After a very insightful session with Naina Lal Kidwai, chair, India Sanitation Coalition and also the former president of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), Mukund Rajan’s interlocutor this time is Krishna Prasad Chigurupati, chairman and managing director of Granules India, a leading Indian manufacturer of some of the crucial first line of drugs to deal with pain, fever and diabetes. They discuss a range of issues from the immediate triggers for ESG imperative from the perspective of being able to raise funds from investors to the long-term business sustainability and growth and the challenges the Indian pharma industry faces today and how it can leverage its strengths and get more self-sustaining. The ways in which pharmaceutical companies can approach the ESG imperative and why business as usual is no longer an option. Krishna Prasad also talks of the priorities that Granules India has set for itself on ESG.