• há 3 anos
In this video we show how SUMMON was in the LET´S GO LEGENDS banner, with Legends Limited Guaranteed, and the character we won by unlocking Zenkai and releasing Awakening Rank 7!

Neste vídeo mostramos como foi a SUMMON no banner LET´S GO LEGENDS, com Legends Limited Garantido, e o personagem que ganhamos debloqueando o Zenkai e liberando o Awakening Rank 7!

#DragonBall #DBLegends #Let'sGoLegends #LegendsLimited #Summon #DragonBallZ #DragonBallLegends

Link do vídeo / Video link : https://dai.ly/x8bdtfb
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pancasgamers/


