Pokemon Omicron Part 16: High Tech City

  • 2 years ago
Date Posted: 04/13/22

Summary: Courtney has finally made it to Fianga City, the most high tech city in Vesryn. But unfortunately, Team Olympus go there first.

Flash warning: For those with epilepsy or who are sensitive to light flashes, this game uses the old mechanic of red flashes in the overworld for poisoned Pokemon. I'll try to keep that to a minimum, but it will be in this Let's Play.

Pokemon Omicron is a fan-made Pokemon game, made along with Pokemon Zeta. It's set in a new region with Gen 3 graphics but includes mechanics (and a few Pokemon) from the Gen 6 games. It's weird, a bit dark, and also fun. Join the protagonist as they go off to not only win the league, but stop the evil Team Olympus.
