#KiniNews | Najib: Over RM81 million allocation for Jasa unacceptable

  • 2 tahun lalu
Former premier Najib Abdul Razak (Umno-Pekan) said today that the four-fold increase in allocation under Budget 2021 to revive the Special Affairs Department (Jasa) propaganda unit was "unacceptable" and would court public anger.

He said this in his debate of the Supply Bill (Budget) 2021 in the Dewan Rakyat today.

"In times of a crisis when allocations are more needed to save the people, the introduction of a four-fold increased allocation for Jasa compared to times under BN is hard to accept and has courted public anger.

"I can accept if the allocation is used to buy face masks or hand sanitiser for the people or given to parents as a replacement for their children's missed breakfasts under the Rancangan Makanan Tambahan scheme," he said.
