How to Create Online Income

  • 15 years ago More and more people are looking to the Internet to make money. And sadly, 80% of them will fail miserably and never make a dime. Only 1% to 2% of them will succeed and create decent online income. The rest will make a few dollars here and there, but nothing substantial. And what is the reason for this? It is not because creating online income is difficult. It is actually very easy, once you know how. There are thousands of ways to make money online. In this video, I will show you how to easily create online income by writing articles. In future videos, I will discuss how to create online income using other techniques. Most people read articles for one reason; they want to learn something. Readers like articles that teach them exactly what they wanted to learn, as opposed to articles full of big words that say nothing. So, how can you create online income by writing? You can begin by writing articles. If you are not sure of the format, you can get tons of article writing information from the link to my website below. There are 2 ways to create online income writing articles. The easiest way is to write articles for others. So, KISS (‘Keep It Simple, Stupid)! You don’t have to be a great writer to create online income writing. If there is one word of advice I can give you, it’s this; write it like you say it. Many people try to write long reports using big words thinking that it will impress others. Nahhh! Readers aren’t impressed that easily. Webmasters and bloggers are always looking for fresh articles to add to their sites. And, fortunately for you, they are willing to pay for it. If you are just beginning to write articles to create online income, you might only be able to get $2.00 to $3.00 per 500 word article. However, even at that low rate, you can easily write 10 articles in a single day and earn $20 to $30 dollars for a few hours work. To find anxious article buyers, go to the large forums like the ...

