How To Deal With the Bad News Loop

  • 2 years ago
How To Deal With , the Bad News Loop.
War and conflict have dominated
the headlines, further compounding
the grim outlook created by the coronavirus pandemic.
War and conflict have dominated
the headlines, further compounding
the grim outlook created by the coronavirus pandemic.
Health experts say no one has the answers, but you can help yourself to a better emotional place by taking these steps.
When anxiety creeps in and you feel
yourself getting worked up, don't
forget to take a break and breathe.
Experts say if necessary, take a step further and try some meditation.
Experts say if necessary, take a step further and try some meditation.
Get out of your head
and do what feels good.
Deep clean your living space,
redecorate or start working out.
Whatever it is - keep moving!.
Deep clean your living space,
redecorate or start working out.
Whatever it is - keep moving!.
While the state of the world is
so grim, a human connection
could do us all some good.
Try writing a letter to a loved one,
catching up with your neighbors or
giving your best friend a phone call.
Try writing a letter to a loved one,
catching up with your neighbors or
giving your best friend a phone call.
Tune Out.
Stay grounded. Turn off those alerts
and shut off your television. .
Health experts say if the bad news
is getting to you, try checking the
headlines only once or twice a day.
Being informed is imperative, but remember to take it easy on yourself
