Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5 - Chie - Challenge Mode

  • 2 years ago
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5
Challenge Mode
Character: Chie Satonaka

Challenge 01: 00:00
Challenge 02: 00:05
Challenge 03: 00:10
Challenge 04: 00:14
Challenge 05: 00:18
Challenge 06: 00:23
Challenge 07: 00:27
Challenge 08: 00:30
Challenge 09: 00:34
Challenge 10: 00:38
Challenge 11: 00:53
Challenge 12: 00:59
Challenge 13: 01:05
Challenge 14: 01:10
Challenge 15: 01:15
Challenge 16: 01:20
Challenge 17: 01:27
Challenge 18: 01:31
Challenge 19: 01:36
Challenge 20: 01:44
Challenge 21 Training Mode: 01:55
Challenge 21: 02:04
Challenge 22: 02:11
Challenge 23: 02:18
Challenge 24: 02:31
Challenge 25 Training Mode: 02:43
Challenge 25: 03:22
Challenge 25 Demo: 03:41
Challenge 26: 03:58
Challenge 27: 04:07
Challenge 28: 04:17
Challenge 29: 04:29
Challenge 30 Training Mode: 04:42
Challenge 30: 04:57
Challenge 30 Demo: 05:13

- Try to make the jump cancel into j.C as fast as possible.
- The most important tip for this challenge is: hold down, during j.236AB. You can maneuver Chie's j.236AB by holding a direction. Looks like you have to make it go down earlier to make it hit properly.

- You have to delay 2DD perfectly to make it hit in the exact moment Yu touches the ground while frozen. If done in the right timing, you should restand Yu and you will be able to finish the combo properly.

- After 214[D], you need to delay 5C as much as possible. If you don't delay enough, Chie will pass under Yu after the dash cancel.
- 5C after '236B ~ 236B' must be delayed, or Yu will be too high to be hit by 214A in the end.
- 236236C must be canceled in the exact moment 214D touches Yu. Any delay, and it won't hit Yu in time.

- Preparation: AB ~ [AB] (18 hits. It builds the necessary meter)
- Combo: run, 214C, 236236A, 5C, 2DD, j.BB, j.8D, 2AB, 236A (3 or 2 hits), OMB, 5DD, j.B, j.236AB ~ 5 ~ 236B, 5C, 2C, AB ~ [AB] (18 hits)

- Combo from the demo (not tested): run, 214C, 236236A, 5C, 2DD, j.BB, j.8D, 5B, OMB, 5DD, j.BB, j.236B ~ 236B, 5C, 2C, AB ~ [AB] (18 hits) ~ C

- Depending on the timing that you cancel 214A into 'j.236B ~ 236B' it may not hit properly.

- Delay 5C a bit. If it hits too high, 236B ~ 236B won't hit properly.
- Depending on the timing that you cancel 236D into j.236AB it may not hit properly. You usually don't want to let Yu fly way too much before canceling.
- Let the direction neutral during j.236AB.

- After the 2AB, you have to precisely do '236236A, Shadow Frenzy, microdash 5C'. You have to do everything as fast as possible, or 5C will miss. If you don't do the micro dash, '236B ~ 236B' won't hit properly.

- Combo: 236236A, 5C, 236B ~ 236B ~ 214B ~ 214D, Shadow Frenzy, j.236D, j.214214C, 236236C

- Combo from the demo (not tested): Shadow Frenzy, BD (successful parry, 1 hit only), 236236A, 5C, 236B ~ 236B ~ 214B ~ 214D, 236C, j.214214 + C, side-switch, 236236 + CD
