Canadian influencer cures her acne by dropping McDonalds and dairy

2 years ago
An influencer cured her adult facial acne by ditching McDonalds, dairy and alcohol – and now doesn’t ever wear makeup.

Kena Tchiteya, 27, had her first flare up two years ago and was so ashamed she didn't even want to take her eight-year-old son out.

She'd try to cover up her spots with thick foundation and concealer, or keep her face mask on, but it still took a huge toll on her self-confidence.

Kena, from Montreal, Canada, said: “I tried everything under the sun and it made it worse.

“At first I would find myself spending long hours trying to touch up [my make-up], not feeling fully satisfied with the outcome.

“I always felt like I could cover more, it was never ending.”

After seeking professional help, and investing all her savings on products, facials and chemical peels her spots began to fade.

But it wasn't until she ditched her weekly McDonalds spree along with all dairy, alcohol and fizzy drinks, that it cleared up for good.

She said: “I don’t feel the need to hide anymore.

“I barely ever use filters on my social media either, because I love how I look like naturally.

“I have discovered true self love even since I put my health as a priority.”

Interview filmed within February 2022.
