Jin Akanishi & Doctor [CTKT ep 94] 2009.01.28

  • 16 years ago
This time the guest is Nishikawa Ayako as Saotome-sensei.
Ayako: Please answer seriously...Your waist hurts?
Jin: That's right, my shoulders too
Ayako: Shoulder gets sore?
Jin: Hai it's pretty bad
Ayako: Then let's huld hands
[subtext: eh?]
Jin: Huld hands?
Ueda: Shouldn't it be hold hands?
Ayako: Let's hold hands...tighter, more tighter, use your whole heart
Maru: Does this has anything to do with shoulder problems?
Ayako: This is checking his hand grip
Maru: Hand grip?
Ayako: Testing to see if the nerves are...hernia
[subtext: no idea.]
Maru: No idea at all what you're talking about
Ayako: So if it's hernia then the nerves will get weaker
Maru: So you're holding hands to check?
Ayako: See if it'll get numb
Ueda: [to Jin] Try to hold it tightly
Jin: [squeeze]
Ayako; That hurts~ [shake hand] that hurts~...nice going
Ayako: Do you have any trouble recently?
Jin: None..that I care about
Ayako: Is that right...
Maru: That's dangerous...it'll come when you least expect it
Ueda: It's better to discover it earlier
Jin: That is quite a scary thing
Ayako: You should spend more time with doctors
[subtext: more time?]
Maru: You'd feel safer
Ayako: More safe right?
Jin: I would feel safer

Ayako: Then let's start..[points]
Jin: Su..ki..su...ki...
Maru: Sensei, please watch yourself
Ayako: Continue
Jin: Suki suki [like]
Ayako: Perfect
[subtext: perfect?]
Jin: It's alright?
Ayako: 2.0 2.0
Ayako: Ready~ Go
Jin: [walks on spot up to 30]
[subtext: huge body distortion.]
Jin: Oh no...
Ueda: You walked too much to the front
Jin: That was bad..
Ayako: This type of distortion will lead to chronic fatigue, and you'll get tired easily
Jin: Ah...
Maru: Not good eh
Jin: Can it be healed?
Ayako: If I do it
[subtext: limited.]
Maru: Other doctors can't?
Ayako: I doubt other doctors can
Maru: Then isn't it really serious?
Credit for translation:stanime of LJ
Credit for video cut: luvjin