Unspoken Treasures by Hira Khan | Writers Republic LLC

  • 2 years ago
This book contains poems and a story that is meant to open the hearts of the readers and let them know that they are not alone. The words resonate with growth, pain, family, happiness, hope, and the various emotions one feels as they experience the roller coaster that is life. As we grow, we face many challenges. We often think we are alone and that no one understands the emotions coursing through our veins.

This read is proof that this is not true. The purpose of this book is to allow the reader to experience love, pain, and hope with someone by their side. If anyone feels they don’t have anyone to listen to them, hold them, help them, I want them to know that they will be okay. The key is to always have hope.

Hi, my name is Hope Kain. I am a writer simply expressing my emotions through words. I hail from Brooklyn, New York. Aside from being a writer, I am also an accountant by trade. I spend most of my time checking out new restaurants with my friends and sharing precious moments with my family. My happy place is at night staring at stars scattered across a perfectly dark sky. Throughout my childhood, I was an avid reader. My younger days were spent with a book in my hand no matter where I was. Those stories have shaped who I am today by teaching me the importance of loyalty, love, and hope.