• 3 years ago
Commissioners at the 2022 General Assembly gave a ringing endorsement to an historic agreement between the Church of Scotland and the Catholic Church in Scotland, proposing that it be named the Saint Margaret Declaration, after the 11th Century Scottish Queen venerated for her missionary Christian faith and her kindness and generosity to poor people.
The declaration of friendship offers 'a decisive and irrevocable statement of our friendship with one another, based on our shared faith in Christ.'
Already approved by the Bishops Conference of the Catholic Church in Scotland, the declaration is the culmination of more than 100 years of dialogue and emphasises the shared faith and common ground that unites the Churches.
Archbishop Leo Cushley accepted the name suggestion on behalf of the Scottish Catholic Bishop's Conference, saying he has always had a special admiration for Saint Margaret.
Rev Alexander Horsburgh, Convener of the Ecumenical Relations Committee told the General Assembly that friendship is a key Biblical concept for all followers of Jesus.
