Dreaming the Hours Away - Climax JB 2008

  • 16 years ago
Dreaming The hours Away – Climax Jazz Band 2008
Clarence Williams Blue Seven recorded this tune already in 1928, actually with Coleman Hawkins on tenor sax. Now, some 80 years later, Climax Jazz Band from Toronto is playing it again. The last time I posted Climax was in 1996 when I still played with them. I retired to British Columbia, but the band kept on playing, and wow, what a band it is. Cornetist Dave Kosmyna is a star musician from New York State, reedplayer Jim Buchmann, who was a member of the band between 1976 and 1979 is back with them again after many years as a Disneyworld musician in Florida. Len Gosling, one of the old timers is still playing a strong trombone. My personal friend Jack Vincken from my early days in Holland in the fifties and from 25 years in Climax is still there, playing one of the strongest supportive banjo sounds. Captain Chris Daniels one of the originators of this band in 1971 plays bass and does lots of the vocals. On drum there is a familiar new face. One of the very best drummers in the field of New Orleans drumming joined the band for many of its festivals. Hal Smith, a professional drummer since 1978 from California has played in about 175 recordings on LP, CD and videotape. and played with all the great names in our jazz world. Good to have him in this band which is still dear to me.