Poverty Claims Examined_ William Branham’s Automobiles

  • 2 years ago
William Branham purchased and owned several automobiles during his lifetime, and was gifted automobiles including luxury vehicles. Using the 1907 version of his birth year and the age Branham used when describing it in 1956, Branham's first vehicle was purchased as early as 1923 at age 16. When Branham described his first vehicle, however, it was during the time that his stage persona claimed to have been born in 1909, and he claimed that it was a 1926 model. If that claim was true, then William Branham purchased a brand new vehicle at age 16 or 17 contrary to his claims of being extremely poor during those years.

In 1947, William Branham was sponsored by the Kardashian family for a healing revival with Avak Hagopian to assist in the healing of Krikor Arlelian’s son. Among those involved was Demos Shakarian, Tatos Kardashian’s nephew and founder of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International that continued to sponsor Branham long after 1947. According to Branham, the Kardashians tried to gift him a Cadillac, and Branham refused due to his own code of ethics. He said, “Not me, brother, that don’t run in my blood to do that”.

Later, Full Gospel Businessman's Association International published an article in their newsletter containing a description and photographs of the celebration wherein they presented William Branham with the Cadillac, and Branham's acceptance of the vehicle. Though Branham's stage persona continued to claim that he would never accept the Cadillac, the reality is that the luxury vehicle was one of Branham's many expensive automobiles.



Demos Shakarian:


Avak Hagopian:

Krikor Arkelian: