Dong Ying Jie Classic Tai Chi By Lim Bo Yan Part (3 of 3)

  • 15 years ago Compare To Dong Family Tai Chi, Dong Hu Ling (Tung Fu-Ling), Dong Zeng Chen, 1945, 1950 Slow set, Tung Yingchieh Prefight Demo (1954), And Slow Set 1960 Thailand Yang Style Tai Chi. Dong Ying Jieh Tai Chi Disciple Lim Bo Yan Demonstrates Classic Yang Style 108 Dong Ying Jieh ,Tung Ying Chieh, Dong Jing Jie (1898-1961) Long Tai Chi Taiji Taijiquan Form. 81 year Old Lim Bo Yan, aka: Lin Bo Yuan, Lam Bo Yuen Demo At 1983 Singapore Taiji Expo. (Part 3 of 3)
