• 3 years ago
Mrs. Valleywide Realtor, Claudia Jorgensen of Stunning Homes Realty is back to talk about the current housing market. Today’s market is still the same, with low supply and high demand and she doesn’t foresee that prices will come down any time soon. There is still high demand for owning a home. If you do see “price reductions” it’s because sellers are overpricing to get more for their house. Again, since it is a seller’s market, sellers are dictating prices, terms…etc. However, if they are not receiving any offers, they are lowering their price depending on motivation. Although Interest rates are on the raise, there are people out there that are still able to pay for their mortgage. Seller’s, now is the time to list your home. When less homes are listed, your home will stand out. You will have serious buyers and possibly less competition. It can be a great opportunity for you as a seller.
As always, look for the realtor that works FULL TIME. They are more aware of what trends are happening and what changes are taking place in the real estate market and can educate you and give better advise. You can learn more about Claudia and Stunning Homes Realty at www.claudiajorgensen.com.