• 3 years ago
Bhagavad Gita 3.23-27
by HG Dravida Dasa 4/19/2022
To further one's progress in spiritual life, there are traditional family practices meant for every civilized human being. Although such rules and regulations are for the conditioned souls and not Lord Krishna, because He descended to establish the principles of religion He followed the prescribed rules. Otherwise, because He is the greatest authority, common people would follow in His footsteps and He would create social havoc. The Lord is the father of all living entities, and if the living entities are misguided, indirectly the responsibility goes to the Lord. We should, however, note carefully that although we have to follow in the Lord's footsteps, we cannot imitate Him. For instance, it is obviously impossible for us to lift Govardhana Hill, as the Lord did in His childhood. We have to follow His instructions, but we must not try to imitate Him at any time.

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