• 3 years ago
Promising Drug Trial , Appears to Cure , Cancer Patients.
'The Independent' reports that an experimental cancer
drug used in a small clinical trial in the United States
appears to have cured all patients involved.
The 12 rectal cancer patients were given
dostarlimab over a six-month period. .
According to a study published
in the 'New England Journal of Medicine,'
all 12 patients' cancer went into remission.
This is the first time this has
happened in the history of cancer, Dr Luis Diaz, Study lead author and oncologist
at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC),
via 'The New York Times'.
According to the study, patients experienced
no significant negative side effects
while receiving the treatment.
However, 'The Independent' points out that the small trial did not involve enough people to highlight the potential adverse reactions caused by the drug.
Dostarlimab is an immunotherapy drug
used to treat endometrial cancer.
This was the first trial to see whether
the drug would also be effective
against rectal cancer tumors.
'The Independent' reports that the drug works by tagging cancer cells and allowing the immune system to identify and destroy them.
According to the study, all patients
appear to still be cancer free two years
after receiving the treatment.
None of the patients went on to receive chemotherapy or undergo surgery.
