• 3 years ago


00:04:20That girl's whole life is wrapped up in the boy.
00:04:23And that's all he is, a boy. A child, you might say.
00:04:26He's all of the girl's been living for.
00:04:29It'll be just as if we execute both of them.
00:04:34I'm sorry, I don't mean to be meddlesome or presumptuous.
00:04:38Yes, sir, I know we're all bound by the law.
00:04:40It's just that ever since the boy's been in prison
00:04:43and the girl's been working in town,
00:04:45I've spent a lot of time with both of them.
00:04:47My wife and I feel almost as if they were our own children.
00:04:52Yes, sir.
00:04:53I do understand my duty as warden.
00:04:56Sorry, Governor.
00:04:59Sorry, Governor.
00:05:11He wouldn't do anything?
00:05:15He says he's already issued two reprieves
00:05:18and no new evidence has been produced.
00:05:20What did he tell the girl last night?
00:05:23He refused to see her.
00:05:25You mean...
00:05:27He let that child travel all the way to the capital
00:05:30and then wouldn't see her.
00:05:33There was nothing he could do for her.
00:05:35He said he honestly thinks the boy is guilty.
00:05:57Let me bring her in.
00:06:28Let me get you some breakfast.
00:06:30You'll feel better.
00:06:43If you'll just sit at the table,
00:06:45maybe I can get her to eat something.
00:06:47At least some hot coffee.
00:06:49The child is sick.
00:06:51Can we go now?
00:06:52Can't I see him just once more for a minute?
00:06:54Can't you see he'll be back any minute?
00:06:56Come on.
00:06:57Let's go.
00:06:58Don't you be silly, Helen.
00:07:03He wouldn't do anything, would you?
00:07:05I know, Helen.
00:07:07He said he would.
00:07:09He's a liar!
00:07:10He's a liar.
00:07:11He's a liar.
00:07:12He's a liar.
00:07:13He's a liar.
00:07:14He's a liar.
00:07:15He's a liar.
00:07:16He's a liar.
00:07:17He's a liar.
00:07:18He's a liar.
00:07:19He's a liar.
00:07:20once more only for a minute.
00:07:22Would you let me wait in your office?
00:07:23You promised I could,
00:07:24just so he'll know I'm in there close to him.
00:07:26You promised!
00:07:27Yes, I promised.
00:07:32You'd better let me come along.
00:07:50The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
00:08:05He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.
00:08:08He leadeth me beside the still waters.
00:08:12He restoreth my soul.
00:08:15He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness
00:08:17for his name's sake.
00:08:20Yea, though I walk through the valley
00:08:21of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
00:08:24for thou art with me.
00:08:26Thy rod and thy staff may comfort me.
00:08:30Thou preparest a table before me
00:08:32in the presence of mine enemies.
00:08:35Thou anointest my head with oil.
00:08:38My cup runneth over.
00:08:40Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
00:08:42all the days of my life.
00:08:46And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
00:08:53Will you say this one with me?
00:09:04Have mercy upon me, O God,
00:09:05according to thy lovingkindness.
00:09:08Have mercy upon me, O God,
00:09:10according to thy lovingkindness.
00:09:12According unto the multitude of thy tender mercies,
00:09:15blot out my transgressions.
00:09:18According unto the multitude of thy tender mercies,
00:09:21blot out my transgressions.
00:09:24Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity.
00:09:29Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity.
00:09:33And cleanse me from my sin,
00:09:34for I acknowledge my transgressions.
00:09:42And cleanse me from my sin,
00:09:43for I acknowledge my transgressions.
00:09:45But I don't, Padre.
00:09:47I don't acknowledge it.
00:09:49I'm not guilty of any sin.
00:09:51I'm not guilty of any sin.
00:10:13Would you rather just talk with me?
00:10:17All right.
00:10:24What are you thinking about?
00:10:28Does anybody ever get what he really wants?
00:10:33I never did.
00:10:36All my life I've wanted to be somebody.
00:10:39Somebody important.
00:10:42And all my life I've been nobody.
00:10:45But it isn't for us to judge who's somebody and who's nobody, is it?
00:10:49I'm six feet tall.
00:10:51I'm strong.
00:10:53I'm healthy.
00:10:55But I couldn't even make a team in high school.
00:10:58Any team.
00:11:00Why is that?
00:11:02Lots of us have to sit in the grandstand.
00:11:04But why? Why?
00:11:06We can't all be star players.
00:11:11We can't all sit in the grandstand either.
00:11:15Some of us always have to sit in the bleachers.
00:11:19We could never figure it out.
00:11:45Will you...
00:11:47Will you tell him I'm here?
00:12:02It was the same old story when I enlisted in the Army.
00:12:07I thought that was my chance.
00:12:10I'd be a hero with bands and medals and newspaper stories all about me.
00:12:16How I charged up the hill.
00:12:18How I captured a hundred prisoners all by myself.
00:12:21She'd be proud of me.
00:12:23She was.
00:12:28She had a lot to be proud of.
00:12:32Two years in the Army.
00:12:35Hounding a typewriter in Tennessee.
00:12:40I never even got to be a corporal.
00:12:43And now...
00:12:56Then when I...
00:12:59When I got this newspaper job on the Globe Express.
00:13:04Cub reporter, they called it.
00:13:08They chased me all over town to get items about...
00:13:11...ladies clubs and...
00:13:13...strawberry festivals.
00:13:16Whose sister was visiting whose aunt.
00:13:19But every reporter begins that way.
00:13:24But I could tell that's the way I'd end too.
00:13:28That's why when I ran into Tim Harer's mob and...
00:13:31...saw a chance to break it and be a big shot reporter and then I...
00:13:49I guess they're testing the chair.
00:14:01Good morning, sir.
00:14:03Good morning, Jim.
00:14:06How are you coming along?
00:14:07I've been having some trouble with the chair.
00:14:09They were testing.
00:14:10Did the lights go down in here?
00:14:12I shouldn't do that.
00:14:13But they seem to have a ground on the circuit.
00:14:17Will you get word to the boy that she's here?
00:14:20In there with my wife?
00:14:21Yes, sir. I'll tell him.
00:14:23Tell him I kept my promise.
00:14:25Yes, sir.
00:14:30Have you sent the bus after the newspaper man?
00:14:32Not yet, sir.
00:14:34This is one of those days nothing seems to work right.
00:14:36The bus will be a little late.
00:14:37You better phone Pop's place and let them know.
00:14:39Yes, sir.
00:14:44Get me Pop's place.
00:14:51Pop speaking.
00:14:53Hello, Jim.
00:14:56I'll tell him.
00:14:57How's the girl?
00:14:59She looked mad poorly getting off the bus.
00:15:05I guess we all do.
00:15:16I've got a message for you, newspaper folks.
00:15:18Just a minute.
00:15:19The prison bus will be a little late picking you up.
00:15:21Thank you, Pop.
00:15:23I just got word from Pop's the prison bus will be late.
00:15:26Man, it feels like we've been waiting here a hundred years.
00:15:31Don't you know Pop's?
00:15:33He's the character that runs this place.
00:15:34I thought you'd been down here.
00:15:36Well, it's on the state highway about a mile south of the prison.
00:15:40It's got a bit of everything.
00:15:41Bus station, gas pumps, short order restaurant, post office.
00:15:44Yeah, Pop's is a postmaster, too.
00:15:46He handles the prison mail and the town.
00:15:48And then in the back he's got rooms,
00:15:50but mostly for truckers coming down from the north.
00:15:53That's right.
00:15:54They all come right by here,
00:15:56and it makes a convenient break after driving all night.
00:15:59They usually stop for breakfast and a few hours sleep.
00:16:03Yeah, I did.
00:16:04I made a few notes here.
00:16:06Now, I can't read my own writing.
00:16:09Oh, yes.
00:16:11You can work this line into the lead paragraph.
00:16:14Always on the grim gray dawn of an execution,
00:16:19it seems as if instead of rising, the sun sets.
00:16:25Sure, that's good writing.
00:16:29Okay, so send me the Pulitzer Prize.
00:16:31Yeah, they're all here,
00:16:32all the same dumb faces I've been meeting for years.
00:16:36Except the Herald.
00:16:37They sent some kid down to cover it.
00:16:40I never saw him before.
00:16:42He's not dry behind the ears yet, and he's scared to death.
00:16:46Who, Zombie?
00:16:47Oh, sure, he's sitting right here beside me now.
00:16:50Looks like a little red hen setting a nest,
00:16:52getting all ready to hatch one of his heart-breaking sob stories.
00:16:57Can you imagine a fat pixie gremlin like that
00:16:59writing a sob column under a phony name like Barbara Love?
00:17:04Heartbeats by Barbara Love.
00:17:07How do you do?
00:17:09Two of the gents from the competing wire services
00:17:13are locked in mortal combat
00:17:14trying to scoop each other a gin rummy.
00:17:16Oh, sure, old repulsive is here too.
00:17:21Dancing the card game and breathing down their necks.
00:17:25What an obnoxious character that is.
00:17:27The gentleman from the Globe Express
00:17:29is, as usual, getting into everybody's hair.
00:17:32What am I so happy about?
00:17:33Listen, I'm not happy, brother, I'm sick.
00:17:35Covering executions is what makes me hate this rotten racket.
00:17:38Just talking fast now to keep my teeth from chattering.
00:17:41As jittery as that new kid from the Herald, we all are.
00:17:45I'll call you back.
00:17:50You're halfway, why don't you go down?
00:17:52You'll schneider him.
00:17:53Put your hand down.
00:17:57He's stuck with 15.
00:17:59If I had a long, saw-toothed, rusty bolo knife.
00:18:05Play with him, Ed, I've got enough.
00:18:09So have I.
00:18:14Why am I?
00:18:16Bad nerves.
00:18:18Sir, I can see that you two characters have passed your prime.
00:18:21First sign of a reporter's crack-up
00:18:23is bad nerves on a routine assignment.
00:18:26Can't take the pressure.
00:18:28But hasn't the girl told you anything more?
00:18:30Can't you think of something?
00:18:32Something with human interest about the boy.
00:18:34Some angle, like he was brought up in an orphan asylum.
00:18:37Or he killed Tim Hara because Hara tried to attack his girl.
00:18:40I told you it wasn't anything like that.
00:18:43Besides, I don't know him too well.
00:18:45Well, I know.
00:18:46And she don't talk much.
00:18:48She just works here for me, serving table.
00:18:51Well, what time does she come on?
00:18:52She ain't working today.
00:18:54What's wrong, son? Scared?
00:18:57This your first?
00:18:59Do you ever get used to them?
00:19:02Why does your paper send you out?
00:19:04You're pretty young.
00:19:05It's my father's idea.
00:19:07He said an assignment like this would make me grow up fast.
00:19:11He's editor on the Herald.
00:19:12Oh, him.
00:19:13You didn't tell me how important this was.
00:19:15I thought it was just another gang killing.
00:19:17It was.
00:19:18Then why are you here?
00:19:20And those others?
00:19:22The three wire services, feature syndicate.
00:19:25Two state papers.
00:19:26And all those direct telephone lines to the editors.
00:19:29Set up for just this one story.
00:19:32What makes it that important?
00:19:33It's the dawn of a new enlightened era in this state.
00:19:37The abolishment of the gallows.
00:19:39The first electrocution.
00:19:41It's history, son.
00:19:43And a field day for us reporters.
00:19:47I kept thinking maybe this kid, this murderer, was somebody special.
00:19:53Nobody special.
00:19:54He splits the top billing with the new electric chair.
00:19:57Only the chair will stay.
00:19:59And he'll...
00:20:00Make the headlines for one edition.
00:20:02By tomorrow, he'll be pushed off the front page,
00:20:04back through the paper, into the obituary column.
00:20:07And from there, nobody knows who gets his story next.
00:20:19They say when a person...
00:20:23When a person...
00:20:29He gets a chance to meet his God.
00:20:32Is that true?
00:20:33Yes, that's true.
00:20:34And if he tells God he's innocent,
00:20:37God will believe him if it's the truth.
00:20:40If it's the truth.
00:20:45Would you believe me?
00:20:49I'd believe the truth.
00:20:52Do you want to tell me?
00:20:55Yes, Padre.
00:20:58It would be kind of...
00:21:01A rehearsal.
00:21:02Take it easy, son.
00:21:03I can't even get my story started.
00:21:05All right, put this down.
00:21:06You do shorthand, don't you?
00:21:07Yes, sir.
00:21:09Start with the regular lead.
00:21:11First paragraph.
00:21:13The sovereign state of...
00:21:14You sure you spell state with a capital S?
00:21:16Exacted the extreme payment today
00:21:19for the murder of Tim Harrah,
00:21:21well-known political figure.
00:21:24At 5.35 a.m.,
00:21:26exactly 18 minutes after sunrise,
00:21:29you'll have to check the clock
00:21:30when they pull the switch.
00:21:31It may vary a couple of minutes
00:21:32one way or the other.
00:21:33The condemned,
00:21:34or you could just say murderer,
00:21:36then put in his name.
00:21:37Always get the name in as early as you can.
00:21:40Walked the last mile
00:21:41to the recently constructed execution chamber
00:21:45and became the first to pay the penalty
00:21:48in the state's new electric chair.
00:21:51Maintaining his innocence to the very last,
00:21:53as he had done throughout the trial.
00:21:55The murderer walked with a smile on his face.
00:21:57That's corny.
00:21:58That's true.
00:21:59Sure, didn't he keep saying it
00:22:00all through the trial?
00:22:01That's right, he kept saying it
00:22:02all through both trials.
00:22:03I'm innocent.
00:22:06I didn't kill Tim Harrah.
00:22:08Now, get this.
00:22:09I'm gonna show you
00:22:10just how the murder was committed.
00:22:12Here we go again, boys.
00:22:16This is Tim Harrah's room.
00:22:19Harrah is sitting in this chair.
00:22:21George, you sit here.
00:22:22You're Harrah.
00:22:23Ed, you stand here.
00:22:24No, Ed, over further.
00:22:26That's right.
00:22:27Now, Ed is the murderer.
00:22:29The door is right here,
00:22:30directly behind him.
00:22:31Here's the murder weapon.
00:22:33Murder weapon.
00:22:34Now, we need two cops.
00:22:35Frank, you and I will be the cops.
00:22:36No, never mind.
00:22:37I'll be both of them.
00:22:38Now, I am cruising along.
00:22:41I hear shots.
00:22:42Six of them.
00:22:43Fire so fast they sound like one.
00:22:44I stop my car.
00:22:45Rush upstairs.
00:22:46And what do I find?
00:22:47Harrah's dead with six slugs in him.
00:22:48The murderer is standing right here.
00:22:50No, Ed, over further.
00:22:51That's right, he's standing right there.
00:22:53That's right, he's standing right there
00:22:54with a hot gun in his hand.
00:22:55All six chambers fired.
00:22:56Not another soul in the room
00:22:57and the door closed.
00:22:58And the laboratory proves
00:22:59that the bullets from this gun
00:23:00killed Tim Harrah.
00:23:01And open and shut case.
00:23:02But the boy never admits it.
00:23:03Oh, imagine that.
00:23:04He cooks up a cock and bull story
00:23:05right out of Grimm's fairy tales.
00:23:07I heard six shots behind me.
00:23:10I saw Tim Harrah's slump.
00:23:14I turned fast to see
00:23:15who had fired those shots.
00:23:18But I never did see.
00:23:21Someone hit me right here
00:23:24in the stomach.
00:23:25The punch must have knocked me out.
00:23:27When I came to,
00:23:28it couldn't have been more than a minute.
00:23:31The police came in.
00:23:35I had this hot gun in my hand.
00:23:39It wasn't mine.
00:23:42I never had one.
00:23:47But I was holding the gun
00:23:48that killed Tim Harrah.
00:23:49How do you like that for a defense?
00:23:50Harrah was shot by a ghost
00:23:51that nobody saw.
00:23:52Not even the boy.
00:23:53And he wasn't three feet from the door.
00:23:54Right back up.
00:23:55Nobody but a half-wit
00:23:56would have dreamed that one up.
00:23:57He could have played it
00:23:58and shot defense.
00:23:59Or insanity.
00:24:00But not this cookie.
00:24:01He's stuck to the ghost story
00:24:02and nobody can make him change it.
00:24:03His own lawyer didn't believe him.
00:24:04How could he?
00:24:05Nobody believed him.
00:24:06Nobody believed him.
00:24:13But he didn't do it.
00:24:16How could he?
00:24:20He never heard anything
00:24:21in his whole life.
00:24:23Of course, there was that girl
00:24:24that he was going to marry.
00:24:25She stuck to him right through.
00:24:26Oh, Puppy Lovey,
00:24:27don't even make a story.
00:24:28She hasn't got any more brains
00:24:29than he has.
00:24:30What makes you an expert on brains?
00:24:31Boy, don't I?
00:24:32You worked on my paper, didn't you?
00:24:33You're smarter than you think
00:24:34you must have been.
00:24:35The thing that fooled me
00:24:36was how he got tied in
00:24:37with Tim Harrah.
00:24:38The best bass company
00:24:39in any league.
00:24:40And this kid was strictly a busher,
00:24:41a cub reporter,
00:24:42used to do ladies' club assignments,
00:24:43charity picnics.
00:24:44Harrah took a liking to me
00:24:45when I came to interview him
00:24:46once about some charity
00:24:47he was running.
00:24:48He was asking me
00:24:49to come back to see him.
00:24:51Pretty soon,
00:24:52I was running errands for him.
00:24:54But he didn't want me
00:24:55to quit the paper.
00:24:57He said
00:24:59a reporter could move about
00:25:02any place
00:25:05and no one would get suspicious.
00:25:06Yeah, that's one thing
00:25:07I could never figure out,
00:25:08what Harrah saw in the boy.
00:25:09Me neither.
00:25:10The biggest politician in the state,
00:25:11the biggest connection.
00:25:12The biggest crook
00:25:13and the biggest mob.
00:25:14That hijacking mob of his alone
00:25:15must have netted him
00:25:16a couple of million a year.
00:25:17They hijack everything,
00:25:18truckload after truckload.
00:25:19Nylons, woolens, silks,
00:25:20liquor, furs, everything.
00:25:21And his mob never got caught,
00:25:22not once.
00:25:23The cops never even
00:25:24made an arrest.
00:25:25How come you never
00:25:26cracked that hotshot?
00:25:27You're a local paper.
00:25:28It was right under your nose.
00:25:29We never even suspected Harrah.
00:25:31He was too slick
00:25:32and he had perfect protection.
00:25:33It must have been
00:25:34plenty high up.
00:25:35What I wanted to find out was
00:25:36who was giving Harrah
00:25:37his protection.
00:25:40If I could find that out,
00:25:42I could break the story
00:25:43in my paper
00:25:45and smash up the Harrah mob
00:25:46all by myself.
00:25:49And I'd be somebody.
00:25:51Somebody important.
00:25:53A star player like you, Sid.
00:25:57Not just
00:25:58sitting in the bleachers
00:25:59all my life.
00:26:01Imagine the nerve of that peanut
00:26:02saying he was going to smash
00:26:03the Harrah mob all by himself.
00:26:05He might have been on the level.
00:26:06How can you tell what goes on
00:26:07inside a kid like that?
00:26:08If he'd been on the level,
00:26:09he'd have told me and the boss.
00:26:10I could have shown him
00:26:11how to crack that story.
00:26:12Maybe he didn't trust you.
00:26:13That alone would prove
00:26:14he had brain.
00:26:15That story is right out
00:26:16of Horatio Alger.
00:26:17From cub to star reporter
00:26:18in one easy jump.
00:26:20He must have wanted a byline.
00:26:22He'll get it tonight
00:26:24in the obits column.
00:26:41Well, I...
00:26:43I guess that's all.
00:26:46Do you believe me?
00:26:50Yes, I believe you.
00:26:56Well, neighbors,
00:26:57the milk train is pulling
00:26:58into the roundhouse.
00:26:59We'll be on the air again
00:27:00as usual at midnight tonight
00:27:01to bring you
00:27:02your favorite recording.
00:27:03This is your old
00:27:04milk train conductor
00:27:06happy sunrise.
00:27:07This is station KVAC
00:27:08signing off.
00:27:09Good night.
00:27:10Good night.
00:27:11Good night.
00:27:12Good night.
00:27:13Good night.
00:27:14KVAC signing off
00:27:15until our regular broadcast
00:27:16time at 8 o'clock.
00:27:17Come in again, won't you?
00:27:21Well, son,
00:27:22you've got the whole story.
00:27:23News, color,
00:27:25and the personal opinions
00:27:26of all the experts
00:27:27on other people's lives.
00:27:29You think you can write it?
00:27:31I don't know.
00:27:33But thanks, I'll try.
00:27:36I guess I'm a little confused.
00:27:38Who isn't?
00:27:39They were all
00:27:40against that boy.
00:27:42But somehow I got the feeling
00:27:43that you believed his story.
00:27:45Did you?
00:27:46Son, I've been at this business
00:27:47ever since I was younger
00:27:48than you are.
00:27:49And I've learned
00:27:50only one thing from it.
00:27:52When people sit in judgment
00:27:53on other people,
00:27:54they're butting into his business.
00:27:55I don't judge,
00:27:56I just report.
00:28:02Frank, it's getting awfully late.
00:28:03What do you suppose
00:28:04is keeping that bus?
00:28:05I'll go back and see
00:28:06if Pops is hurt anymore.
00:28:15have you heard any more
00:28:16about the bus?
00:28:18But they'll be along presently.
00:28:19They won't put the show on
00:28:20without you fellas.
00:28:22Hey, Frank,
00:28:23come here a minute, will you?
00:28:27Remember any of these?
00:28:28They were all pretty ancient.
00:28:29Mike Andrews,
00:28:31Pinky Roszkowski,
00:28:33Steve Moback,
00:28:37Parrot Verruco.
00:28:38Yep, they brought them
00:28:39all back alive,
00:28:40except the parrot.
00:28:41Parrot Verruco.
00:28:43How long's he been dead?
00:28:45About three years, I guess.
00:28:46They fished him out of the river
00:28:47in the cement block.
00:28:49I remember.
00:28:51You know something, Frank?
00:28:53If he were alive,
00:28:55they'd pin Tim Haller's murder
00:28:56on him.
00:28:58Wait a minute.
00:28:59It had his trademark,
00:29:00didn't it?
00:29:02Six shots
00:29:03from a .38 revolver
00:29:04fired so fast
00:29:05they sounded like one.
00:29:06The parrot was the only man
00:29:07that could shoot like that.
00:29:09might be an angle.
00:29:12You follow it up.
00:29:14I can't talk to the dead.
00:29:17Too bad.
00:29:19I've often wondered
00:29:20what they'd say.
00:29:23Hey, Pops.
00:29:26Did you ever meet
00:29:27any of these wanted fellas?
00:29:28Not as you know of.
00:29:30Your collection's out of date,
00:29:31isn't it?
00:29:32I guess so.
00:29:33I've been meaning to clean it up,
00:29:35but I never get around to it.
00:29:37Always somebody
00:29:38keeps me from
00:29:39getting my work done.
00:29:41Well, there's nothing like
00:29:42pictures of old friends,
00:29:43is there?
00:29:44You know,
00:29:45I've been looking
00:29:46at them faces so long
00:29:47they do seem
00:29:48like old friends.
00:29:50Take that
00:29:51Parrot Farruko fellow,
00:29:52for instance,
00:29:53the one with the
00:29:54poly nose
00:29:55and the flap ears.
00:29:56Sometimes I imagine
00:29:57he's speaking to me.
00:30:01now you're really cookin'.
00:30:05You've just given me
00:30:06my first story idea.
00:30:07The postmaster,
00:30:08who's been looking
00:30:09at the wanted poster
00:30:10for so long,
00:30:11it finally talks to him.
00:30:13That's good.
00:30:15Good human interest.
00:30:17That'll make me
00:30:18a swell Sunday feature.
00:30:22Now maybe you'll quit
00:30:23bothering me with questions.
00:30:25I'm a half hour
00:30:26behind with my mail.
00:30:27Hey, Pop,
00:30:28who's that?
00:30:34He's a trustee on the hill.
00:30:35Picks up the mail for him.
00:30:37He's been coming here
00:30:38every morning for years.
00:30:39Any story on him?
00:30:40I couldn't say.
00:30:42I don't keep asking
00:30:43questions like some.
00:30:44How long's he in for?
00:30:46At his age, life.
00:30:49Something to do
00:30:50with that same
00:30:51Parrot Farruko fellow
00:30:52we've been talking about.
00:30:54He noticed that
00:30:55poster of the parrot
00:30:57about three years ago
00:30:58when I first tacked it up.
00:31:00He got so mad
00:31:01I thought he'd throw a fit.
00:31:02What'd he say?
00:31:03He said he was
00:31:04doing this stretch
00:31:05because the parrot
00:31:06framed him.
00:31:07A long while ago
00:31:08when the parrot
00:31:09was one of the biggest
00:31:10mobsters in this section.
00:31:11And then?
00:31:13Never mention it again.
00:31:15Well, don't you know
00:31:16the details?
00:31:17Why don't you ask him?
00:31:18You'll get a knack
00:31:19for questions.
00:31:20I will.
00:31:35Your mail ain't ready
00:31:36to go out yet.
00:31:38I don't know where
00:31:39my head is this morning.
00:31:40Throw yourself
00:31:41a mug of coffee.
00:31:42I'll call you
00:31:43when I'm ready.
00:32:08Morning, Bob.
00:32:09Morning, Bob.
00:32:10Shane, here today.
00:32:12Yeah, yeah, we know.
00:32:14You men don't go on
00:32:15duty till six o'clock, do you?
00:32:18That's right.
00:32:19Six o'clock.
00:32:21I'll be there.
00:32:23I'll be there.
00:32:25I'll be there.
00:32:27I'll be there.
00:32:29I'll be there.
00:32:31I'll be there.
00:32:33I'll be there.
00:32:35I'll be there.
00:32:36Six o'clock.
00:32:38It'll be over by then.
00:32:44Will it be
00:32:45same as usual?
00:32:46Yeah, same, boss.
00:32:47You know, it's funny
00:32:48I should run into you this way
00:32:49because I came all the way
00:32:50out here especially
00:32:51just to look you up.
00:32:52Breakfast, 11 guards,
00:32:53same as usual.
00:32:55The feature editor
00:32:56kept telling me about you.
00:32:58He said I should be sure
00:32:59to find you.
00:33:00Said you were one of
00:33:01the most colorful men
00:33:02he's ever talked to.
00:33:04Maybe you remember him.
00:33:06Jim Reynolds?
00:33:14Reynolds wants me
00:33:15to do a piece on one of
00:33:16the toughest characters
00:33:17this country ever saw.
00:33:19He said you're the only man
00:33:20that ever had the courage
00:33:21to stand up to him.
00:33:22And that you could
00:33:23give me plenty of dope.
00:33:24I'm, uh...
00:33:26I'm talking about
00:33:28Parrot Polko.
00:33:35Never heard you, kid.
00:34:26This is the kind of stuff
00:34:27you want to get into
00:34:28your story.
00:34:30This truck from
00:34:31those men guarding it.
00:34:32Pulling up here
00:34:33just before the execution.
00:34:34How does that fit in?
00:34:36Crow Freight Lines.
00:34:38Tim Harris' mob hijacked dozens of their trucks.
00:34:41You guys do your sleeping fast.
00:34:43I want that load delivered before tonight.
00:34:45Okay, Blackie, just a couple of hours.
00:34:46You know, we was really burning up the load.
00:34:47You're wasting time.
00:34:49Go get your shut eye.
00:34:58I'll be right with you, fellas.
00:35:00Your eggs will be ready in a few minutes.
00:35:04Be right with you, Blackie.
00:35:06Just bring me coffee, Black.
00:35:07All right.
00:35:15What time do you want me to wake you up?
00:35:17Not later than eight.
00:35:18The boss wants to get moving.
00:35:19Yeah, he's kind of jumpy today.
00:35:20Oh, ain't he?
00:35:21Seems like this thing has took hold of everybody.
00:35:23Short calls, huh?
00:36:04How come you're waiting on table?
00:36:12Where's the girl?
00:36:13You couldn't expect her to be working today.
00:36:18The boy's going to the chair.
00:36:20You know about that.
00:36:21I read the papers.
00:36:23Poor child.
00:36:25I don't know how she's going to keep living with him gone.
00:36:29What's he to her?
00:36:30They grew up together.
00:36:31Since they was kids.
00:36:33I was going to get married.
00:36:35Didn't she tell you?
00:36:37She never talked about herself?
00:36:40She ain't that kind.
00:36:42She come to work here the same time they sent him to the death house.
00:36:47You remember?
00:36:50Do I?
00:36:51She wanted to be close.
00:36:54So she could see him every visiting day.
00:36:57She hadn't fooled.
00:36:59I didn't know she had trouble like that.
00:37:02Poor kid.
00:37:04It's too bad.
00:37:15Box for you.
00:37:17No, I ain't ready.
00:37:18I only got two hands.
00:37:19It'll be a half hour yet.
00:37:21Yeah, he's waiting.
00:37:24Everybody's jumpy today.
00:37:26Want to know why you haven't come back with the mail?
00:37:28Should have told him I resigned.
00:37:31Got a job I'm going to like better.
00:37:36Of course, if I were in your shoes.
00:37:38How's our spot any different from yours?
00:37:40If you have to wait long for this bus coming in, you won't even make your last additions.
00:37:45Well, you won't get to a phone any faster than we will.
00:37:48I don't have to worry.
00:37:50I suppose you file your stories by television.
00:37:52No, I use the phone.
00:37:54But I filed this one last night while you were all sleeping.
00:38:00One time we'll beat the radio.
00:38:02The boss hates newscasters.
00:38:04And you get your stories from a crystal ball.
00:38:06No, from...
00:38:07These things are all alike, and if you know your business, you can file them in your sleep, I can.
00:38:11At 535, the executioner pulls the switch.
00:38:14At 536, we'll be on the streets.
00:38:16And you guys will be waiting for the bus.
00:38:23How much longer are you going to be?
00:38:24We ain't got all day.
00:38:25Take it easy.
00:38:26All you've got to do is throw a switch.
00:38:28I've got to make it work.
00:38:29By 535, you've been messing around with that...
00:38:31Take it easy, I said.
00:38:33It'll be ready on time.
00:38:42How are you getting along?
00:38:43All right now.
00:38:44I had to check through the whole feeder circuit.
00:38:46But I'm sure we've got the voltage up to where we need it.
00:38:48How much longer will you be?
00:38:49Oh, about five minutes.
00:38:50Just a couple of connections and a test.
00:38:52There's no chance of a slip-up, is there?
00:38:54Not anymore.
00:38:55Just so you understand, both of you.
00:38:58This is no time for gruesome mistakes.
00:39:00I'll hold you personally responsible.
00:39:02Look, Deputy.
00:39:03I've never had any failures so far, and I don't intend to start now.
00:39:06It'll be ready on time.
00:39:08All right, then you check with me in my office in ten minutes.
00:39:14The men from the newspapers are here, sir.
00:39:16Have them wait.
00:39:17I'll come for them when we're ready.
00:39:19Yes, sir.
00:39:21You'll tell her all that, won't you?
00:39:25And tell her not to think about anything else.
00:39:29Because that's what I'll be thinking about.
00:39:31I will.
00:39:34And tell her...
00:39:36I've always loved her.
00:39:38And I always...
00:39:44Always isn't very long now, is it?
00:39:52And I always will.
00:39:59I just wanted to see how you were.
00:40:01He's fine, Jim, fine.
00:40:04I wish all men could be as sure as he is.
00:40:06Is she here?
00:40:08Good grief, I forgot to tell you.
00:40:10Yes, she's in the warden's office with his wife.
00:40:12Will you wait here for a few minutes, Jim?
00:40:13I've got to talk to her.
00:40:14Charlotte, there's only...
00:40:15I know, I'll be back.
00:40:17You won't forget anything I told you, Padre.
00:40:22Not one word.
00:40:41I can't tell you how sorry I am.
00:40:43I should have come in when the warden told me.
00:40:45It's all right.
00:40:47I knew she'd be here.
00:40:49She said she would.
00:41:16I have a message for you.
00:41:27He told me to tell you not to cry and not to grieve.
00:41:30If you do that, you'll only make him very unhappy.
00:41:34You wouldn't want to do that, would you?
00:41:39He doesn't want you to think about anything that's happening now or...
00:41:42or anything that's going to happen.
00:41:45Will you try?
00:41:49He wants you to think only of all the beautiful, wonderful times you used to spend together.
00:41:54Because that's what he's thinking about.
00:41:57And if you want to be together with him now, that's what you must keep thinking about.
00:42:04Do you remember that picnic at Schuster's Grove?
00:42:06You and he won the dancing cup.
00:42:08Although he hardly knew how to dance.
00:42:11You did all the leading and he just kept stepping on your feet.
00:42:15He wasn't that bad.
00:42:18Remember how you fooled the judges?
00:42:22Every time I saw them looking at us, I'd swing him around real fast.
00:42:26That's right. Remember what the contest judges said?
00:42:31It was our best step.
00:42:33They thought we were spinning on purpose.
00:42:36And you won the cup.
00:42:41And then he said we ought to celebrate.
00:42:45And he went to the soda fountain and had them fill the cup full of raspberries.
00:42:51But what happened to that raspberry, Santi?
00:42:55I think he...
00:42:56He spilled it all over your new dress.
00:42:59We were so worried because we were afraid the stains wouldn't come out.
00:43:04But I had the dress dyed the same color as the syrup.
00:43:08And it turned out beautiful.
00:43:11Prettier than you.
00:43:13Why, sure.
00:43:14Because that's the dress you wore when you won the beauty contest.
00:43:18At the high school prom.
00:43:21He was very proud of you.
00:43:23I was proud of him, too.
00:43:26He saved up for my first corsage.
00:43:30A real orchid.
00:43:32And to the prom.
00:43:36A whole bunch of us kids went to Dreamland Park.
00:43:41Does this remind you of anything?
00:43:44Oh, sure.
00:43:46I've got mine, too.
00:43:47I wouldn't give it away for anything.
00:43:52We still laugh when we look at it because right after it was taken,
00:43:55the wooden horse fell apart and we both landed on the floor.
00:43:59We sneaked away from the other kids.
00:44:07Ferris wheel?
00:44:10They're up there.
00:44:16Right up on top.
00:44:18And the wheel got stuck.
00:44:19They didn't get it fixed for hours.
00:44:21They kept playing that wheezy old calliope.
00:44:25We thought we'd get scared up there all alone.
00:44:29If they stopped the music.
00:44:32You remember that music?
00:44:35I'll never forget it.
00:44:39We were right up.
00:44:42Almost in the sky.
00:44:46We thought if we could just reach out,
00:44:50we could touch the stars.
00:44:53That's when you promised each other that you'd always be together.
00:45:00And after that you kept going back just to ride the Ferris wheel.
00:45:04We kept hoping it would get stuck again.
00:45:23You'll keep your promise to him, won't you?
00:45:26And you won't let anything come into your mind
00:45:28except just what we've been talking about.
00:45:31I promise.
00:45:33He'll be very happy.
00:45:37Now I have another message that he wants you to keep remembering and remembering
00:45:41and saying and saying because that's what he's saying.
00:45:46I've always loved you.
00:45:49And I always will.
00:45:51I've always loved you.
00:45:56And I always will.
00:46:03I've always loved you.
00:46:06And I always will.
00:46:18I've always loved you.
00:46:22You promised.
00:46:34You promised him.
00:46:47I've always loved you.
00:46:54And I always will.
00:46:58Are you ready?
00:47:00How is she?
00:47:01Just as you want her to be. She's wonderful.
00:47:10Well, we're ready.
00:47:14You're sure?
00:47:15Positive. Everything checked perfectly.
00:47:17The meter shows 1800 volts.
00:47:20All right, we'll go ahead. Stand by.
00:47:26Notify everybody on that list I gave you that we'll go ahead on schedule.
00:47:31Yes, 535.
00:47:33I'll bring the newspaperman in now.
00:48:03I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help.
00:48:28My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth.
00:48:31And I consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers.
00:48:34The moon and the stars which thou hast ordained.
00:48:37The Lord shall preserve me from all evil.
00:48:40He shall preserve my soul.
00:48:42The Lord preserveth my going out and my coming in from this time forward.
00:48:48Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
00:48:51Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy loving kindness.
00:48:55For they have been ever of old.
00:48:58Turn thee unto me and have mercy upon me for I am desolate and afflicted.
00:49:04Hear my cry, O God. Attend unto my prayer.
00:49:09From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee when my heart is overwhelmed.
00:49:14Thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear thy name.
00:49:19Show me thy ways, O Lord. Teach me thy paths.
00:49:23Lead me in thy truth and teach me for thou art the God of my salvation.
00:49:28On thee do I wait all the day.
00:49:39In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust.
00:49:42Deliver me in thy righteousness.
00:49:45Into thine hand I commit my spirit.
00:49:49Thou hast redeemed me.
00:49:52O Lord, God of truth.
00:50:22Well, that's it.
00:50:37Makes you feel sick inside.
00:50:43He was so young, but don't seem...
00:50:47Young or old, we're all living on borrowed time.
00:50:52What about this girl?
00:50:54What about her?
00:50:56Think she might need some dough?
00:50:58What's she gonna do?
00:51:00With him gone?
00:51:02Who knows?
00:51:04It seemed like he was all she was living for.
00:51:10I wouldn't be surprised if she...
00:52:16Can I see that gun of yours?
00:52:20What for?
00:52:22Oh, I just want to look at it.
00:52:25Well, you know I can't let you handle that gun.
00:52:29I just want to look at it.
00:52:31Are you out of your mind?
00:52:38I guess so.
00:52:41See that guy over at the front table?
00:53:06That's Parrot Perruco.
00:53:08Parrot Perruco.
00:53:10Parrot Perruco? What are you talking about?
00:53:12What about him? Who's he?
00:53:13He's wanted for five killings.
00:53:15You heard about the guy that always gave him a full load?
00:53:17Six slugs, five tests? That's him.
00:53:20Wait a minute. Let me see that.
00:53:23Why, he don't look any more like this picture than we do.
00:53:26Besides, this guy's been dead for years.
00:53:28What made you think of this all of a sudden?
00:53:30It ain't all of a sudden. I've been thinking about it a long time.
00:53:32Well, why'd you wait until now to tell us?
00:53:34You and him ain't never been in here at the same time before.
00:53:36I tell you, it's the parrot.
00:53:38He's had his face fixed and they dyed that red hair of his.
00:53:41Yeah, you've been in too long.
00:53:42I've been months now. Every morning this truck has stopped here.
00:53:45But I ain't never let him see me.
00:53:46Yeah, yeah.
00:53:47The way he walks and talks and them eyes of his always shifting.
00:53:51He can't fool me. I've known him too long.
00:53:53Oh, you're crazy.
00:53:54If I am, it's accounting to him.
00:53:55He should be doing this rap instead of me.
00:53:57That's 46. Stop playing detective.
00:53:59Yeah, go tend to your mail.
00:54:00Keep going, will you?
00:54:05Boy, he's really gone.
00:54:36Something to eat, mister?
00:54:56Hiya, parrot.
00:55:01If you don't believe me, why don't you get a fingerprint?
00:55:04Get him!
00:55:24Get him!
00:55:39Get the rope! Get the rope!
00:55:45Cut this right out of the class.
00:55:53Here's the rope.
00:55:54The rope!
00:56:10Hey, what happened?
00:56:11He killed the old man.
00:56:12Who's the old man?
00:56:13He's a trustee up on the hill.
00:56:15Why did he kill him?
00:56:16He was gambling.
00:56:17Who is the guy?
00:56:18His name is Black.
00:56:19Yeah, but the old man was saying he was Parrot Perruco.
00:56:20Parrot Perruco?
00:56:22Hello, Max.
00:56:23Get this.
00:56:24Get this.
00:56:25This isn't enough.
00:56:26Hold everything on that execution.
00:56:27It didn't come off.
00:56:28The chair didn't work.
00:56:29The execution's been postponed.
00:56:30No, not canceled.
00:56:31Just postponed.
00:56:32At least until they find out what happened.
00:56:33We're going back in about 20 minutes.
00:56:35They said they'd try again.
00:56:37Give them.
00:56:38You've got to get those papers back off the streets.
00:56:39You've got to.
00:56:40You've got to stop delivery.
00:56:41They didn't execute him.
00:56:42The chair broke down.
00:56:44Well, how could it be my fault?
00:56:45I never touched the chair.
00:56:46No statement, they said.
00:56:47I don't think they know yet what happened.
00:56:48I never saw anything like it.
00:56:49It was a horrible nightmare.
00:56:50When they threw the switch, high-voltage flashes
00:56:52cracked all over the room.
00:56:53It was gruesome.
00:56:54I thought we'd all be killed.
00:56:55No, it never touched the boy in the chair.
00:56:57There isn't a mark on him.
00:56:58No, all the flashes were shooting away from the chair.
00:57:00It seemed as if they were trying not to touch the boy.
00:57:02How could I know?
00:57:03I'm no fortune teller.
00:57:04Yes, they did call the governor.
00:57:05He said, try again.
00:57:06No more reprieve.
00:57:07They took him back to his cell.
00:57:09No, that boy was the only one who wasn't scared.
00:57:11He just kept smiling all through it.
00:57:13He seemed to be thinking about something else.
00:57:15But you've got to get those papers back off the streets.
00:57:17This is the worst booner we've ever pulled.
00:57:19Yes, Jim.
00:57:20Yes, Jim.
00:57:21No, Jim.
00:57:23Yes, Mr. Hanson.
00:57:24Yes, Mr. Hanson.
00:57:26No, Mr. Hanson.
00:57:28Yes, sir.
00:57:29Yes, sir.
00:57:30No, sir.
00:57:32Yes, sir.
00:57:34OK, crystal ball, what do you see now?
00:57:36He stooped the radio.
00:57:37Tomorrow's news today.
00:57:39His boss hates newscasters.
00:57:41Oh, yes, but he loves him.
00:57:45Well, sir, old 46 kept trying to tell us
00:57:47that this Blackie was Parrot Farruko.
00:57:49He found an old wanted poster of the parrot
00:57:51and kept waving it around.
00:57:53It didn't add up to us because this Blackie
00:57:55don't look any more like Parrot Farruko than I do.
00:57:57There wasn't any stopping old 46.
00:57:59He acted like he'd gone out of his mind.
00:58:01But yes, sir, they've got Blackie in the bus now.
00:58:04Yes, sir, we'll be right there.
00:58:06They want us to bring this Blackie up to the prison.
00:58:08Hold him there for the state police.
00:58:16Warden says it's OK to bring him in.
00:58:18He's calling the state police.
00:58:20Tell those newspaper boys we'll send the bus back.
00:58:29OK, sign on the executioner.
00:58:31Now, get this.
00:58:32That's 30 on the executioner.
00:58:33But here's another item.
00:58:34No, that isn't all.
00:58:35There's been a murder here.
00:58:36It might be big.
00:58:37Some trucker killed an old car.
00:58:38The trucker's name is Blackie.
00:58:39The old convict was called 46.
00:58:40Those are all the names I've gotten so far.
00:58:42It's another story.
00:58:43Yeah, call fake lines.
00:58:45Something about Parrot Farruko.
00:58:46Remember him?
00:58:47Yeah, check the files.
00:58:48That's right, the big shot funeral.
00:58:49Parrot Farruko, yes.
00:58:51About three years ago.
00:58:52They fished him out of the river in a cement block.
00:58:54No, I don't know any more.
00:58:55But this is murder.
00:58:56Yes, sir.
00:58:57What's wrong, Cristobal?
00:58:58Don't the boys love you any more?
00:59:00I bet you told the boss last night this old con
00:59:02was going to be murdered.
00:59:04He says he isn't interested in anybody being murdered.
00:59:07Unless it's me.
00:59:25Take that cord off his wrist.
00:59:35Give it to the identification office.
00:59:43I want a set of prints made here in my office.
00:59:46Check them against Parrot Farruko.
00:59:47Remember him?
00:59:48He served a term here for felony.
00:59:50We released him in 44 or 45.
00:59:52Check the files.
00:59:53Yes, sir.
01:00:03Check the files.
01:00:07You men come with me.
01:00:09I want your statements.
01:00:10I'll let you in.
01:00:34Is that the girl?
01:00:41Why does he have to die?
01:00:44Why don't you find the real murderer?
01:01:02Why does he have to die?
01:01:57You guys must be crazy.
01:01:59Do I look like Parrot Farruko?
01:02:00I'll let you know in a few minutes.
01:02:30I'll let you know in a few minutes.
01:02:57When you pray for me,
01:03:00why isn't God listening?
01:03:03He is listening. He is. He is.
01:03:13Peter's circuit went to ground and it shorted out.
01:03:15That's why it threw fire and sparks all around the outlet
01:03:18where the wires come through the conduit to the chair.
01:03:20You've got it fixed?
01:03:21Yes, we're ready. There's no chance of a slip-up now.
01:03:23Did you make your tests?
01:03:24Yes, tests perfect.
01:03:25Look, I'm too tired to tell you what I think now.
01:03:28But if anything happens this time...
01:03:30I tell you it's perfect.
01:03:31I'm going to make tests of that chair myself.
01:03:33If I have to do it with you in it.
01:03:35But I tell you nothing will happen. It works perfect.
01:03:41All right, stand by.
01:03:46Get me Sanderson.
01:03:51Hello, Sanderson.
01:03:52Why does it always take you so long to answer this intercom?
01:03:56I'll put a loud buzzer on it to get a hearing aid.
01:03:58Have those reporters gotten there yet?
01:04:00Okay, take them into the chamber.
01:04:03I'll bring the boy in myself.
01:04:23Here are those prints you wanted, Deputy.
01:04:38No, let them, they can't, they can't!
01:04:42They mustn't, they can't!
01:04:45I won't let them!
01:04:47I won't let them!
01:04:49I won't let them!
01:04:52I won't let them!
01:04:54No, no, no, he mustn't die!
01:04:58He mustn't die!
01:05:22We can't delay it any longer, Jim.
01:06:13Hiya, Parrot.
01:06:17That's quite a job they did on your face.
01:06:20Only the best.
01:06:22But they didn't do so well on your fingerprints.
01:06:26You can't have everything.
01:06:27Tell me,
01:06:29that cement block they fished up from the river.
01:06:33They identified the body as yours.
01:06:37How did you do it?
01:06:38There's tricks in every trade.
01:06:41Five previous murders,
01:06:44and one this morning.
01:06:46Six shots each time.
01:06:50You must be partial to six.
01:06:53It's my lucky number.
01:06:56This time,
01:06:58I shot a seven.
01:07:00What do you mean?
01:07:02You didn't count Tim Harrah.
01:07:04Tim Harrah?
01:07:06That girl is right.
01:07:08The boy didn't do it.
01:07:51Did you?
01:07:52No, we couldn't.
01:07:53The current failed all over the prison.
01:07:55There's no electricity.
01:07:56Where's the boy?
01:07:57The chaplain's taking him back to his cell.
01:07:59I can't understand what hap...
01:08:03Sit down, Jim.
01:08:06I want you to listen to this.
01:08:12I'm going to tell you the truth.
01:08:14I'm going to tell you the truth.
01:08:16I'm going to tell you the truth.
01:08:18I'm going to tell you the truth.
01:08:19I'm going to tell you the truth.
01:08:25Why did you kill Tim Harrah?
01:08:28He was hijacking my trucks.
01:08:30What about the boy?
01:08:32He had nothing to do with it.
01:08:34He was telling the truth.
01:08:40Are you telling the truth?
01:08:42I had nothing to lose.
01:08:44Six killings or seven.
01:08:47He only go once.
01:08:50Why did you wait until now to say this?
01:08:53You didn't have courage for a call.
01:08:55Until now.
01:08:57I'm no sucker.
01:08:59And you'd let an innocent boy go to the chair.
01:09:01And that girl...
01:09:03They're sentimental, Warden.
01:09:05You'll sign a confession?
01:09:08Why not?
01:09:11Get a stenographer.
01:09:12Take it easy.
01:09:14Just put a piece of paper in the typewriter.
01:09:19Take it easy.
01:09:49Give me the Governor.
01:10:20He's listening, Bill.
01:10:22He always listens.
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