Empathy May Be the Key To Overcoming the Political Divide in America

Wibbitz Politics News
Wibbitz Politics News
2 years ago
Empathy , May Be the Key To Overcoming , the Political Divide in America.
'Newsweek' recently offered readers advice
on how empathy could help to overcome
deep political divisions in the United States. .
'Newsweek' recently offered readers advice
on how empathy could help to overcome
deep political divisions in the United States. .
'Newsweek' suggests that people who are
analytical and people who are more emotional
each have advantages in different contexts. .
'Newsweek' suggests that people who are
analytical and people who are more emotional
each have advantages in different contexts. .
A best-case scenario would be one where both sides can value and respect one another's opinions and take advantage of those differences. .
An example of a worst-case scenario,
according to 'Newsweek,' would be
the current state of American politics. .
In the U.S., rather than moderate politicians
contributing to constructive dialogues,
two extremes appear to be pulling people
toward opposite points of no return. .
'Newsweek' suggests considering
the sage advice of late educator
and author Steven Covey, who said, , "To seek first to understand
and then to be understood.".
According to 'Newsweek,' it's all about using empathy
to lay the groundwork for a productive conversation. .
The first step is deciding to , bridge the divide, between yourself and someone with a differing opinion. .
This can be accomplished by asking questions to try
and reach an understanding of where the other person
is coming from and why they feel the way they do. .
This can be accomplished by asking questions to try
and reach an understanding of where the other person
is coming from and why they feel the way they do. .
Empathy, or the ability to put oneself in another's
position, may be the key for the United States
to resolve the nation's broadening political divide.
