Parenting Tips for Helping Children To Develop a Love of Gardening

  • 2 years ago
Parenting Tips, for Helping Children To Develop, a Love of Gardening.
'The Washington Post' recently
offered readers tips on how
to get their children into gardening. .
Here are , 5 things , they suggest:.
1. Pique their interest, Introduce kids to plants and flowers
at an early age. Take them to
a plant nursery or an arboretum. .
1. Pique their interest, Introduce kids to plants and flowers
at an early age. Take them to
a plant nursery or an arboretum. .
2. Get kids their own plant, Once children are able to care for a plant with
some assistance, try getting them their very
own plant to get more engaged with gardening. .
3. Plant the seed, Literally, let your children plant seeds in dirt. While some seeds might be too small for little hands to handle, these seeds are great for kids to learn with:.
Marigolds, cosmos, zinnias,
sunflowers, corn, peas and beans.
4. A little
goes a long way, Give kids age-appropriate tasks in your
garden to help them feel involved.
These simple tasks can include picking weeds
or hunting worms, and kids can then graduate
to more complex tasks like harvesting. .
5. Go with the flow, Remember that gardening is a learning process, and
one of the best ways to learn is through mistakes. .
Be a patient teacher to help kids develop
a lifelong love for plants and gardening.