• il y a 16 ans
In 2008 many developing countries were severely affected by the food crisis, which led to sharp increases in the price of many staple foods. People and organisations examined the situation in their own countries and questioned the policies adopted by their governments.

this French Caribbean département still imports around 80 per cent of its food

which have unfortunately been too often polluted

Guadeloupe has a number of assets. It has, for example, good quality soils (which have unfortunately been too often polluted), a tropical climate that allows the land to be farmed all year round, and a wide variety of plant and animal species

Guadeloupians eat very little of their local produce and, if the food crisis were to hit Guadeloupe, we could end up dying of hunger at the foot of a mango tree laden with fruit.

prices keep rising

millions could die

Why are we growing food to feed cars instead of people?
new green fuel to power cars

The biofuels surge makes things worse

Biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75%

We're taking the worst of what we've seen historically and saying that in the future it is going to be a lot worse, unless there is some kind of adaptation


