William Branham Master Race Theology Source Identified

Researchers have identified the source of William Branham's "master race" and "super race" theology, as well as the source of Branham's Christian Identity Doctrine that was rebranded as "Serpent's Seed".

Wesley A. Swift was one of the original leaders of the racist and antisemitic Christian Identity doctrine which William Branham would later rebrand as "Serpent's Seed". Swift either influenced or worked directly with several men associated with William Branham's ministry, including the Rev. LeRoy Kopp who would become an icon in Branham's "Message" sect for his interview with William Branham in the video "Twentieth Century Prophet". Over time, Swift became an "authority on the subject of race", and his national lectures and radio broadcasts quickly spread Christian Identity theology.

Swift was the focal point for the convergence of several significant milestones in the William Branham timeline, the Ku Klux Klan timeline, the Neonazi historical timeline, and various other terroristic groups' histories. He — not Branham — would later be credited for both the popularization of the Two-Seed Doctrine and its ties to militant white supremacy.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org

Wesley A. Swift