Baymax S01 Trailer - Plot Synopsis: The all-new series of healthcare capers returns to the fantastical city of San Fransokyo where the affable, inflatable, inimitable healthcare companion robot, Baymax, sets out to do what he was programmed to do: help others.
directed by Dean Wellins, Lissa Treiman, Dan Abraham, Mark Kennedy (various episodes)
starring Scott Adsit, Ryan Potter, Maya Rudolph, Emily Kuroda, Lilimar, Zeno Robinson, Jaboukie Young-White
release date June 29, 2022 (on Disney Plus)
directed by Dean Wellins, Lissa Treiman, Dan Abraham, Mark Kennedy (various episodes)
starring Scott Adsit, Ryan Potter, Maya Rudolph, Emily Kuroda, Lilimar, Zeno Robinson, Jaboukie Young-White
release date June 29, 2022 (on Disney Plus)