• 3 years ago
Cai Ap Bryn has a mission in mind and a lot of kit to help him do it. He is after a fallow or two for the larder to feed his hungry clients this summer. To help him out, he has a deer carcase backpack, a deer skinning machine and even a new pair of boots. Meanwhile, the excellent Dave the Dog Templar teaches Ollie Williams a few new tricks to help him train his labrador. And Charlie is researching the kind of cyberbullying that the antis inflict on us, talking to big game hunters at the Safari Club International convention in Las Vegas. We are giving away shooting glasses from SSP Eyewear priced at £220, David has the news on the news stump and Charlie showcases the top hunting and shooting videos in Hunting YouTube. Keep it #FieldsportsBritain.

Here are the links to the individual items in this week’s show:

▶ Cai’s stalk
Tatonka deer carcase backpack ​​https://www.tatonka.com/en/product/lastenkraxe/
Boots https://www.treksta.co.uk/
Donington Deer Management skinning machine https://www.doningtondeermanagement.co.uk/mechanical-skinning/
For more from Cai, visit https://gameandflames.com

▶ Fieldsports News https://Fcha.nl/news
Cheshire sabs in the dock – https://www.leics.police.uk/news/leicestershire/news/2022/january/five-charged-following-incident-in-rutland/
Gamekeeper kills two buzzards – https://youtu.be/VCN3ME-W6k0
NatureScot punishes curlews for dead hen harrier – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-60128161 + https://youtu.be/XsSpoj7GnqE
Devon & Cornwall gun grab appeal – https://Fcha.nl/devoncornwallgunlicensing/ + Paul Cox’s fundraiser https://bit.ly/paulappeal
British Shooting show fills up – https://Fcha.nl/bss2022/
Storms Arwen and Malik leave forestry devastated – https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/boy-9-hit-tree-storm-26089533
Zimbabwean ambassador rounds on Boris – https://Fcha.nl/zimambassador
Norwegian government backs farmers over wolves – https://www.tv2.no/v/1720476/ and https://www.nrk.no/osloogviken/oslo-tingrett-stoppet-ulvejakta---na-anker-staten-1.15831583
Police untangle deer – https://youtu.be/tJ8UNjgDdXI

▶ Advert links
SSP Eyewear https://bit.ly/sspglasses
Bradley Smokers https://Bit.ly/bsmoker - and use FIELDSPORTS at checkout
British Shooting Show tickets https://bit.ly/bss2022

▶ Dave the Dog
For more from Countryways Gundogs, visit https://www.countrywaysgundogs.com
To go shooting with Olie, visit https://www.cornishsportingagency.com

▶ Big game hunting
Thanks to the SCI Foundation https://safariclubfoundation.org/

▶ Hunting YouTube
For the films in this week's Hunting YouTube, go to Hunting YouTube, episode 636: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3KxM9c3T7K_jXzFqUhwUEfAti2ScIDZX

▶ Join the Fieldsports Nation and fund our fight for fieldsports in the media
https://Fcha.nl/membership - for our membership offer
https://Fcha.nl/fieldsportsnation - for full details
