andre Sorum, Evelyn Rasmussen Osazuwa, Mathias Luppichini, Eirik Hallert, Ingar Helge Gimle, Rune Temte
release date June 28, 2022 (on Netflix)
directed by Martin Sofiedal
starring Axel Boyum, Fredrik Skogsrud, Ingrid Bolso Berdal, Andre Sorum, Evelyn Rasmussen Osazuwa, Mathias Luppichini, Eirik Hallert, Ingar Helge Gimle, Rune Temte
release date June 28, 2022 (on Netflix)
Short film