The Hater Movie Clip - Police station - Plot synopsis: After losing her job on a U.S. Senate campaign, a liberal environmentalist returns to her conservative Texas hometown to regroup. Upon learning her childhood nemesis is running for state legislature, she creates an elaborate scheme to go undercover as his opponent on the Republican ticket with the ultimate goal of forcing a Democratic victory.
Director Joey Ally
Writers Joey Ally
Actors Joey Ally, Bruce Dern, Meredith Hagner, Ali Larter, Ian Harding, Nora Dunn
Genre Comedy
Run Time 1 hour 47 minutes
Director Joey Ally
Writers Joey Ally
Actors Joey Ally, Bruce Dern, Meredith Hagner, Ali Larter, Ian Harding, Nora Dunn
Genre Comedy
Run Time 1 hour 47 minutes
Short film