'Are you ready?' Meghan's 1st European appearance in 2yrs imminent as Sussex Squad arrives

  • 2 years ago
The Sussexes have travelled from the US to the Netherlands for the Invictus Games which kicks off this weekend. Earlier on Saturday, Meghan's makeup artist Daniel Martin revealed he had arrived in The Hague in an Instagram post. He posted a clip showing an Invictus Games sign with the caption: "Are you ready?" Mr Martin is a close friend of Meghan's and the pair are believed to have met when she starred in Suits. He did her makeup for her royal wedding in 2018 and attended her New York baby shower in 2019. Meghan and Harry are expected to make a number of appearances in The Hague later on Saturday. Royal biographer Omid Scobie said they will attend a reception for Invictus friends and famil ...
#Are, #ready, #Meghan, #1stEuropean, #appearance, #2yrs, #imminent, #SussexSquad, #arrives
#headlines, #ctp_video, #autoplay_video, #meghanharry, #princeharryinvictusgames, #meghanharryinvictusgames, #meghanharrythehague, #meghanharryinvictus
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