USAF Finally Tests The New Super A10 Warthog | Ultimate American

  • 2 years ago
USAF Finally Tests The New Super A10 Warthog | Incredible Weapons Technology | Ultimate American

USAF Finally Tests The New Super A-10 Warthog

One of the most iconic airplanes in the U.S. Air Force’s flying inventory is the A-10 Thunderbolt.

A-10s flew 7,983 combat missions during the course of the battle, killing 987 tanks, 926 artillery pieces, 1,355 armored vehicles, ten aircraft on the ground and even two flying helicopters shot down with the GAU-8A.

the A-10 had earned a reputation as a close air support workhorse among infantry troops for the distinctive roar of its GAU-8/A Avenger gatling gun.