00:00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:00:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:31Come in.
00:01:35Dr. Sloan?
00:01:38I'm sorry to disturb you, sir, but it's urgent.
00:01:41What's wrong?
00:01:43There's a sick man in drawing room B and his wife's half out of her mind. I wonder if you'd take a look at him, sir.
00:01:48What does he complain of?
00:01:50I don't know, sir, but he sure sounds bad, and I'd appreciate it if you'd...
00:01:53All right, I'll be with you in a minute.
00:01:57You are a medical doctor, aren't you, sir?
00:01:59I'm afraid so. There are times when I wish I were a veterinarian.
00:02:18Well, doctor, what is it?
00:02:21He'll be all right.
00:02:23Can I go to him now?
00:02:26Yes, maybe you'd better stay with him. I'll be right back and give him something to relieve the pain.
00:02:36Is it serious, doctor?
00:02:38Symptoms point to polio.
00:02:41Unless we work fast, we may be in for a lot of complications.
00:02:44But what can we do?
00:02:46We must get him to a hospital as soon as possible. What's the next stop?
00:02:49Phoenix, sir, 4 a.m.
00:02:52Three and a half hours. It's too far, too late.
00:02:56Now, I can't take that much of a chance.
00:02:59Well, sir, I don't...
00:03:01Wait a minute. We go through Winston, don't we?
00:03:04Yes, sir.
00:03:06In about an hour, but we don't stop there.
00:03:08Well, we will tonight.
00:03:10There's a hospital in Winston, small but well-equipped.
00:03:14All right, now here's what has to be done.
00:03:17Identify the engineer and then wire ahead to the stationmaster at Winston to have an ambulance meet the train.
00:03:21We've got to work fast.
00:03:23Above all, stay calm. Keep this to ourselves.
00:03:26Is it contagious, sir?
00:03:28Yes, this car will have to be quarantined until I get him off at Winston.
00:03:31And then you must seal up the compartment.
00:03:33No one need know anything about it.
00:03:35What cars are ahead of this one?
00:03:37The baggage car.
00:03:38Well, that simplifies things.
00:03:40Porter, I...
00:03:41I want you to stay in the car behind this
00:03:43and make absolutely sure that no one enters or leaves this one.
00:03:46Is that clear?
00:03:47Yes, sir.
00:03:48Get on it right away.
00:03:51We're getting close to Desert Junction.
00:03:53I better get that wire ready for the dispatcher.
00:03:55There's one more thing.
00:03:56I'm going to need a hypodermic and some drugs from my suitcase.
00:03:59It's been checked through.
00:04:00You'll have to let me into the baggage car first.
00:04:02Of course. Follow me.
00:04:12Hiya, Bill. What's up?
00:04:14This is Dr. Sloan.
00:04:15A passenger took sick suddenly.
00:04:17He needs some medicine from his suitcase, okay?
00:04:32This gentleman's a doctor, Eddie.
00:04:35There's a guy sick in the back.
00:04:37Get the doc's bag and make it snappy.
00:04:39You got a baggage check?
00:04:40Oh, yes.
00:04:43Here it is.
00:04:48This guy bad off?
00:04:49He'll be all right.
00:04:52What's wrong with him?
00:04:53I'm not sure.
00:04:56Sometimes he eats too much.
00:04:58When the train rolls at night.
00:05:01Hurry up, will you, Eddie?
00:05:02Okay, okay.
00:05:03Right up here, please.
00:05:05Take it easy. There's glasses.
00:05:07Is that okay?
00:05:08Yes, thank you. That's fine.
00:05:19Got what you need, doc?
00:05:23Put up your hands, please.
00:05:37Unbuckle your gun belt.
00:05:41Drop it!
00:05:45Now move over to the door.
00:05:48Lay on the floor, face down. Hurry up!
00:05:55Put your hands behind your back.
00:06:07What the...?
00:06:08Shut up!
00:06:10Easy, Eddie. He's got a gun.
00:06:38Come on.
00:06:50He's there.
00:06:53Come on.
00:09:55What are you trying to do, smother me?
00:09:57I'm sorry, darling.
00:09:59I thought it would help you sleep.
00:10:01I'm too excited.
00:10:03Yeah, me too.
00:10:05What time is it?
00:10:07You don't have to whisper.
00:10:10I always whisper in the dark.
00:10:12Is it time to get up?
00:10:13No, it's too early.
00:10:15Go back to bed.
00:10:16Oh, I'll sleep on the plane.
00:10:18Do you realize, Mr. Noman, by this time tomorrow we'll be in Mexico City?
00:10:23Mexico City.
00:10:25I know how you feel.
00:10:27Ah, it'll be wonderful.
00:10:29Mexico City, Taxco, Puebla.
00:10:32Xoch... Xoch...
00:10:38So you pronounce it better than I do.
00:10:40Easy, Xochimilco.
00:10:42That's where the streets are paved with flowers.
00:10:46And they use boats for taxis.
00:10:52You know that Mexican song you brought home yesterday?
00:10:54I can't get it out of my mind.
00:10:57Salud Felicidad Amor.
00:10:59It means health, happiness, and love.
00:11:01If you've got those and money, you're not entitled to gripe.
00:11:04We have them, darling.
00:11:07But not in the right proportions.
00:11:10Well, if we're lacking money, I'll make up in the love department.
00:11:19Hello, Norman speaking.
00:11:24In 15 minutes, but...
00:11:27Who was it?
00:11:33He'll be over in 15 minutes.
00:11:34Why? What's happened?
00:11:35I don't know, but it's not a social call.
00:11:37What didn't he tell you?
00:11:38No, he didn't say.
00:11:39Well, he must have told you something.
00:11:40He didn't tell me anything. We'll know when he gets here.
00:11:46Until they reached Phoenix at 4 a.m., they didn't even know anything was wrong.
00:11:49They couldn't get in the baggage car. They had to bus their way in.
00:11:52Some more coffee, Mr. Hendricks?
00:11:53Oh, thanks. Don't mind if I do.
00:11:56That's when they found him, unconscious, the safe blown wide open.
00:11:59How much did they get, Sam?
00:12:00Everything but the silver.
00:12:02A half a million.
00:12:03$500,000 in small notes.
00:12:06Well, I guess that about covers it. Let's get out of the airport.
00:12:09Now, wait a minute. You've ruined my vacation. At least let me finish my coffee.
00:12:13I'm sorry about this.
00:12:15We did count on this vacation. Charlie's been tired lately and edgy.
00:12:19I know, I know. I upset all your plans.
00:12:21But this calls for top handling.
00:12:23What about Jackson?
00:12:24Not enough experience.
00:12:26Nadia? Jerry Klein? Rogers?
00:12:28A phony accident claim, a routine investigation, yes. But for this?
00:12:33I guess I'm it.
00:12:34Now, look, Charlie. This is our biggest policy. We're out on a limb for half a million.
00:12:38You retrieve it, and maybe the company will buy your Mexican holiday.
00:12:43Who's coming for the railroad?
00:12:45Joe Armstrong. He's going on ahead to Phoenix. He's a friend of yours, isn't he?
00:12:48He usually has Sunday dinner with us.
00:12:50Every once in a while, we run after the same fires.
00:12:53Good. And you work as a team.
00:12:56Come on, come on. We're late.
00:12:57I'll be right with you.
00:13:07Baby, I'm sorry I blew up at you.
00:13:09I know how much the vacation meant to you.
00:13:12To me, too.
00:13:13It's only postponed. We'll get there.
00:13:17Sure we will.
00:13:19Take care.
00:13:24Yeah, I'll check it.
00:13:33Still at it, Joe. Can't you remember anything?
00:13:36What's right there, you can see.
00:13:38What you see, you can remember.
00:13:40How are you, Charlie?
00:13:42A little sleepy.
00:13:44You'll wake up.
00:13:46Yeah, I'm back in a minute.
00:13:48I'll be back in a minute.
00:13:50You'll wake up.
00:13:52Yeah, if I save the company half a million bucks, I get a week in Mexico on the house.
00:13:56You're lucky.
00:13:58All I get is polish from a badge.
00:14:00How's Ruth?
00:14:01She's okay.
00:14:07Hi, Charlie.
00:14:08Hello, Pete.
00:14:09Your baby?
00:14:11How do you like the look of it?
00:14:12It is how we found it.
00:14:14Neat job.
00:14:15Yeah, technique and precision. A real pro.
00:14:18Blew her open like a penny balloon.
00:14:20Liquid nitro?
00:14:22What did they use, shape charge?
00:14:24That's a new one.
00:14:25Shape charge, the stuff the Army's been fooling around with.
00:14:27That's it.
00:14:29How's it work?
00:14:30Well, in simple terms, it's an explosive molded into the shape of a cone so that the force of the explosion is directed.
00:14:36Like a blowtorch.
00:14:37Oh, I get it.
00:14:39In other words, they just blew out that hinge in the lot, huh?
00:14:42But, uh, how'd they set it off?
00:14:44Well, either an electric battery or a detonator.
00:14:46We found pieces of wire.
00:14:49What's this?
00:14:51Muffler, probably.
00:14:52It's just a bed pad.
00:14:53We'll know more when we get it down to the lab.
00:14:59Yeah, that's where they found them.
00:15:01Dead to the world.
00:15:03We're ready to go with the witnesses.
00:15:04You want to question them now?
00:15:05Oh, sure.
00:15:06Where are they?
00:15:07In the other car.
00:15:09Okay, Charlie.
00:15:10Let's go.
00:15:12Well, I knew he was a doctor on account of the telegram.
00:15:16Well, I guess he just looked like anybody.
00:15:21You know, kind of average.
00:15:26It was just like a sting all of a sudden here.
00:15:31We had a baggage check.
00:15:32I found a suitcase right away.
00:15:35Yes, sir.
00:15:36I'm positive she was a blonde.
00:15:37A blonde?
00:15:38A blonde.
00:15:41That tells us a lot.
00:15:56No prints, nothing.
00:16:00Brand new bed pad.
00:16:01Never been washed.
00:16:02You can buy those in any store.
00:16:03Wires are just wires.
00:16:04Dime store stuff.
00:16:05Everything wiped clean.
00:16:07Well, they don't seem to have overlooked a thing.
00:16:10There's got to be something.
00:16:11There always is.
00:16:13You know where to look for it.
00:16:14Winston, let's check on that ambulance.
00:16:16Yes, sir.
00:16:35The ambulance men were playing cards, you know, just killing time.
00:16:38About 12.30, these two guys come in armed.
00:16:41They work fast and quiet.
00:16:43Up with your hands and turn to the wall.
00:16:45Then they conk some on the head.
00:16:47Petey, send Bill out to get some cold lemonade, will you?
00:16:50Right, Jack.
00:16:51Like a well-rehearsed troupe of actors, they thought of everything.
00:16:54No chance of a slip-up.
00:16:56The wire came, they had the ambulance, and they were ready.
00:16:59Wasn't that a long shot?
00:17:00Couldn't the stationmaster have called direct to the hospital for an ambulance?
00:17:05Well, it wouldn't have made any difference, Joe.
00:17:07I checked.
00:17:08There isn't another ambulance within 65 miles of here.
00:17:13Someone masterminded this pretty carefully.
00:17:16They case this town inside a nut.
00:17:19Maybe we can get a lead that way.
00:17:21Oh, I doubt it.
00:17:23Too many tourists in Winston this time of the year.
00:17:25They all ask questions.
00:17:26A couple more nosing around wouldn't cause much of a stir.
00:17:30How about the missing ambulance?
00:17:31Not so much as a nibble so far.
00:17:33Every department in the state's looking for it.
00:17:36They've got roadblocks, posse's.
00:17:38Even got a helicopter from Phoenix.
00:17:41They wouldn't get very far with an ambulance on the main highway.
00:17:45That's right, they couldn't.
00:17:46It would attract too much attention.
00:17:48That's what I told them.
00:17:49I said they wouldn't go far in that ambulance.
00:17:52They'd ditch it and ditch it close.
00:17:54I'll bet it's not far from town.
00:17:56It'll show up.
00:17:57It better.
00:17:58There isn't much else we can do until it does.
00:18:01Sure is.
00:18:04We can eat.
00:18:07See you, Jack.
00:18:08So long.
00:18:10See you.
00:18:18What's the matter with you?
00:18:20Nerves, I guess.
00:18:22Take it easy, kid.
00:18:24We haven't even started yet.
00:18:29Been in this hole for hours and haven't figured an escape hatch yet.
00:18:33Here's something to occupy your mind.
00:18:34Listen to this.
00:18:36Porter delivers wire to compartment B, 9.50 p.m.
00:18:39Woman calls conductor, 12.30 a.m.
00:18:41Wire dispatched to Winston, 12.55 a.m.
00:18:45In Winston, 12.30 a.m.
00:18:47Ambulance, men knocked out.
00:18:49Sometime between 12.30 a.m. and 1.30, robbery occurs.
00:18:53Train pulls into Winston, 1.40.
00:18:55Ambulance waiting.
00:18:561.50 a.m., ambulance drives off.
00:18:59It's open, train pulls out.
00:19:02Reads like a freight dispatcher's timetable.
00:19:05Everything in place, no loose ends, no leads.
00:19:09So far.
00:19:11Sounds like the beginning of a perfect crime.
00:19:13Must have been something to watch.
00:19:15Save your admiration, Charlie.
00:19:17I've been a cop for a long time.
00:19:19I've seen some good jobs and bad jobs.
00:19:21But I've never seen a perfect one.
00:19:24Well, it's always the first time, Jim.
00:19:25No, no, there's no such thing as a perfect crime.
00:19:28Just a lucky one.
00:19:30But their luck will run out.
00:19:33Well, it's not gonna run out tonight.
00:19:34I think I'll go back to the hotel and call Ruth,
00:19:36tell her we're gonna be stuck here for a while.
00:19:43Make that wheat toast.
00:19:44Right, be with you in a minute.
00:19:46Wheat toast and two coffees, Jimmy.
00:19:55What have you been?
00:19:56Checking the ambulance reports as they came in.
00:19:59A highway patrol helicopter spotted 20 miles out of town.
00:20:02I told you, the first break.
00:20:04Maybe their luck's beginning to run out.
00:20:06Finish the coffee, let's get out there.
00:20:10What a good night's sleep can do.
00:20:28Look, Joe, we're wasting time.
00:20:29Well, maybe they slipped.
00:20:30They've been too careful.
00:20:31Let's forget about the ambulance and find out where they went.
00:20:33I've been trying to find out.
00:20:35It's not where they went that's bothering me, it's how.
00:20:37One thing's for sure, they didn't drive.
00:20:39Well, how do you know?
00:20:40The ground, it's too dry.
00:20:41Dry as powder.
00:20:42No other tracks, just the ambulance.
00:20:44Yeah, but how?
00:20:48Maybe there's your answer, Joe.
00:21:04We got the copter over in the field.
00:21:08We're in the first floor.
00:21:19And plenty of it.
00:21:22See what I mean, Charlie?
00:21:24Their luck's beginning to run out.
00:21:33Why is it so much hotter here in Riverside than L.A.?
00:21:38What do you make of the blood?
00:21:40Don't know.
00:21:42Nobody was hurt in the robbery.
00:21:44Maybe somebody was too greedy.
00:21:47Could have been an accident.
00:21:51But it doesn't matter either way.
00:21:53What do you mean by that?
00:21:55It's only important who was hurt or how.
00:21:57The important thing is it wasn't on the timetable.
00:22:00And that's what's going to trap them, Charlie.
00:22:02Everything was too well timed.
00:22:04No leeway.
00:22:05And if they went off schedule once...
00:22:07Just once.
00:22:21Huh? What?
00:22:23Oh, it's you.
00:22:24Oh, my neck.
00:22:28The C.A.A. report.
00:22:30The copter belonged to a guy named Al Wolfe.
00:22:32He runs a charter service in Burbank.
00:22:35I doubt it.
00:22:38He reported it missing four weeks ago.
00:22:42Well, let's go have a talk with him anyway.
00:22:44We may get something.
00:22:48Free ride around the airport.
00:23:04Hey, Mac.
00:23:19Wolfe around?
00:23:21Yeah, he's around.
00:23:24Will you get him for us?
00:23:26Yeah, sure.
00:23:28Hey, Wolfe!
00:23:32Hey, Wolfe!
00:23:41How many planes can I sell you guys?
00:23:45We're checking on the guy who chartered your copter about four weeks ago.
00:23:47Oh, yeah.
00:23:49Well, it's like I told the C.A.A.
00:23:51The guy looked perfectly all right.
00:23:53He had a license and legit reason and...
00:23:56Cash. Lots of cash.
00:23:57How was I supposed to know he's a phony?
00:23:59You know, times ain't so good right now.
00:24:01A hundred buck a day jobs don't come along every day in the week.
00:24:04The reason he gave you, what was it?
00:24:07He said he was flying up to Nevada.
00:24:09Something to do with uranium.
00:24:11He was going to look over a claim, I think he said.
00:24:13And you believed him?
00:24:15Oh, look, buddy, I told you.
00:24:17He had a lot of cash.
00:24:19Paid me for six days.
00:24:21He could have said he was going to the moon.
00:24:23But he didn't.
00:24:24He could have said he was going to the moon.
00:24:27Remember what he looked like?
00:24:31Sure, he was a nice looking guy.
00:24:33Very pleasant personality.
00:24:35That all you can remember?
00:24:37Well, he was a big guy.
00:24:40And, like I said, a very pleasant personality.
00:24:44I would have thought he was a phony.
00:24:47Thank you very much, Mr. Wolfe.
00:24:49We'll be in touch with you.
00:24:51Hey, what about my copter?
00:24:52Sorry, but we'll have to hang on to it for a while.
00:24:54It's been impounded as evidence,
00:24:56but we'll get it back to you as soon as possible.
00:24:58Look, I need it now.
00:25:00I can rent it to a movie company.
00:25:02They're making a flying picture.
00:25:04Now it's time to make a western.
00:25:07Are you sure you don't want to lie down for a while, honey?
00:25:09You look beat.
00:25:11I already told you I've got work to do.
00:25:13If I lie down, it piles up.
00:25:15I'll get buried under it.
00:25:17But it can wait for an hour, can't it?
00:25:19Darling, you shouldn't drive yourself like this.
00:25:20You've just got to relax.
00:25:22Got to relax?
00:25:24Let me rub your forehead, let me get your slippers.
00:25:26Ruthie, what do you know about this?
00:25:28Why don't you just leave me alone?
00:25:30You mustn't fly off like that.
00:25:34All right, so I won't fly off.
00:25:36You won't make anything happen sooner
00:25:38by beating yourself.
00:25:40You know what Joe says.
00:25:42You've just got to have patience.
00:25:44Yeah, I know what Joe says.
00:25:46And patience is fine for a guy like Joe.
00:25:48It goes with his two-pants suit,
00:25:50but for me, patience is poison.
00:25:54Charlie, can't I help?
00:26:02What could you do?
00:26:04You've never tested me, Charlie.
00:26:06Let's not begin now.
00:26:12I'll be there in a half hour.
00:26:14I'm sorry, dear, I've got to go.
00:26:30What went wrong?
00:26:32What happened? Who got hurt?
00:26:34Charlie, please.
00:26:35Which one?
00:26:38His own gun.
00:26:39He tripped getting in the plane.
00:26:40Stupid fool, the getaway was timed.
00:26:41I'm moving fast, Charlie.
00:26:42It was an accident.
00:26:43An accident.
00:26:44I'll take that back.
00:26:45Now we don't want any more accidents.
00:26:47What was he carrying a gun for?
00:26:48He had an idea.
00:26:49I had a timetable.
00:26:52For months, I studied the east and the westbound trains.
00:26:55I rode the coaches like a candy butcher.
00:26:57I memorized the baggage car.
00:26:59I studied the crew movements, the compartment layout.
00:27:01I rehearsed every move with you and Paul over and over and over.
00:27:03What could we do?
00:27:04He had to stay with Lombard.
00:27:05We couldn't just let him die.
00:27:07You wouldn't have wanted that, would you?
00:27:09Would you, Charlie?
00:27:13No, of course not.
00:27:15How bad is he?
00:27:16Not good.
00:27:17Let me have it straight.
00:27:18Will Lombard pull through?
00:27:19Well, Paul keeps telling us...
00:27:20Is Paul taking care of him now?
00:27:22Yes, he's doing everything he can.
00:27:24Paul's still a good doctor, Charlie.
00:27:25As good as when I married him.
00:27:27He hasn't had a drink in four days.
00:27:28He better not.
00:27:29Where are they?
00:27:30In Chatsworth.
00:27:31Wolf took us to a place.
00:27:34You're full of surprises, aren't you?
00:27:36Wolf's part in the job was over when he landed that helicopter.
00:27:39I told Paul to pay everyone off and split up.
00:27:40We had to go somewhere.
00:27:42So Wolf steps into the picture.
00:27:43Wolf doesn't know about you.
00:27:44He still thinks Paul planned it.
00:27:45I still don't like it.
00:27:47Now that Wolf knows, we all run a risk.
00:27:49What else could we do?
00:27:51Why did you switch the schedule?
00:27:52You were supposed to be in Mexico City.
00:27:53What are you doing here?
00:27:55You're the mastermind.
00:27:56Shut up, Linda.
00:27:57You're every minute ticked off for each of us.
00:27:59If you'd followed your own timetable, you'd have been there.
00:28:01I'm telling you to shut up.
00:28:02Well, why didn't you leave?
00:28:03Why didn't you carry out your end?
00:28:04I couldn't, you little fool.
00:28:05I couldn't.
00:28:06You mean you wouldn't.
00:28:07You thought Paul and I double-crossed you, didn't you?
00:28:09Didn't you?
00:28:16I'm on the case, Linda.
00:28:17The company assigned me to recover the money.
00:28:21I could roll with that one.
00:28:23I thought you were in Mexico City,
00:28:24but when I called the hotel from Winston,
00:28:25you weren't there either.
00:28:26I nearly went out of my mind.
00:28:28I didn't know what had gone wrong.
00:28:30All I knew is I had to get back to L.A.
00:28:31if I had to leave them here by the hand.
00:28:33We found the plane.
00:28:34The blood.
00:28:41I nearly went crazy.
00:28:42Whose blood?
00:28:43Which one?
00:28:46I'm frightened.
00:28:47There's nothing to be frightened of, Linda.
00:28:49What I know, I can handle.
00:28:51Are you sure?
00:28:53I'm positive.
00:28:55There's nothing to be frightened of.
00:28:56Aren't you ever afraid?
00:28:58Why should I be?
00:29:00My job is to catch myself.
00:29:02From here on, I control everything.
00:29:03I know what they're looking for.
00:29:04I can stop them from finding it.
00:29:06Sometimes you scare me.
00:29:09There's nothing to be frightened of, Linda.
00:29:11It just takes more time.
00:29:12That's what going off schedule means.
00:29:13More time.
00:29:14Until they run themselves ragged and give up.
00:29:16What about Paul?
00:29:17Maybe he won't want to wait.
00:29:18It doesn't matter what he wants.
00:29:20He'll do what I tell him.
00:29:21He has the money.
00:29:23Tell him I want to see him tomorrow here with the money.
00:29:27All right, Linda.
00:29:28There's nothing to be frightened of.
00:29:41I love you, Linda.
00:29:43I love you.
00:29:44I love you.
00:30:12Took your time.
00:30:13I had to be careful.
00:30:14I wasn't sure this was the place.
00:30:16Then I heard the music.
00:30:17Little Linda's favorite song.
00:30:19Health, happiness.
00:30:20The money?
00:30:22It's all there.
00:30:24The key.
00:30:29Very nice.
00:30:32No, it belongs to a friend of mine.
00:30:34What about Lombard? How is he?
00:30:37Your friend isn't an enemy of alcohol, is he?
00:30:40Lombard didn't have a chance.
00:30:41I did everything I could, Charlie.
00:30:43Short of transfusions, wonder drugs, and prayer.
00:30:48I was a very good surgeon, you know, until...
00:30:54What about that drink, huh?
00:31:09What did you do with the body?
00:31:11Wolf's getting rid of it.
00:31:13Don't worry, Charlie.
00:31:14He knows what he's doing.
00:31:15A very good amateur undertaker, Wolf.
00:31:19Very expensive, too.
00:31:21That was a funeral that wouldn't wait.
00:31:24He wanted Lombard's share for doing the job.
00:31:27Did you give it to him?
00:31:28Sure, why not?
00:31:29What's $15,000?
00:31:30There's plenty that go around.
00:31:36What about the Ammons boys?
00:31:37Pay them off, too?
00:31:38Oh, yes.
00:31:39First night.
00:31:40They're going back to their country, Varna.
00:31:41Just as we planned.
00:31:43You did a great job, Paul.
00:31:44The only lead was the copter.
00:31:45I planned on that.
00:31:47Armstrong swallowed Wolf's story whole.
00:31:51Railroad's prized cop.
00:31:52We're a team.
00:31:54Oh, yeah.
00:31:55Linda told me about that.
00:31:57Has great possibilities for a man with an iron nerve.
00:32:01Poor Wolf.
00:32:04If he knew who you really are...
00:32:07He swallowed you for a cop.
00:32:10Don't be too amused.
00:32:11I've got to be head and tail on the same coin.
00:32:14It means changing our plans.
00:32:17Our plans?
00:32:20I hardly see, Charlie, how your personal complications affect me.
00:32:24I was in this for one thing, the money.
00:32:26Now I've got it, and I intend to enjoy it.
00:32:31Just how are you thinking of doing that?
00:32:34Going to Mexico.
00:32:35Just like you planned.
00:32:37We won't go together, that's all.
00:32:40How far do you think you'd get?
00:32:42You're a fool, Paul.
00:32:43Well, Charlie, all I meant...
00:32:44I know what you meant.
00:32:45Don't even think of it.
00:32:46We lost our chance for a quick getaway.
00:32:48Lombard's bungling fixed that.
00:32:49It's too late now, do you understand?
00:32:51I could make it, Charlie.
00:32:52I know I could.
00:32:54Without anybody to give you orders?
00:32:56You'd be a cop every two feet.
00:32:57You couldn't slip a bag of popcorn past them.
00:32:59They'd pick you up in five minutes.
00:33:03What are we going to do?
00:33:06Charlie, what do you want us to do?
00:33:08Hold up and wait.
00:33:09We've got all the time in the world.
00:33:11When can we go?
00:33:13When I tell you and how I tell you.
00:33:14Paul, you're great.
00:33:16You're just great, as long as you're following orders.
00:33:18But the next time you get an original idea,
00:33:19remember when we first ran into each other.
00:33:21You were trying to beat the company with a claim
00:33:23that any ten-year-old kid could have seen through.
00:33:25Yes, I remember, Charlie.
00:33:26You pulled me out of that hole.
00:33:28I suppose you can pull us out of this one.
00:33:32What's next?
00:33:33Get clear of Wolf's place and Wolf.
00:33:35Move into a motel.
00:33:36Don't spend more than one night.
00:33:37Keep moving south.
00:33:38Chat with me every day.
00:33:39Let me know where you are and wait.
00:33:41All right.
00:33:44Well, get started.
00:33:47Don't you want a counter?
00:33:52I trust you, Paul.
00:33:54Sure you do.
00:33:55We trust each other.
00:33:57I'll have to tell Linda
00:33:58to be more careful with her lipsticks.
00:34:05Or will you tell her?
00:34:10And she said that she'd talk to you on the phone.
00:34:26Oh, by the way, Charlie,
00:34:29you wouldn't have liked her blonde.
00:34:33Very unexciting.
00:34:47What's the matter, Joe?
00:34:48You run out of notebooks?
00:34:50What you can see, you can remember.
00:34:52My old man taught me this trick.
00:34:55What was he, a football coach?
00:34:58No, just a cracker barrel philosopher
00:35:00and sheriff of Hainesburg, Missouri.
00:35:04When he was on a case,
00:35:06he'd write everything down on a blackboard.
00:35:09Ever solve anything that way?
00:35:12Never missed one.
00:35:15He'd sit in front of it for hours,
00:35:17studying the cold facts.
00:35:19When they'd sunk in,
00:35:21he'd erase them.
00:35:24Then he'd start thinking about people.
00:35:26That's okay if you know who you're thinking about.
00:35:29But this isn't the case of who stole Palmer Brown's cow.
00:35:36What's the doctor for?
00:35:38Nothing's turned up on any stolen medical supplies.
00:35:42No illegal drug sales.
00:35:44Anyway, that guy knew what he was doing
00:35:45when he came to giving a hypo.
00:35:47Just a possibility, that's all.
00:35:54A lot of doctors in the country, Joe.
00:35:56Yeah, I know.
00:35:58You planning on checking all of them?
00:36:00If I have to.
00:36:05What happens when you get to the end of that line?
00:36:08What about all the retired medics?
00:36:10And those that have been barred from practice?
00:36:13Look, we'll be checking a lot of them.
00:36:15Look, we'll be checking a lot of things
00:36:17within the next few weeks.
00:36:19Most of it won't mean much,
00:36:20but every now and then something may jive.
00:36:23When it does, we'll write it down.
00:36:26Keep your eye on that blackboard, Charlie.
00:36:29When we erase the facts,
00:36:31we've got our case.
00:36:38I'll get it, Ruthie.
00:36:39Norman speaking.
00:36:40Charlie, Joe.
00:36:42Can you meet me downtown,
00:36:43Lincoln Heights Station?
00:36:45Yeah, what for?
00:36:47I think we got the bum
00:36:48who drove the car from Riverside.
00:37:10Give me a cigarette, will you, Joe?
00:37:23Let's try it again, Frankie.
00:37:25Give me a break, Joe.
00:37:27I'll get it.
00:37:29I'll get it.
00:37:31Give me a break.
00:37:33Give me a break.
00:37:35Give me a break.
00:37:37Give me a break.
00:37:39Give me a break, will you?
00:37:40I drove a car, that's all.
00:37:42I didn't have anything to do with the robbery.
00:37:43I didn't even know there was a robbery
00:37:44until I read in the papers.
00:37:48Stop taking long shots, Frankie.
00:37:50Your luck ran out.
00:37:58He's here.
00:38:01It's true.
00:38:02You've got to believe me.
00:38:03Some guy came up to me.
00:38:04What guy?
00:38:05I don't know his name.
00:38:06Just a guy.
00:38:08Said he'd seen me hanging around L.A.
00:38:10looking for a hungry buck.
00:38:12Wanted to know if I'd like
00:38:13to make some quick dough.
00:38:15And you said, sure.
00:38:17What else could I say?
00:38:18Hey, I was down to eating beans.
00:38:21All he wanted me to do
00:38:22was send a wire to some character
00:38:23on the train
00:38:24and then drive a car
00:38:25up to him and say,
00:38:26hey, I'm hungry.
00:38:27All he wanted me to do
00:38:28was send a wire to some character
00:38:29on the train
00:38:30and then drive a car
00:38:31up to a field in Riverside.
00:38:32That's all.
00:38:33A perfectly honest job.
00:38:34I thought it was legitimate.
00:38:36What did he say he'd pay you?
00:38:38A dollar an hour.
00:38:39What did he pay you?
00:38:45Five thousand dollars.
00:38:49That's quite a day's pay.
00:38:51Go on.
00:38:53I did it.
00:38:54I was in that field
00:38:55when he told me to be.
00:38:56Could have knocked me over
00:38:57when that cop that came in.
00:38:59They tell you what they've been up to?
00:39:02They are honest.
00:39:04See, nobody said anything.
00:39:05All the way into San Badu.
00:39:06Nobody said nothing.
00:39:07Only this guy moaning and bleeding.
00:39:08Nobody said anything.
00:39:09They gave me the creeps.
00:39:10Come on, Frankie.
00:39:11That's a long drive.
00:39:12I just told you.
00:39:13Nobody said nothing.
00:39:14There was just this guy and...
00:39:17What was it, Frankie?
00:39:19What did you just remember?
00:39:22it was his dame, see?
00:39:24What about the dame?
00:39:26Look, this guy's moaning
00:39:27must have gotten on her nerves
00:39:28because she said a couple of things
00:39:29to one of the guys who shot her up.
00:39:31What did she say?
00:39:32I don't know.
00:39:33See, it sounded kind of foreign,
00:39:34like, uh,
00:39:36Nam Breeze,
00:39:38well, Nam.
00:39:39It was Nam something.
00:39:41How about the de Dios?
00:39:42How does that sound?
00:39:43Yeah, that's it.
00:39:45Anything else you can remember?
00:39:47No, nothing.
00:39:48That's all there was.
00:39:49See, I drove the cop back to San Badu.
00:39:50The guy paid me off.
00:39:51He told me to squint.
00:39:52Who paid you?
00:39:54I don't know.
00:39:56It was dark.
00:39:57I couldn't see anything.
00:39:58I hung around San Badu
00:39:59a couple of days
00:40:00and then I got restless.
00:40:01See, I'm always getting restless
00:40:02moving around.
00:40:14Will you come in, please?
00:40:16All right.
00:40:23Ever seen this man before, Frankie?
00:40:27Recognize him?
00:40:31Take your time.
00:40:52Is that all?
00:40:54That's all, Mr. Wolf.
00:40:55Thanks for coming down.
00:41:18What do you want?
00:41:20I'd just like a word with you,
00:41:21if you don't mind.
00:41:22Why don't you guys leave me alone?
00:41:26I don't like people
00:41:27busting in here,
00:41:28cops or no cops.
00:41:30I'm not a cop.
00:41:31I'm an insurance investigator.
00:41:34Well, I don't need any, mister.
00:41:40I'm not a cop.
00:41:41I'm an insurance investigator.
00:41:43Well, I don't need any, mister.
00:41:48It's a cozy place you've got here.
00:41:51Do you mind?
00:41:53I'm superstitious.
00:41:56You know, if I thought
00:41:57you were gonna case my couch,
00:41:58I'd have had soft lights
00:42:00and sweet music.
00:42:04No, I'd just like you
00:42:05to answer a couple of questions.
00:42:06Now, look, mister.
00:42:08Why don't you go back
00:42:09to your insurance boss
00:42:10and tell him that you drew a blank?
00:42:12I already told you
00:42:13and I know the guy,
00:42:14the cop, everything.
00:42:15I'm fresh out of answers.
00:42:18Maybe you aren't, maybe you aren't.
00:42:20What does that mean?
00:42:22Frankie Page,
00:42:23he seemed to know you.
00:42:25But it turned out he didn't,
00:42:26after all,
00:42:27you were there.
00:42:32A couple of nights in jail, though,
00:42:33may refresh his memory.
00:42:39All right.
00:42:41You've got something on your mind.
00:42:42What is it?
00:42:43Did you kill Harry Lombard?
00:42:48When's the last time you saw him?
00:42:50Three years ago.
00:42:51You're lying, Wolf.
00:42:52Did you ever see Frankie Page before?
00:42:54Wolf, you're too sharp
00:42:55a poker player
00:42:56to run a bluff in a game like this.
00:42:57What's that supposed to mean?
00:42:58Frankie Page,
00:42:59you may remember.
00:43:00He may talk.
00:43:01It could mean 20 years.
00:43:03Count him, Wolf, 20.
00:43:05Lay off me, will you?
00:43:06You kill Harry Lombard
00:43:07and bury his body in Chatsworth?
00:43:10You kill Harry Lombard
00:43:11and bury his body in Chatsworth?
00:43:12Leave me alone.
00:43:13You own a ranch in Chatsworth,
00:43:14don't you?
00:43:15Is it a crime to own real estate?
00:43:18Just so long as you don't use it
00:43:19as a private cemetery.
00:43:21I told you, I don't own nothing.
00:43:23Not even Paul Bruckner?
00:43:28Come, clean Wolf,
00:43:29you've been tailed
00:43:30since the first day of this case.
00:43:31Every move,
00:43:32every phone call,
00:43:33everybody you saw.
00:43:34Why'd you kill Harry Lombard?
00:43:35I didn't kill him.
00:43:36It was an accident.
00:43:37His gun went off,
00:43:38and then Bruckner...
00:43:41You and Bruckner,
00:43:42you planned this whole thing,
00:43:43didn't you?
00:43:45No, it was Bruckner.
00:43:46He just came to me
00:43:47and asked me if I wanted
00:43:48to make some dough.
00:43:49How do you know
00:43:50you weren't Simon Pure?
00:43:51Well, somebody told him
00:43:52I used to fly wetbacks
00:43:53up from Mexico.
00:43:54Who told him?
00:43:55I don't know.
00:43:56Maybe his dame.
00:43:57I don't know.
00:43:58It was a long time ago.
00:43:59I just thought I was gonna
00:44:00pick up some wetbacks
00:44:01near Winston.
00:44:02I don't know nothing
00:44:03about no robbery.
00:44:06The DA wouldn't buy that
00:44:07if you were blind drunk, Wolf.
00:44:0920 years.
00:44:11Wait a minute.
00:44:12Wait a minute.
00:44:21I was in on it.
00:44:22I knew what I was doing,
00:44:23but I didn't plan it.
00:44:24It was Bruckner.
00:44:25Bruckner was the brains.
00:44:26He set it up.
00:44:27That's who you were protecting?
00:44:30But no more.
00:44:32You'll leave this to him?
00:44:35What's in it for me?
00:44:38Wolf, there's a time to wheel
00:44:39and a time to deal.
00:44:42This isn't your time.
00:44:54They ran out on me.
00:44:56Him and his wife.
00:44:57They got all the dough.
00:44:58I didn't get nothing.
00:44:59A couple of grand, nothing.
00:45:00You know where they are now?
00:45:02Yeah, I know where they are.
00:45:04They were staying at my place
00:45:05in Chicago.
00:45:06They were staying at my place
00:45:07in Chatsworth,
00:45:08and they left sudden,
00:45:09so I followed them.
00:45:10They're at a motel
00:45:11in Culver City.
00:45:13I'll write down
00:45:14the address for you.
00:45:15You're remembering
00:45:16better all the time.
00:45:19Something else you don't know.
00:45:21That day he made an old blunt.
00:45:23Go on.
00:45:24And Bruckner.
00:45:26Bruckner took a bum rap
00:45:27as a medic.
00:45:30This gets better all the time.
00:45:33And you will talk to the DA.
00:45:36Why not?
00:45:37They ran out on me, didn't they?
00:45:39Sure, I'll talk.
00:45:41I'll tell them everything.
00:45:44That's what I had to find out.
00:47:07Papers are giving us
00:47:08a bad time.
00:47:10Have you read this one?
00:47:12Yeah, I read it
00:47:13over a cold cup of coffee.
00:47:16That isn't all that's cold.
00:47:18We've got a dead-end case.
00:47:21It's too bad.
00:47:23Wolf would have broken
00:47:24sooner or later.
00:47:26He broke all right
00:47:27right down the middle.
00:47:30No, thanks.
00:47:31I never thought
00:47:32he was the type.
00:47:33In fact, I still don't.
00:47:35What do you mean, maybe?
00:47:37You saw him.
00:47:38He was cocky,
00:47:39a tough little guy.
00:47:40You never figured him
00:47:41to do the Dutch.
00:47:42He wasn't as tough
00:47:43as we figured.
00:47:53Wolf had $65,000
00:47:55buried in that hangar.
00:47:58You'd have thought
00:47:59he'd have had one big fling.
00:48:01Not shoot himself
00:48:02in a crummy room.
00:48:05You never can tell
00:48:06what a conscience
00:48:07will do to a man
00:48:09and even destroy him.
00:48:11And a case.
00:48:14I think I'll call Hendricks
00:48:15and have him take me
00:48:16off the case.
00:48:18Get a couple of weeks
00:48:19into Mexico before the
00:48:21summer's over.
00:48:22You might as well
00:48:23before you're too old
00:48:24to cross the border.
00:48:26As of now, we're nowhere.
00:48:29That's what Ruth and I need.
00:48:31New places, new faces.
00:48:33Well, Joe, don't say
00:48:34it hasn't been fun.
00:48:36Yeah, just one big party.
00:48:39Bring me back
00:48:40some jumping beans.
00:48:42I'll do that.
00:48:43That's all.
00:48:46Hello, Armstrong.
00:48:48Just a minute, Charlie.
00:49:04That was the DA's office.
00:49:06What'd they have to say?
00:49:09From now on,
00:49:10we play it my old man's way.
00:49:13From here on,
00:49:14we're dealing with people.
00:49:17What do you mean by that?
00:49:19We've got Mr. Big.
00:49:21Old Doc Sloan.
00:49:27He panicked
00:49:28during a routine
00:49:29customs inspection
00:49:30at Tijuana this morning.
00:49:32Tried to drive
00:49:33through the barrier.
00:49:35They shot him.
00:49:38He's dead.
00:49:43Is there anyone with him?
00:49:45The woman.
00:49:47But she got away.
00:49:49They found $200,000
00:49:50on him.
00:49:52She must have been
00:49:53the one who killed him.
00:49:54They found $200,000
00:49:55on him.
00:49:57She must have the rest.
00:50:03Well, Charlie,
00:50:04looks like you're going
00:50:05to Mexico after all.
00:50:06You have another way
00:50:07I'd planned.
00:50:09why don't you call
00:50:10Hendricks before we leave?
00:50:11Once we get the woman,
00:50:12you've recovered
00:50:13the bulk of the money.
00:50:14Your job's over.
00:50:16So you and Ruth
00:50:17could take off
00:50:18from Tijuana.
00:50:20Not a bad idea.
00:50:21She could pack
00:50:22and meet me down there Saturday.
00:50:23If we don't pick up
00:50:24the woman right away,
00:50:25it'll give you and Ruth
00:50:26a chance to brush up
00:50:27on your Spanish.
00:50:29And that's not counting
00:50:30the money.
00:50:32What money?
00:50:33Well, the money
00:50:34you'd save on plane tickets.
00:50:35No tax in Mexico.
00:50:37You'd save 60 bucks.
00:50:39Oh, sure.
00:50:42I forgot about that.
00:50:44Every little bit
00:50:45helps, Charlie.
00:50:47Good idea.
00:50:48I think I'll call Hendricks.
00:50:49He'll probably go for it.
00:50:50Right, you do that.
00:50:51Then go home
00:50:52and pack a clean shirt.
00:50:54I'll pick you up
00:50:55in a couple of hours, huh?
00:51:53You should have let me pack.
00:51:54I could have kept
00:51:55all the creases
00:51:56in the right places.
00:51:57You'll have enough to do.
00:51:59Anything special
00:52:00you want me to bring down,
00:52:01like your fishing gear?
00:52:03I won't be doing
00:52:04any fishing, Ruthie.
00:52:05Well, you can
00:52:06if you want to.
00:52:08I'll have plenty to do.
00:52:10Oh, by the way,
00:52:11there's a dispatch case
00:52:12in the back of the car
00:52:13and some stuff in the office.
00:52:14Just throw it in
00:52:15with the rest of the bags,
00:52:16will you?
00:52:17From the office?
00:52:18Yeah, some annual reports.
00:52:19I promised Hendricks
00:52:20I'd finish them up in Mexico.
00:52:21Well, he's got his nerve.
00:52:23Well, the important thing
00:52:24is he's letting us go.
00:52:25Sorry you're getting
00:52:26stuck with the packing.
00:52:27No, I don't mind.
00:52:28It'll be fun
00:52:29now that we're really going.
00:52:32You just throw
00:52:33everything in the car.
00:52:34I'll meet you at the border
00:52:35on Saturday.
00:52:37Oh, it's Joe.
00:52:39Goodbye, Ruthie.
00:52:42Aren't you going to kiss me?
00:52:47Goodbye, Ruthie.
00:52:53Here and here.
00:52:55The road south
00:52:56to Rosarito Beach.
00:52:57The road to Tecate.
00:52:58They're all covered.
00:52:59We have hopes.
00:53:00You won't have any trouble.
00:53:02She's got $200,000 on her
00:53:03and she's a blonde.
00:53:05The money may help.
00:53:07She could show it
00:53:08to the wrong person.
00:53:10But I'm not sure
00:53:11about the blonde.
00:53:12He was shot before dawn.
00:53:13It was still dark.
00:53:14But when the woman
00:53:15ran away,
00:53:16one of the inspectors
00:53:17got a look at her.
00:53:18He couldn't see her.
00:53:19One of the inspectors
00:53:20got a look at her.
00:53:21She couldn't tell much.
00:53:22But he was sure
00:53:23she was not a blonde.
00:53:25All of our witnesses
00:53:26said blonde.
00:53:27They saw her
00:53:28in a lighted corridor,
00:53:29not on a dark street.
00:53:31Well, she could have used dye.
00:53:33Still doesn't mean
00:53:34her hair was brown.
00:53:35He didn't say
00:53:36she had brown hair,
00:53:37Senor Norman.
00:53:38He merely said
00:53:39she wasn't blonde.
00:53:40Well, what difference
00:53:41does it make?
00:53:42We still don't know
00:53:43what she looks like.
00:53:45All we know is
00:53:46that she's a woman.
00:53:47Blonde, brown,
00:53:48clean hair.
00:53:49Just a woman.
00:53:51But she's a woman on the run.
00:53:52There's no place
00:53:53she could go without
00:53:54attracting some attention.
00:54:09Time for a shower
00:54:10and a thick steak.
00:54:11How about you?
00:54:12I thought I'd stop
00:54:13by the airport
00:54:14and check on those tickets.
00:54:15Okay, I'll see you later.
00:54:16Might even buy you a beer
00:54:17if this window seat
00:54:18gets standard.
00:54:19It's a deal, Joe.
00:54:20Want me to drop you
00:54:21by the hotel?
00:54:22No, no, don't bother.
00:54:23The town's full of cats.
00:54:26Don't smash up
00:54:27Lieutenant Castro's car.
00:54:48Felicidad, amor.
00:54:50Felicidad, amor.
00:54:52Felicidad, amor.
00:54:54Felicidad, amor.
00:54:56Felicidad, amor.
00:54:58Felicidad, amor.
00:55:00Felicidad, amor.
00:55:02Felicidad, amor.
00:55:04Felicidad, amor.
00:55:06Felicidad, amor.
00:55:08Felicidad, amor.
00:55:10Felicidad, amor.
00:55:12Felicidad, amor.
00:55:14Felicidad, amor.
00:55:17Nuestro depende el vivir.
00:55:27ReÃr, cantar es un placer amar.
00:55:32Vivir asà te puedes encontrar.
00:55:43Yes, senor.
00:55:44Where's Bobby?
00:55:45He's out.
00:55:46I'll wait.
00:55:47Suit yourself.
00:55:49Soft drinks.
00:55:50I'll have a drink, senor.
00:55:51Is it all right?
00:55:52Is it all right, gringolito?
00:55:53Sure, give her a drink.
00:55:57You're a big girl, give her a drink.
00:55:58You heard what he said, mozo.
00:55:59Give me something to drink.
00:56:00No, senor.
00:56:01No, senor.
00:56:02No, senor.
00:56:03No, senor.
00:56:04No, senor.
00:56:05No, senor.
00:56:06No, senor.
00:56:07No, senor.
00:56:08No, senor.
00:56:09No, senor.
00:56:10No, senor.
00:56:11No, senor.
00:56:12No, senor.
00:56:13No, senor.
00:56:14Ok, most of.
00:56:15Give me scotch.
00:56:37You're nice gringolito, I want to drink with you.
00:56:42I don't think.
00:56:44Is that because you're good?
00:56:47How particularly?
00:56:49You are good.
00:56:51A good little angler with pretty brown eyes.
00:56:54And lots of American dollars.
00:56:57Where's Bartik?
00:56:59Didn't you hear the motto? He's not in.
00:57:02Dance with me.
00:57:04Where is he?
00:57:05Dance with me.
00:57:08You dance with me, I'll tell you.
00:57:12No, I...
00:57:14I think I'll sit this one out.
00:57:19With Bartik in his office?
00:57:22With Bartik in his office.
00:57:42Who are you?
00:57:56What do you want?
00:57:58I'm looking for a woman, Bartik.
00:58:04So few women in Tijuana, you must look for one in my office?
00:58:13Get up.
00:58:15There's a particular kind of a woman, Bartik.
00:58:17What kind of woman is that?
00:58:19The kind that Al Wolfe would have brought you.
00:58:21The kind that needed help, like Lombard needed help.
00:58:24Only he doesn't need it anymore.
00:58:33On 14 Calle Rosarito del Flores, Tijuana.
00:58:44How about that woman, Bartik?
00:58:48I've known about you and Al Wolfe for a long time.
00:58:50Playing your high class wetback game.
00:58:52A lot of people could use a passport away out of the country.
00:58:56Life can be cruel, Bartik.
00:58:58But it paid.
00:59:00Al Wolfe, an airport, and you a club.
00:59:03You're crazy.
00:59:04I haven't got much time.
00:59:06Where's the woman?
00:59:08Are you police?
00:59:10I wouldn't be playing around if I were.
00:59:13Where is she, Bartik?
00:59:16I'll take you to her.
00:59:25First, I'll make a phone call.
00:59:32You're not very bright, Bartik.
00:59:35Very well.
00:59:37She's here, safe.
00:59:39Her husband arranged for two Argentine passports.
00:59:42After the border, I took her in.
00:59:44You still have the passports?
00:59:47They're beautiful.
00:59:49On the way out of Mexico?
00:59:50Also beautiful.
00:59:52But it will cost money.
00:59:53How much?
00:59:54Twenty thousand dollars.
00:59:56But it is foolproof.
00:59:58I'd send my own mother that way.
01:00:00You probably have.
01:00:02I'll be using those passports.
01:00:06For yourself?
01:00:07I want them tomorrow night.
01:00:10Half tomorrow night.
01:00:11Half when you get us into Buenos Aires.
01:00:13Don't argue, Bartik.
01:00:14I'm not in the mood.
01:00:15I'll take you to her.
01:00:31Hello, Linda.
01:00:56You thought I'd left you.
01:00:59You think I wanted to go with Paul.
01:01:02Charlie threatened to tell the police.
01:01:05The money gave him a feeling of power.
01:01:08Dreams of a new life.
01:01:10With me.
01:01:15But he didn't make it.
01:01:18But we will, Linda.
01:01:21Everything will be all right.
01:01:24My share of the money will be handed to me tomorrow.
01:01:26In 24 hours, we'll be halfway to Argentina.
01:01:31We'll be together, Linda.
01:01:34Two of us.
01:01:36Me and Charlie, the two of us.
01:01:45I was just going to look for you.
01:01:47Oh, what's up?
01:01:48We just got a call from Cabot.
01:01:50Leighton Prince.
01:01:51We've got an I.D. on Sloan.
01:01:54Old Doc Sloan.
01:01:55His real name was Paul Bruckner.
01:01:57Lived in San Francisco.
01:01:59Married to a Mexican girl named Linda.
01:02:01He was legitimate, too.
01:02:03But he was kicked out from metal practice.
01:02:05You're creeping up on him.
01:02:07Once you've got a man's right name,
01:02:09he quits being a shadow.
01:02:11What's the next step?
01:02:13We dig into Bruckner's life in San Francisco.
01:02:16What tonsils he took out.
01:02:17What babies he delivered.
01:02:19How he lost his license.
01:02:24I owe you some coffee, Joe?
01:02:25Me? No, thanks.
01:02:26I'm stimulated enough.
01:02:28Besides, I had to drink your beer, too, last night.
01:02:31Last night?
01:02:36I went right to my room.
01:02:39Say, I better get going.
01:02:40I've got to meet Ruth at the border.
01:02:41What does she do?
01:02:42Five o'clock.
01:02:43I'll go with you.
01:02:44That's all right, Joe.
01:02:45I can manage.
01:02:47Sure you can.
01:02:48But I don't want to miss seeing Ruth's face
01:02:49when she finally gets to Mexico.
01:02:54Here, here, here.
01:03:13Wait a minute.
01:03:14Let me help you.
01:03:19Looks like you're going away for ten years.
01:03:21Yes, it looks like it, doesn't it?
01:03:22It looks like it, doesn't it?
01:03:51Shall we unpack now?
01:03:54Why don't we wait till after dinner?
01:03:56Whenever you say, Charlie.
01:03:57I'm tired.
01:03:59Very tired.
01:04:02Why don't you take a nap for an hour or so?
01:04:04What will you be doing?
01:04:08I thought I'd go over these annual reports.
01:04:13I thought you deserved that job for Mexico City.
01:04:19You changed my mind.
01:04:23I think I'll do it now.
01:04:26I was going to surprise you,
01:04:27take along your fishing gear,
01:04:29put it in there.
01:04:31So I had a key made and I opened the case.
01:04:38It was to be a surprise.
01:04:41A joke.
01:04:44Something to laugh about.
01:04:58What did you do with the money?
01:05:02I mailed it to Mr. Hendricks.
01:05:03No return address.
01:05:07Crazy fool.
01:05:08You know what you've done, do you?
01:05:13Why'd you do it?
01:05:17What does it matter?
01:05:18I killed a man to protect that money.
01:05:23Then you'll have to kill me, won't you, Charlie?
01:05:28What do you want from me?
01:05:32A few hours.
01:05:34Just a few hours.
01:05:39I was willing to give you my whole life.
01:05:41What's a few hours?
01:05:51Charlie, don't turn away from me.
01:05:53Let me touch you.
01:05:54Let me talk to you.
01:05:59Nothing to say.
01:06:00But there's so much to say.
01:06:04At least tell me what we were going to do.
01:06:10We weren't going to do anything.
01:06:14I was going to leave you.
01:06:19But I loved you, Charlie.
01:06:22Wasn't that enough?
01:06:26Once it was.
01:06:29Why did I fail you?
01:06:33You didn't fail me.
01:06:34People change, Ruth.
01:06:37Oh, Charlie.
01:06:41We had so much, Charlie.
01:06:48A house becomes a prison, a job, a trap.
01:06:53What did you want?
01:06:55A new kind of life, the kind that $200,000 could have bought me.
01:07:10But you can't have that now.
01:07:15No, you fixed that.
01:07:18Charlie, if you went to them, if you said, I did it, I'm sorry, you're getting the money back.
01:07:25Charlie, I'd wait.
01:07:27I had the strength.
01:07:28I had the patience.
01:07:29I'd wait no matter how long.
01:07:30There isn't time enough in all eternity, Ruth.
01:07:32I killed a man.
01:07:33You couldn't wait for me.
01:07:44Goodbye, Ruthie.
01:07:48That's the way you want it, alone?
01:07:58Goodbye, Charlie.
01:08:17Hey, Charlie, wait a minute.
01:08:18We got some more on Bruckner.
01:08:22Lieutenant Castro checked it for me.
01:08:24A hunch, but he paid off.
01:08:26Bruckner was married here in Tijuana seven years ago to a singer in a club named Linda Alvarez.
01:08:32Where was that club?
01:08:33In Agua Caliente, but they went out of business.
01:08:36Did she sing anyplace else?
01:08:39It won't take long to find out.
01:08:40There are a few secrets in Tijuana.
01:08:43Well, I've got to go.
01:08:44I've got to get some things for Ruth.
01:08:47Not until you have a drink with me.
01:08:48Oh, did you have too much to drink last night?
01:08:51One of my men saw the car parked right next to Bobbix last night.
01:08:55Police cars attract an awful lot of attention in that district.
01:09:00I stopped for a drink on my way back from the airport.
01:09:03It wasn't the drink you stopped for.
01:09:05You probably heard about the dancer they have there.
01:09:07She's pretty nice, huh?
01:09:10Yeah, she's very...
01:09:14I've got to run.
01:09:15I'll see you later.
01:09:16A very impatient man.
01:09:20Bobbix is hardly the place for a tourist.
01:09:22Or is your friend trying to combine business with pleasure?
01:09:38Who is it?
01:09:39It's Joe, Ruth.
01:09:40Can I come in?
01:09:41Oh, wait a minute.
01:09:52Come in.
01:10:10Anything wrong?
01:10:13No, of course not.
01:10:20Oh, I don't know.
01:10:21Maybe you both seem a bit edgy.
01:10:23I'm sure everything's all right.
01:10:24I just told you, everything is fine.
01:10:27Why shouldn't it be?
01:10:37Ruth, I've known you a long time.
01:10:42You don't lie very well.
01:10:45What do you mean?
01:10:46Is Charlie in any trouble?
01:10:49Why don't you stop being a cop?
01:10:50You make a case out of everything.
01:10:51Ruth, you're making one out of this.
01:10:52Oh, there's no trouble.
01:10:54Well, there's a few words between husband and wife.
01:11:01Sometimes Charlie flies off.
01:11:04Just that little argument, that's all.
01:11:08How can anybody argue with you?
01:11:10Or maybe I'm just prejudiced.
01:11:13Who knows better than you?
01:11:15Charlie's been under a lot of strain.
01:11:16Sure, every case is an ulcer.
01:11:19But in this one, the way our Charlie's been riding himself.
01:11:25Maybe it interfered with his holiday.
01:11:28He promised it to himself and to me.
01:11:34A real fiesta.
01:11:37The way a kid looks forward to a birthday party.
01:11:43He's just overworked.
01:11:44He's been edgy for months.
01:11:46Ever since Hendricks sent him up to San Francisco.
01:11:56Oh, I hadn't read them.
01:11:57I expected to on the plane.
01:12:00It's a long trip to Mexico City.
01:12:08Long trip.
01:12:10All of six hours.
01:12:17Enough reading for a year.
01:12:32I want to speak to Mr. Sam Hendricks.
01:12:35Victoria 94901.
01:12:41Burbank, California.
01:12:45That's right.
01:12:47Oh, right away?
01:12:55Hello, Hendricks?
01:12:58Yeah, from Tijuana.
01:13:00Oh, fine, fine.
01:13:02Look, Hendricks, Charlie was on a case several months ago up in San Francisco.
01:13:08Can you give me any dope on it?
01:13:11I'll explain later.
01:13:14Yes, I'll wait.
01:13:17You know, people on a plane are choosy.
01:13:20They like to read things that are bright.
01:13:23Take their mind off the possibility of a crash.
01:13:27Repeat that.
01:13:30A phony accident plane.
01:13:32Eight months ago, huh?
01:13:38A doctor?
01:13:45Dr. Paul Bruckner, huh?
01:13:54Take their mind off...
01:14:01I'm sorry, Ruth.
01:14:15It was all planned.
01:14:17I changed my mind.
01:14:18I don't want to go to Buenos Aires direct.
01:14:20I want to go to Acapulco by boat.
01:14:22I'll pay you more for the passports.
01:14:25How much more?
01:14:27Five thousand.
01:14:31Twenty-five thousand dollars, payable now.
01:14:33You get everything.
01:14:35Passports, bus certificates, everything.
01:14:38What about passage south?
01:14:40See Alfredo Rodriguez, Casa del Norte, Rosarito Beach.
01:14:44You tell him Bubba sent him a fisherman.
01:14:47He will understand.
01:14:49How will he charge?
01:14:50What does it matter?
01:14:51A few hundred dollars, maybe five, six hundred, who knows?
01:14:54It's cheap.
01:14:56Now, you got the money?
01:15:00If you've got the passports.
01:15:04I'll tell you, you tell me.
01:15:26Leave the money, Pollack.
01:15:41Come on.
01:15:57This way.
01:16:16Get the car, we can't make it.
01:16:24Take that car and block off the other side of the street.
01:16:26Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:16:28And tell the chief to bring more cars.
01:16:57Come on.
01:17:54Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:17:55And tell the chief to bring more cars.
01:17:56Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:17:57Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:17:58Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:17:59Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:00Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:01Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:02Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:03Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:04Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:05Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:06Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:07Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:08Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:09Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:10Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:11Go around the block and block off the other side.
01:18:12Go around the block and block off the other side.
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