Whole Foods Executive Explores In Store Cannabis Sales

  • 2 years ago
During a panel #conversation with The #Texas Tribune, John #Mackey, #CEO of #WholeFoods, an Amazon company, answered a question from an audience member about whether #Amazon would ever sell #edible insects by introducing the idea of #cannabis sales. “If cannabis is ever passed in Texas,” Mackey said, “chances are good that #grocery stores will be selling that, too.”

If Texas follows a similar #legalization path to other peer states, licenses could become available for the sale of #medical or recreational cannabis legally. According to its list of stores by states, there are 34 Whole Foods Market stores in Texas. In #March, Texas lawmakers moved forward with hearings for a bill seeking to remove criminal penalties for people caught with up to an ounce of #marijuana. This isn’t a full #decriminalization policy, but a step on the path to it as a sweeping movement of legalization falls across the #US.