• 3 years ago


00:00:50Hey, Spocky, I'm having trouble in the oil pressure.
00:01:18Yeah, I'm sure.
00:01:34What's that?
00:01:38It's the headlight.
00:01:42Look out, Axel. I'm going to give it a big hold.
00:02:13Are you absolutely certain you saw an eastbound train go by your place the night of the wreck?
00:02:18Well, I'd say...
00:02:21Answer yes or no. Did you see that train?
00:02:25You're darned certain I've seen that train. It sure did go by my place.
00:02:30That's all I wanted to know. Mr. Conley, you're an operator at the Lone Pine Station, are you not?
00:02:35Yes, sir, I am.
00:02:37And if I'm not mistaken, you were on duty the night of the 13th last month.
00:02:41I was.
00:02:43Mr. Conley, you've heard the testimony given by the witnesses here who live along the right-of-way,
00:02:48that they saw and heard an eastbound train.
00:02:52Is there any reason why you didn't hold that train when you knew that 101 was coming west on a single track?
00:02:59Because there was no train to hold. That's why.
00:03:03There ain't nothing eastbound after dark until 1155, unless it's a freight or a special.
00:03:11Your chief dispatcher can tell you that.
00:03:14Mr. Conley, are you positively sure that...
00:03:19Shelton, close that window, please.
00:03:28Tell me, Mr. Conley, how do you account for not having seen that train?
00:03:33Because there was no train. I'd know if a train passed my tower, wouldn't I?
00:03:38There was, too, a train. Mr. Harrington, I've been a railroad man all my life.
00:03:42When I see a headlight bearing down on me when I have the right-of-way, I know it.
00:03:46You bet.
00:03:48Nobody's doubting anybody's word.
00:03:51It's merely that the reports and testimonies have been conflicting to the point of improbability.
00:03:58Tell us more in detail just what occurred, Nolan.
00:04:02Well, we were rolling along about 60 miles an hour.
00:04:07Actually, my fireman here had trouble with the oil pressure.
00:04:11I turned to take a quick look.
00:04:13When I turned back, there was a headlight bearing down on me at full speed.
00:04:18I gave my train all the air it could stand.
00:04:21Just had time to yell to Axel.
00:04:24That's all I knew. I woke up in the hospital.
00:04:26Yeah, sure. And he was right there, too, Mr. Harrington.
00:04:30I saw the headlight. It had been smoky, picked on the brakes...
00:04:33and picked in the fire, right straight into the fireboxes.
00:04:36You can call it the goose train, if you want.
00:04:39But it was a pretty good goose that could race a boat like this here.
00:04:43Yes, Billy, this happened.
00:04:45There is something the Horace fell head above, I can tell you.
00:04:54Well, what are we stopping here for? Don't you know we're late?
00:04:58I've got to go and see Dad and get the keys to the beach house.
00:05:01I suppose you'll be all day talking to that broadside stenographer.
00:05:05Now, if you keep me waiting...
00:05:07Don't get hardening of the arteries. I'll be back right away.
00:05:09It's quick as you can powder your nose.
00:05:12And it needs it.
00:05:14We've stopped at so many places since we started.
00:05:17I feel like I'm working on a milk route.
00:05:20All right, hurry up and get your keys.
00:05:24Hello, Miss Gray.
00:05:25How do you do, Mr. Harrington?
00:05:27If you tell my father, I want to see him right away. It's very important.
00:05:30I'm sorry, but he's very busy right now.
00:05:32They're holding an inquiry about the last wreck.
00:05:34Wreck? Was there a wreck?
00:05:37Of course.
00:05:39Well, that's a shame.
00:05:42But there's nothing like a wreck to worry about.
00:05:45I'm sure you'll be all right.
00:05:47I'm sure you'll be all right.
00:05:49I'm sure you'll be all right.
00:05:52There's nothing like a wreck to worry about.
00:05:54I'm sure you'll be all right.
00:05:56I wanted to keep everyone out of there, even you.
00:05:58His own son?
00:06:00Which one of these men is part of your wrecking crew, Mr. Reynolds?
00:06:05You are, I believe, Mr. Donovan.
00:06:07Yes, sir.
00:06:08Say, Dad, if you get the keys to the beach house, I want to get down there.
00:06:11Why, they're waiting for me.
00:06:13Shall I question him, Mr. Harrington?
00:06:14Yes, please.
00:06:16Mr. Donovan, how soon after the wreck were you and your crew standing by?
00:06:21About two hours.
00:06:23I see.
00:06:24And did you make any investigation as to the cause of the wreck?
00:06:27Well, I took a look around, but I didn't have much time to do any investigating.
00:06:32Was there any evidence of another train having been there?
00:06:37No, there wasn't, Mr. Harrington.
00:06:39But, of course, there wouldn't be.
00:06:41There was no collision.
00:06:43Railroad tracks is railroad tracks, Mr. Harrington,
00:06:46and all they show is that trains can go over them.
00:06:49Tell me, Donovan,
00:06:51was there any identification that the track might have been tampered with?
00:06:55No, sir.
00:06:56If there had been, I couldn't have told anyway.
00:06:59When the engine was derailed, it chewed up about 50 feet of track.
00:07:03Perhaps the foreman of the road crew that repaired the track after the wreck
00:07:06might have observed something.
00:07:08Which one of these men is he, Reynolds?
00:07:10He isn't here, Mr. Harrington.
00:07:12We won't be able to get in from his division until tomorrow.
00:07:15We were unable to reach him as soon as the wreck.
00:07:19Well, send telephonic communication to get him here immediately.
00:07:23That'll be all, gentlemen.
00:07:25We'll postpone this inquiry until the other witnesses arrive.
00:07:38Say, Dad, give me the key to the beach house, will you?
00:07:43Sailing yachts.
00:07:45Padding tennis balls.
00:07:46Golf balls.
00:07:47Polo balls.
00:07:49I'm getting tired of this.
00:07:51If you were only a he-man yourself instead of a mere...
00:07:57If you're down here where you belong,
00:07:59try to help me solve the mystery of these wrecks.
00:08:07Look, Dad, give me the keys. I'm late now.
00:08:10You'll be on my side later before you get those keys.
00:08:13I can't find them.
00:08:15But even if I could,
00:08:17you're not going to get them, you understand?
00:08:19Now, that's final.
00:08:20Why are you going through your pocket?
00:08:22If you should find an extra hundred, I could use that too.
00:08:28See here, young man,
00:08:30before you get another cent from me,
00:08:32you'll settle down the business.
00:08:34Now, that is final.
00:08:41Oh, Reynolds.
00:08:43Yes, sir?
00:08:44Reynolds, I've been looking at that letter again.
00:08:47A thought strikes me.
00:08:50Do you suppose those fellows that offered to buy our road,
00:08:54do you suppose that they could have had anything to do with these wrecks?
00:09:01No. No, that's impossible.
00:09:03They're men of irreproachable reputation.
00:09:05I've investigated them very carefully.
00:09:08Give me the keys.
00:09:09Oh, wait a minute, will you, please?
00:09:13Oh, well, all right. All right.
00:09:22You know you're holding me up.
00:09:24I tell you, I can't find the keys.
00:09:26I've looked everywhere for them.
00:09:28Oh, gosh, here they are. All right.
00:09:30Take them and run along.
00:09:36Just a minute.
00:09:45Thanks, Dad.
00:09:47You're a good old scout.
00:09:48Sucker's the word.
00:09:51On your way, on your way.
00:09:52Okay, I'll be seeing you.
00:09:57Oh, holy Moses!
00:09:59Oh, I'm awfully sorry.
00:10:00Oh, that's all right.
00:10:01It's not half as bad as the last one.
00:10:04There's Hanson standing over here.
00:10:05Come on.
00:10:06And that's a proof, you.
00:10:07Let's meet his face.
00:10:08Don't, Bernadette.
00:10:09I don't care what Hanson does.
00:10:10Come on, now.
00:10:11Do it, Bernadette.
00:10:12Don't, Bernadette.
00:10:15Do they argue like that all the time?
00:10:17You should hear him play pinapple.
00:10:19Well, I should love to.
00:10:20Will some time this week be convenient?
00:10:22I don't think it would be for you.
00:10:24You see, Dad and I live at the other end of the division.
00:10:27Oh, well, that's fine.
00:10:30Think I could come and see you, huh?
00:10:32Isn't it a long way to go just to see a pinapple game?
00:10:35Well, it is to see a pinapple game, but after all,
00:10:38pinapple isn't everything, is it, huh?
00:10:47Oh, I have to be going now,
00:10:49or I'll probably meet with a serious accident.
00:10:51Goodbye, Miss Nolan.
00:10:52I'll be seeing you.
00:10:53So long.
00:10:56I'm sorry, Betty, but my father kept me
00:10:58a little longer than I expected.
00:11:00Oh, your father?
00:11:01Well, since when is your father a female impersonator?
00:11:05But listen, Betty, I was...
00:11:10Why don't you pick up your feet?
00:11:12Dad, are you busy?
00:11:32Of course I'm busy.
00:11:33What do you want now?
00:11:42Say, what's the matter with you?
00:11:43When are we?
00:11:45Just bringing him back to you, that's all.
00:11:48All right.
00:11:49I'll bite.
00:11:51Watch the catch.
00:11:53What do you want now?
00:11:55A job.
00:12:00You mean...
00:12:03You mean that you want to work?
00:12:09Oh, I know.
00:12:10You're right, Dad.
00:12:11Of course I'm right.
00:12:12You ought to go to work.
00:12:14You know what I want you to do for me?
00:12:16Assign me to investigate these wrecks.
00:12:24I'll send you all to the other end of the division.
00:12:26I'll write a letter to the superintendent...
00:12:28Oh, no.
00:12:29Now, wait a minute, Dad.
00:12:30If I'm going to investigate these wrecks,
00:12:31let me do it my own way.
00:12:32I'll get a job at the roundhouse
00:12:33so nobody will know who I am.
00:12:35It won't arouse anybody's suspicion.
00:12:36Say, wait a minute.
00:12:37Wait a minute.
00:12:38Are you working for me or am I working for you?
00:12:40I'm not going to have any young...
00:12:43Whippersnapper telling me what?
00:12:44Say, will you please stop putting the words into my mouth?
00:12:47But I want to handle this in my own name.
00:12:49I tell you that every time I offer to say anything,
00:12:51you stop and go...
00:12:52They know who I am.
00:13:06Well, all right.
00:13:07It's okay with me.
00:13:08That's fine.
00:13:09Now, remember, you're Bruce Harrington from now on.
00:13:12And I'm your friend or something looking for a job.
00:13:15Very well, my man.
00:13:17And, uh, this letter will introduce you as Bruce Harrington.
00:13:21Now, wait.
00:13:22The division head doesn't have to sweep up offices
00:13:24or dust off engines, does he?
00:13:25No, I told you all you had to do.
00:13:27Not so worse, is it?
00:13:29No, but it will be if your dad finds it out.
00:13:32Oh, I beg your pardon.
00:13:34I'm awfully sorry.
00:13:36Look out, look out.
00:13:37Watch your step.
00:13:39Boy, that was a good-looking girl.
00:13:41Did you see her?
00:13:42I sure did.
00:13:44Now, I want to meet her, too.
00:13:46She's the daughter of Smokey Nolan, the engineer
00:13:48who was in the last rank.
00:13:49Do you remember?
00:13:50Well, then you know her.
00:13:52No, but we're going to know her.
00:13:54Now, listen.
00:13:55You bring us up and introduce yourself as Bruce Harrington.
00:13:58And the old man will be tickled pink.
00:14:00Then you can introduce me.
00:14:02I'm beginning to see the advantage of being
00:14:04a railroad magnate already.
00:14:06Sure, it's a cinch.
00:14:15Just about on time, sir.
00:14:17Pardon me.
00:14:18You're Mr. Nolan, I believe.
00:14:19Oh, yes, yes.
00:14:20I'm Nolan.
00:14:21Well, I'm Bruce Harrington.
00:14:22Oh, Bruce Harrington.
00:14:23He's my father's cousin.
00:14:24Oh, you're old, man.
00:14:26You're Mr. Harrington, sir.
00:14:28Well, I'm very pleased to meet you.
00:14:29How did you know who I was?
00:14:31Oh, I heard my dad speak of Smokey Nolan.
00:14:34Many, many times.
00:14:35Is that so?
00:14:37Oh, pardon me.
00:14:38This is my daughter, Caroline.
00:14:40Mr. Harrington's son and president of the row.
00:14:42Says he's heard his father speak of me.
00:14:44How do you do?
00:14:45How do you do?
00:14:46And this is my fireman, Mr. Axelson.
00:14:48Oh, hello.
00:14:49Pleased to meet you.
00:14:50Won't you sit down?
00:14:51Well, yeah.
00:14:52You sit down, too.
00:14:56Didn't I see you in my father's office today?
00:14:58Why, yes, I was there.
00:14:59But I didn't see you.
00:15:02I mean, well, I wasn't there.
00:15:07Oh, pardon me, folks.
00:15:08This is an old friend of mine, Mr. Eggplant.
00:15:12What did you say his name was?
00:15:13Smith is the name.
00:15:14I'm very good to know you, Miss Nolan.
00:15:15How are you?
00:15:16My father, Mr. Smith.
00:15:17And Mr. Axelson.
00:15:18How do you do?
00:15:19Glad to know you, too.
00:15:20You're traveling, too, I see.
00:15:23I'm on my way to see a pinnacle contest.
00:15:26Do you play pinnacle?
00:15:27You bet you.
00:15:28I was the champion of Minnesota, too.
00:15:42Hi, Bill.
00:15:44Sorry I'm late.
00:15:45It's the old woman again.
00:15:48What's the matter?
00:15:49Doesn't the weather agree with her?
00:15:51That's more than I could expect of any weather.
00:15:53Good thing I brought that lantern along.
00:15:55Can't see three feet ahead of you.
00:15:57No moon.
00:16:00What's the setup?
00:16:01Everything on time?
00:16:03Everything but you.
00:16:04Hey, 101 lost 10 minutes at Morgan Hill.
00:16:07But he'll make that up before he goes by.
00:16:11Say, when Smokey gets back on that run,
00:16:14he won't have to be worrying any about 101.
00:16:17Speaking of Smokey, that guy testified at the inquiry
00:16:20that he saw a train coming right at him.
00:16:22What do you know about that?
00:16:24Why, he's crazy.
00:16:26They call it the Phantom Express.
00:16:28Phantom Express.
00:16:31A train is either a train or it ain't a train.
00:16:34This train ain't.
00:16:36And we're the guys that know it.
00:16:38You're right.
00:16:44Wait a minute, boys.
00:16:45We're changing ships.
00:16:47Another guy lands it, you'll only have red to take care of.
00:16:50All right, okay.
00:16:51Now, Nick's on the hot stuff.
00:16:53I don't want him blasted.
00:16:54That's the easiest to tap on the head, and that's that.
00:16:57No, that's another thing.
00:16:59I want this guy to see the Phantom Express.
00:17:01Say, listen.
00:17:02When we get through with this bird,
00:17:04he'll not only see the Phantom Express,
00:17:06but he'll believe in Santa Claus,
00:17:08the stork, and Ouija boards.
00:17:11Wait a minute, boys.
00:17:12He's coming out.
00:17:16Hey, Red.
00:17:17Hey, Red.
00:17:20If you get lonesome,
00:17:21there's some ghost stories there on the desk.
00:17:25Good night, Bill.
00:17:26Good night, Red.
00:17:48All right, boys, do your stuff.
00:17:49Come on, Bob.
00:17:50And remember, no rough stuff.
00:17:59Hello, Lone Pine.
00:18:00Chief Dispatcher calling.
00:18:02Lone Pine.
00:18:03Connelly speaking.
00:18:05Number 101 has right-of-way westbound.
00:18:09South to the left 45.
00:18:14Better hold that straight.
00:18:16Better hold that straight,
00:18:17but the side is still.
00:18:18101 gets by.
00:18:20Okay, Chief.
00:18:22That's all.
00:18:23Put up your hands.
00:18:24Don't move.
00:18:25Take your hand away from that switch.
00:18:33Come on.
00:18:37Get him.
00:18:38I'll take him.
00:18:39It's all right.
00:18:40Don't worry.
00:18:41Drop that gas.
00:18:42We can handle this baby, all right.
00:18:44Well, he can't fix it.
00:18:45All right.
00:18:49It's all right, Buck.
00:18:50Get over there to the window, quick.
00:18:51Can you handle it?
00:18:52Yes, okay.
00:18:58Got him.
00:18:59Got him.
00:19:00Bring him over here, quick.
00:19:01All right.
00:19:02Come on, we got him now.
00:19:05Get that over.
00:19:06Get that rope.
00:19:07Come on, you.
00:19:08That's it.
00:19:09Now, just relax a little.
00:19:11Have a little patience.
00:19:13We'll show you the Phantom, all right.
00:19:16Here you are, Buck.
00:19:22Hey, by the way,
00:19:23do you know where I can get a good room
00:19:26and a board near the roundhouse
00:19:27at the end of the division, you know?
00:19:29Near the roundhouse at the end of the division?
00:19:32Well, let's see.
00:19:35Oh, I'd have to ask Mother, of course,
00:19:38but you can stay at our house
00:19:39and share Jack's room.
00:19:40How would that suit you?
00:19:41Oh, gee.
00:19:42That would be great, only Mrs. Nolan might...
00:19:44Oh, one more would tickle her to death.
00:19:48My dear, I just imagined,
00:19:49after the two awful accidents,
00:19:51that you didn't know anything for a long time.
00:19:53Is Mother enjoying the trip?
00:19:54Hmm, I guess she is.
00:19:56She's out there on the observation end
00:19:58with the present son.
00:20:01Yes, sir, the present son.
00:20:04You know, I like that fellow.
00:20:06The minute I saw him...
00:20:13That'll hold him now.
00:20:21Here she comes now.
00:20:22Come on, let's get out of here.
00:20:27Now take a good look at that phantom, will you?
00:20:43Hey, Chief.
00:20:44Howdy, Mr. Bones.
00:20:46Hello, Donnelly.
00:20:47I just sped ahead up in time.
00:20:49South train about to come by.
00:20:51Hey, get out of the stopper.
00:20:53What about 101 coming west?
00:20:55There can't be any eastbound train now.
00:20:57That's right, there can't be.
00:20:59Mr. Jones.
00:21:05Hey, Mr. Bones.
00:21:06Howdy, Mr. Bones.
00:21:07Howdy, Mr. Bones.
00:21:08Howdy, Mr. Bones.
00:21:09Howdy, Mr. Bones.
00:21:11Maybe we can get him at Elkhorn.
00:21:14Hello, Elkhorn.
00:21:19What's the matter with you, Travern?
00:21:23What's the matter with you, Elkhorn?
00:21:25Travern, speak up.
00:21:26What's the matter?
00:21:27Hold 101.
00:21:29Hold 101.
00:21:34Another missed train bound for number one.
00:21:38Hold them.
00:21:41Hold them.
00:21:43South train's coming.
00:21:44On number one's side.
00:21:51Hold them.
00:21:52Just make them up, Travern.
00:21:53Whatever you do.
00:21:57What's the matter with you?
00:21:58Travern, what's the matter with you?
00:22:06Stop it.
00:22:08Stop it.
00:22:09Stop it.
00:22:11Stop it.
00:22:16Hold them tight.
00:22:28Did you have a banana?
00:22:32I think that's the whole bunch, too.
00:22:56Are you all right?
00:22:57I'm all right.
00:22:58What's up?
00:23:00I just ordered one banana.
00:23:06I don't see anything.
00:23:07Didn't you see a headlight?
00:23:08I sure did.
00:23:10What's the matter up here?
00:23:11I'm sure I saw a headlight.
00:23:13I swear I saw a headlight.
00:23:15There ain't nothing on that track now that I can see.
00:23:17Well, it ain't there now, but it was.
00:23:19I ain't blind.
00:23:20I ain't blind.
00:23:37Make yourself right at home, won't you, Mr. Smith?
00:23:40Please call me Bruce.
00:23:42Everybody does.
00:23:43I wouldn't know who you were talking to unless you did.
00:23:45All right, Bruce.
00:23:47Don't be long, children.
00:23:48Supper's nearly ready.
00:23:49All right.
00:23:51Isn't it strange that you and Mr. Harrington are both called Bruce?
00:23:56Quite a coincidence.
00:23:58Is it all right for me to use these hangers?
00:23:59Yes, that's all right, Mr. Smith.
00:24:01Bruce is a name.
00:24:02All right, Bruce.
00:24:05Have you any sisters?
00:24:07Who, me?
00:24:12Surely you have some cousins.
00:24:24Well, I have an aunt in Brooklyn.
00:24:26Aunt Helen.
00:24:29Poor Aunt Helen.
00:24:31Ninety years old today.
00:24:36Oh, dear.
00:24:39Hey, when do we eat?
00:24:42You asking me?
00:24:45Gee, that food smells good.
00:24:46Doesn't it, Mr. Smith?
00:24:47Yes, it does, Mr. Nolan.
00:24:49Where do you get that Mr. Nolan stuff?
00:24:51Where do you get that Mr. Smith stuff?
00:24:53None of your business, Bruce.
00:24:55Come on, Bruce.
00:24:56All right, Jackie.
00:24:57Let's go.
00:25:18Don't forget, Harrington's a fighter.
00:25:23And don't you forget this.
00:25:25There's no use of being a fighter
00:25:27when you haven't anything to fight.
00:25:29And you can't fight phantoms, can you?
00:25:35By the way, the old man sent his boy
00:25:38up to the other end of the division to snoop about.
00:25:40I've notified our men.
00:25:42That's fine.
00:25:44But you think another man could have snooped around here?
00:25:47Another wreck and he'll come through, eh?
00:25:50No doubt.
00:25:52Let me see.
00:25:55There's no moon on the night of the 8th.
00:25:59I wonder if the Phantom Express
00:26:02could come down the line
00:26:04on the night of the 8th.
00:26:14And now that I have explained the technicalities
00:26:17of the system, Mr. Harrington,
00:26:19you see why we really need this new system so badly?
00:26:23Yes, yes, of course.
00:26:25The technical parts are very well taken, Callahan.
00:26:28But I wish you'd write this out on paper
00:26:30and I'll send it to the home office.
00:26:32I'll do that, Mr. Harrington.
00:26:34But I wish you'd step down into the roundhouse
00:26:37and see how badly we really need this new water system.
00:26:43Come on ahead, big boy.
00:26:45Don't worry about us.
00:26:48Let's see, come on, honey.
00:26:52Come on, let her go.
00:26:59Oh, dear, dear.
00:27:01Well, how big of a plant do you think we could install?
00:27:06Oh, I should suggest that about
00:27:09500,000 gallons a day would be sufficient.
00:27:13Oh, let's make it 750,000.
00:27:15We'll put in a big plant.
00:27:17Hey, you can't smoke in here.
00:27:21You get fired for less than that.
00:27:23Who, me?
00:27:25They can't fire me.
00:27:27Why, the foreman and I are just like that.
00:27:29That's me.
00:27:31As you can see, it's all right here.
00:27:34Now then, Mr. Harrington, if you'll come on inside,
00:27:37I'll give you my idea of what we should do.
00:27:40All right, fine.
00:27:42Now, as I set up in the office, Mr. Harrington,
00:27:46I have it all here on the blueprint.
00:27:49Now, you understand the technical terms, don't you?
00:27:53Yes, yes, of course, yeah.
00:27:55Now, I figure that if we put the plant
00:27:58right outside of that wall.
00:28:01Yes, yes.
00:28:03And run the pipes from one end of the roundhouse to the other.
00:28:06Then we can put a lot of little pipes
00:28:09down from the main pipe,
00:28:12which will lead into the stalls.
00:28:16Now, in doing that,
00:28:18we can eliminate a lot of boiler washing.
00:28:20That's just what I said.
00:28:22That's fine.
00:28:25Who did that?
00:28:27Hey, you!
00:28:29Come up out of there.
00:28:31Come on!
00:28:33Come on!
00:28:34Come on!
00:28:36Come on out of there!
00:28:37Yes, sir.
00:28:39Hurry up!
00:28:41Oh, I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Callahan.
00:28:44Well, you get a piece of waste.
00:28:46Get down there and wipe off those shoes.
00:28:48Who, me?
00:28:49Yes, you.
00:28:50Hey, Monaghan.
00:28:52Get some gasoline.
00:28:57Hey, hey, that's the wrong shoe.
00:28:59Oh, I beg your pardon.
00:29:00Oh, come on, Hardhan.
00:29:01Make it snappy.
00:29:03Say, what do you think these pants are?
00:29:05A roller towel?
00:29:07Well, from what they're hanging on,
00:29:09I wouldn't know.
00:29:15what's that white-collared bird hanging around here for?
00:29:18That's old man Harrington's son.
00:29:20Well, that's the president's kid.
00:29:22He's learned the railroad business
00:29:24from the white pants down.
00:29:26Well, it won't be many moons
00:29:28before the big bugs of this road
00:29:30come off their high horses.
00:29:32Well, it ain't the moons that does it.
00:29:34It's the lack of moons.
00:29:48We made you an offer, Mr. Harrington.
00:29:50That's absolutely as high as we can go.
00:29:53Yes, and you must realize
00:29:55that we're buying a railroad
00:29:57that has had four wrecks recently.
00:29:58And that hasn't enhanced its value with the public.
00:30:02Reynolds, get me that option, please.
00:30:06We don't want you to think
00:30:08that we're rushing this matter, Mr. Harrington.
00:30:10But in order for us to make a deal,
00:30:12something has to be done by Thursday.
00:30:15Wall Street doesn't wait, you know, Mr. Harrington.
00:30:24Of course I realize.
00:30:26More than you do.
00:30:28See you all, Mr. Harrington.
00:30:37give me until Thursday at midnight.
00:30:39In the meantime, I'll call a meeting
00:30:41of the board of directors.
00:30:43Then we'll either sign or reject.
00:30:45Thursday at midnight.
00:30:47That'll be quite satisfactory.
00:30:49All right, that's satisfactory.
00:30:51See you Thursday then.
00:30:54Is the butter melted yet, dear?
00:30:56Here it comes.
00:30:58Won't Dad be surprised
00:31:00when he finds out Mr. Harrington's
00:31:02coming to his birthday party?
00:31:04Lanza, I hope those boys get home
00:31:06in time to get cleaned up
00:31:08before Mr. Harrington gets here.
00:31:10Hmm, doesn't that look grand?
00:31:12Say, I think that's just about done, don't you?
00:31:17Well, here goes.
00:31:29There now.
00:31:31Doesn't that look good?
00:31:33Oh, it's lovely, lovely.
00:31:37Here come the boys.
00:31:39Hello there.
00:31:41Oh, what you got? Let me see.
00:31:43Oh, nosy, nosy.
00:31:45Oh, you got one too.
00:31:47Gee, Ma, you certainly made a good job
00:31:49with that cake, all right.
00:31:51Listen, I had something to do with that cake, too.
00:31:53Come on, Jack, you can't come.
00:31:55We'll party when we're ready.
00:31:56Oh, dear, that table looks okay.
00:31:58Who fixed that up?
00:32:00Looks like we were gonna have a wedding.
00:32:02What'd you say?
00:32:04I said it looks like we were going to have a wedding.
00:32:06Yes, it does.
00:32:08I mean, come on, we gotta get in here.
00:32:10We'll party now.
00:32:12You wait just a minute.
00:32:14All right.
00:32:16Come on, Jack, we gotta make it snappy now.
00:32:18You'll be home soon.
00:32:20They didn't have a chance to test this train out.
00:32:22I hope it works.
00:32:24Gee, it's a beauty, isn't it?
00:32:26Yes, it is.
00:32:49I should say, folksy.
00:32:51You should see the engines they got in Sweden.
00:32:54I know, I know.
00:32:56They burn wood like stone.
00:32:58I always knew you were a woodchopper.
00:33:02Woodchopper nothing.
00:33:04Well, if you're not, you ought to be.
00:33:06Listen, Smokey, a yoke is a yoke,
00:33:08and you sang it a little bit too far.
00:33:10Hey, there's Smokey coming in.
00:33:13Oh, there's Smokey!
00:33:15Hi, Bill.
00:33:17I don't understand.
00:33:19I'm tired.
00:33:21And he's just a man who can do it, too.
00:33:24Ben, I got some important business, Smokey.
00:33:27I'll be seeing you later.
00:33:29Goodbye, old boy. Goodbye, old partner.
00:33:31Hey, Smokey.
00:33:33He's going to find out about those Swedish locomotives.
00:33:36Ah, Nick.
00:33:49How many more are coming?
00:33:54Hello, Frank, how are things?
00:33:57Hey, Smokey, here's a letter for you.
00:33:59Oh, yeah, thanks.
00:35:29Hey, sshh.
00:35:32That's Dad now.
00:35:33Hurry up, light the candles.
00:35:35See you at the light bound.
00:35:36Light the candles, An declare.
00:35:38Come on, Jackie.
00:35:39Light the candles now.
00:35:40You're late, aren't you?
00:35:42Oh, a little bit.
00:35:43I had some things to do down at the roundhouse.
00:35:45Hello, Mark.
00:35:46Well, well, well.
00:35:50Oh, well.
00:35:51Doesn't it look nice?
00:35:53It sure does.
00:35:54Happy birthday, Mr. Nolan.
00:35:56Yorkshire and St. George, that's it.
00:35:58Let me congratulate you, Mr. Nolan.
00:35:59Thank you very much, Mr. Hanks.
00:36:01And I sure wish you lots of luck.
00:36:02Well, I don't know what to say.
00:36:04Come on.
00:36:05Let's go and sit down.
00:36:06Well, well, well.
00:36:07You bet.
00:36:08And I wish you plenty luck smoking.
00:36:10I'm sure some man can do it.
00:36:11Congratulations, Mr. Nolan.
00:36:13Have a great day.
00:36:14Thank you very much.
00:36:15Well, now, everyone sit down.
00:36:17You sit right there, Mr. Harrison.
00:36:18And Bruce, you sit there.
00:36:19And right there, Mr. Axelton.
00:36:21Thank you, Mrs. Newland.
00:36:22I'll bring him.
00:36:23I'll bring him up here.
00:36:25Well, there's the old 101, Mr. Nolan.
00:36:27Well, there it is.
00:36:28Let's see how your whistle's working, Dad.
00:36:30Blow out the candles.
00:36:31Come on, now.
00:36:33One, two, three.
00:36:38Oh, he did it.
00:36:39He did it.
00:36:41That was a nice meal, Mr. Nolan.
00:36:43Well, I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
00:36:46Oh, Axel.
00:36:49Excuse me.
00:36:51Excuse me.
00:36:52You're flirting better tonight, Axel.
00:36:55Oh, Axel.
00:36:56Excuse me.
00:36:58My goodness, Mrs. Nolan.
00:37:00I ate so much, I think the boiler
00:37:01was going to blow up.
00:37:05Wait, wait, just a minute.
00:37:07I was appointed as the committee of the...
00:37:11My goodness.
00:37:12I was getting so nervous.
00:37:14I feel a little goose.
00:37:15It was raking up all over me.
00:37:17Don't smoke it.
00:37:19All the boys, they put in $10 a piece
00:37:22to get you a little present for your birthday.
00:37:26And it comes right from the heart, too, I suppose.
00:37:29And all this is mainly happy returns of the day.
00:37:35Good morning, Axel.
00:37:39Thanks, Axel.
00:37:41That's mighty fine of the boys.
00:37:44Well, it's mighty fine of them.
00:37:49Come on, Dad.
00:37:50Open it up.
00:37:51Yeah, pass it down here.
00:37:53The boys put in $1,000 if you want it.
00:37:57The watch.
00:37:58The watch.
00:38:01Oh, isn't it?
00:38:02Hey, that's great.
00:38:03Isn't that fine?
00:38:04Just look at it.
00:38:05Isn't it beautiful?
00:38:07Let me see it, will you, Mr. Harrington?
00:38:10Well, what do you know about that?
00:38:12Say, the boys like him pretty good, don't they?
00:38:14Oh, thanks.
00:38:15Yeah, here you are.
00:38:20Why, look at the train here.
00:38:22Come on, we'll jump the track.
00:38:24Oh, poor little train.
00:38:25Fix it up, Jack.
00:38:26Come on, Jack.
00:38:27Put that back together.
00:38:28What do you know about that?
00:38:34Jack, put this back together right in here.
00:38:36That's it.
00:38:39You know, Dad's just a great big kid.
00:38:41I think the party and the watch from the boys and everything
00:38:45has sort of choked him up.
00:40:02Crank Engineer!
00:40:03Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:40:08Crank Engineer, crank smooth ghoul, what the fuck!
00:40:12Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:40:19Pardon me just a moment.
00:40:20I'll be right over.
00:40:24They pulled out of the service.
00:40:27Pulled out of the service.
00:40:30What's the matter?
00:40:32Oh, what is it?
00:40:33Tell me, Dewey.
00:40:34I beg you.
00:40:35Pardon me, folks.
00:40:37Just a minute.
00:40:38I better go see what's up.
00:40:40He was all right a few minutes ago.
00:40:42What's the matter, huh?
00:40:48I know what's the matter.
00:40:50An order come in from Reynolds and me.
00:40:52An order came in from Reynolds to discharge Nolan on account of a wreck.
00:40:56You mean to say that he's fired?
00:40:59Yes, I didn't know he knew it, son.
00:41:01And I wasn't going to throw a wet blanket on the party.
00:41:04Listen, Bruce, I won't...
00:41:05Oh, don't whine through.
00:41:07I'll be all right.
00:41:09So this is the way they treat a man who's given the best part of his life to the road, is it?
00:41:14Well, the dickens with the road, Dad.
00:41:16Yeah, that's right.
00:41:17They can't do this thing to a man, Dad. It's not right.
00:41:20I'll be all right, my boy.
00:41:21Never mind, Smokey. We all know it wasn't your fault.
00:41:24I'd like to help you out, but I'm not going to be a goat in a dirty deal like this.
00:41:28You can't carry that around, Dick.
00:41:30I've made a lot of plans about it.
00:41:32Here, here, take a look at this.
00:41:52Dick, I don't know why I did that, but I can say this.
00:41:56We'll have definite information for you shortly.
00:42:00Sign it, Bruce.
00:42:02What information have you?
00:42:04You got me? I don't know, but we're just playing a long shot, that's all.
00:42:08Mr. Harrington!
00:42:10My, that was a good dinner.
00:42:11Mr. Harrington!
00:42:12My goodness, I think it was a shame that they smoked in the street that were on here.
00:42:16Why, he was the best engineer on the road.
00:42:18I'm sorry, but I had nothing to do with Mr. Harrington.
00:42:20I'm sorry, but I had nothing to do with Mr. Nolan's dismissal.
00:42:22No, but you were the president's son.
00:42:25I'm sorry about all this, Miss Nolan.
00:42:27It puts me in a rather embarrassing position.
00:42:29Perhaps I'd better go.
00:42:30Wait a minute, young feller.
00:42:32Do you think that Smokey was to blame for this?
00:42:34I told you I had nothing to do with the matter.
00:42:36It'll have to be taken up with the home office.
00:42:39Good night, Miss Nolan.
00:42:44Never mind, darling.
00:42:46Everything will be all right.
00:42:48Oh, I guess I can begin over again.
00:42:50No, you won't have to.
00:42:52Oh, the fellows have done it anyway.
00:42:55Oh, you're dear.
00:42:57Now, don't you worry, Carolyn.
00:42:59Everything's going to be all right.
00:43:01When they find out the real cause of the wreck,
00:43:03Harry and Stach are dead.
00:43:05What if they don't find out?
00:43:07Oh, but they will.
00:43:10Because I'm going to find out.
00:43:12And that's a promise.
00:43:18All right.
00:43:34Boy, it didn't feel like an hour to me.
00:43:36I think that clock's fast.
00:43:38Oh, you'll get used to it.
00:43:51Yeah, I see.
00:44:00This is my coat.
00:44:18Hey, where's my coat?
00:44:21Any of you guys got it?
00:44:23Sorry, bud.
00:44:25I must have made a mistake.
00:44:27This yours?
00:44:31Say, listen, punk.
00:44:33Don't let your fingers get so sticky.
00:44:35You'll find it not so healthy around here.
00:44:41Can you imagine that guy making himself
00:44:43the home of my coat?
00:44:47Go on, let's go.
00:44:50We'd better report this to the office.
00:44:52Not yet.
00:44:53We've got to follow those birds tonight.
00:44:55But it's...
00:44:56But nothing.
00:44:57We're on the right track now.
00:44:59The track the Phantom Express goes down.
00:45:01Come on.
00:45:13This looks fine, Mother.
00:45:15Yes, dear.
00:45:16It looks all right.
00:45:18Now, if we only have enough for that other window.
00:45:45Come on.
00:46:18I hardly think we have enough of this material.
00:46:20I think I'd better run down to the store and get some more.
00:46:26I'll be right there.
00:46:34I know I shouldn't have taken the liberty of telling you,
00:46:36but I've got to go.
00:46:38I've got to go.
00:46:40I've got to go.
00:46:42I've got to go.
00:46:44I know I shouldn't have taken the liberty of coming here.
00:46:47Dad would be furious if he knew,
00:46:49but he's so proud, and you see...
00:46:55I mean Miss Nolan.
00:46:57I'll do everything I can,
00:46:58and perhaps you can have him reinstated.
00:47:01Certainly very kind of you, Mr. Harrington.
00:47:03I hope you don't think that...
00:47:04Oh, not at all.
00:47:06I could run down the street.
00:47:07Perhaps I can give you a lift.
00:47:09My, yes, if it isn't out of your way.
00:47:11Well, I'd be delighted.
00:47:13Certainly, thank you.
00:47:15He's a great officer, isn't he?
00:47:17Don't tell me. Look at him.
00:47:19All right, I hope Slim was right, though.
00:47:23That's him now.
00:47:24You mean it?
00:47:27He's got a dame with him.
00:47:29Ah, what's the difference?
00:47:30Come on, let's get him.
00:47:40I can't imagine what's keeping Carolyn.
00:47:42She's gone down to the store for a minute,
00:47:43and she's been down a lot.
00:47:44There she is now.
00:47:51Dad, look who's here.
00:47:56Yeah, sure.
00:47:57Why didn't you go out on 101?
00:47:59Who, me?
00:48:00Why, of course you.
00:48:01Who do you think I meant?
00:48:06Excuse me, Mrs. Nolan.
00:48:09I tell you, Smokey,
00:48:10I was thinking it over,
00:48:14if you wasn't good enough for the role,
00:48:16I wasn't, too.
00:48:17So I quit.
00:48:19You quit?
00:48:20You quit, I mean.
00:48:22Yeah, sure.
00:48:24I wouldn't fire for any order engineer but you, Smokey.
00:48:27To heck with them and their railroad.
00:48:30But I tell you what we should do.
00:48:32We should jump in my car.
00:48:34We should go down and have a talk with the president and so on.
00:48:36Well, it wouldn't do any good.
00:48:38Besides, he wouldn't even see me.
00:48:40He wouldn't see you?
00:48:41Why wouldn't he see you?
00:48:42Wasn't he here last night for dinner?
00:48:44Wasn't he?
00:48:45Come on now, Smokey.
00:48:46Let's go down and do this.
00:48:47Yes, come on.
00:48:48Well, maybe you're right.
00:48:50Come on, Smokey.
00:48:51All right.
00:48:55I suppose we'll be down.
00:48:56Here's your hat.
00:49:09Come on, get along.
00:49:22Come on, you won't be hurt.
00:49:24Hey, wait a minute.
00:49:25Oh, shut up.
00:49:34Did they hurt you?
00:49:35No, not badly.
00:49:37Why did they bring us way out here, do you suppose?
00:49:40Well, I guess we won't be leaving.
00:49:45Well, tell me.
00:49:46In the first place, I'm not Mr. Harrington.
00:49:48You're not?
00:49:49Don't get excited.
00:49:50I'm a very good friend of his.
00:49:51If he could find out about these wrecks,
00:49:52who would ask me to take his place?
00:50:05Ready to go?
00:50:08Come on, come on.
00:50:09Let's get out of here.
00:50:10We ain't got all day, you know.
00:50:31She's worried.
00:50:32She's worried.
00:50:33Listen, Dad.
00:50:34Bruce and I are on the tail of two birds who are working here.
00:50:36Now, wait a minute.
00:50:37I was just talking with her mother on the phone,
00:50:38and she's awfully worried.
00:50:39Caroline left the house at noon for a few minutes,
00:50:41and she hasn't come back yet.
00:50:43They just told me in the office that young Mr. Harrington
00:50:45left with her hours ago, and nothing's been heard from her since.
00:50:49Yeah, I don't see Al's car anyplace.
00:50:51Oh, I guess they got him all right.
00:50:53Come on, let's get in our car and get out of here.
00:50:55Well, come on, Mr. Miller.
00:50:56We've got to get a car out of the way, or we'll miss them.
00:50:58Take mine.
00:50:59It's right over here.
00:51:00Come on.
00:51:01Come on.
00:51:02I know where they are.
00:51:07There they go.
00:51:08Come on, Dad.
00:51:10Wait a minute.
00:51:11Wait a minute.
00:51:12Come on, Mr. Nolan.
00:51:13Get in there.
00:51:14Oh, what's it all about?
00:51:15Come on.
00:51:16Get in.
00:51:17We'll explain later.
00:51:18Oh, you give me the keys to your car,
00:51:19and I'll hurry back to Mother and Sam's place.
00:51:21Hurry up, Jackie.
00:51:22Step on it.
00:51:23Step on it.
00:51:24Step on it.
00:51:25Step on it.
00:51:26Step on it.
00:51:27Step on it.
00:51:28Step on it.
00:51:29Step on it.
00:51:30Step on it.
00:51:31Step on it.
00:51:32Step on it.
00:51:33Step on it.
00:51:35Hey, there they go now.
00:51:37Let's wait here a minute.
00:51:39Don't let them spot us.
00:51:41My goodness.
00:51:42This sure is the lonely place around here.
00:51:45Say, Bruce.
00:51:47What is that thing down there?
00:51:49Looks like an old barn.
00:51:52Come on.
00:51:53Let's go.
00:51:57It'll be dark in about 20 minutes.
00:51:58We'll throw up the lights and drive down there and surprise them.
00:52:00But suppose they've got Sis and Harry.
00:52:02But suppose they've got Sis and Harrington down there.
00:52:05That's all the more reason why we should take no chances.
00:52:10Yeah, that's them.
00:52:15Well, you got him, I see.
00:52:17Him and his team.
00:52:18What's the idea?
00:52:19She decided to make a squad.
00:52:20Not a bad looker, either.
00:52:22Looks to me like there are four of them.
00:52:25Yeah, sure.
00:52:27And there's four of us.
00:52:29How do you figure?
00:52:31You and Bruce is two.
00:52:33And me too.
00:52:35Two and two is four.
00:52:39Now, listen.
00:52:40We got word from Reynolds today.
00:52:42The Phantom goes down the line tonight.
00:52:44Yes, roll around and see if everything's okay before it gets dark.
00:52:47Yes, tonight.
00:52:48Oh, baby.
00:52:51Oh, but I bet it's never dark.
00:52:54Come on in.
00:52:55I'll show you a gadget.
00:52:56All right.
00:53:02What the dickens is that?
00:53:05Look at them.
00:53:08What's this?
00:53:10It doesn't sound like a car.
00:53:13They're coming this way.
00:53:15They'll see us here, won't they?
00:53:17No, these trees will cover us up, all right.
00:53:26Well, I'm a son of a gun.
00:53:32Oh, that's the Phantom Express, is it?
00:53:35Come on.
00:53:36We're right down that road again now.
00:53:38No, no.
00:53:39It's time to hit it.
00:53:40Come on.
00:53:41Let's go.
00:53:53Give it to Axel, old boy, like this.
00:54:01I wonder who this kink is.
00:54:03Let's find out.
00:54:13Excuse me.
00:54:14I was just looking for the main road.
00:54:16Well, this ain't it.
00:54:17This is private.
00:54:18Can't you read a sign?
00:54:19Yeah, sure.
00:54:21My, that's a good-looking car.
00:54:23Is that your car?
00:54:24Yeah, who wants to know?
00:54:32Get him, Jack.
00:54:36Well, it doesn't sound like a Sunday school picnic.
00:55:15My goodness.
00:55:16I think I must be losing my temper.
00:55:22Let me out of here!
00:55:25Oh, that doesn't sound good.
00:55:29Let me out of here!
00:55:33Wait till I get you out, kid.
00:55:34Come on.
00:55:36Come on.
00:55:37Come on.
00:55:38You don't try to hurt me.
00:55:40Get that gang in the car and hustle along, will you?
00:55:42All right.
00:55:43Come on.
00:55:44Get out of here.
00:55:45Take a snap at them.
00:55:46Come on, dear.
00:55:47Come on, you fellas on your feet.
00:55:48Come on.
00:55:49Get in that car.
00:55:50Hurry up.
00:55:51Hurry up.
00:55:52Go ahead.
00:55:53Hurry up.
00:55:54Get going.
00:55:55Get in there.
00:55:58I'll take Carol home.
00:55:59I'll meet you at the roundhouse.
00:56:01And listen.
00:56:02Send Dan a telegram and tell him everything is OK.
00:56:04All right, Bruce.
00:56:17Hey, you.
00:56:18Say it.
00:56:19Come on.
00:56:20Get going.
00:56:31Oh, was I glad when I heard you and Bruce.
00:56:34Did you get that wire up to Dan?
00:56:35No, I couldn't.
00:56:36The wires have been down for two hours.
00:56:37Oh, Mr. Callahan, this is Mr. Harrington, Jr.
00:56:39Well, well, that is some stunt you pulled.
00:56:42Mr. Wells explained it all to me, and I want to congratulate you.
00:56:45Mr. Callahan, I've got to get a wire up to my father right away.
00:56:48It's important.
00:56:49I'm afraid you're out of luck.
00:56:50You know, this storm has raised the dickens down the line.
00:56:54I know, but you see, I've got a phone.
00:56:56I've got a phone.
00:56:57I've got a phone.
00:56:58I've got a phone.
00:56:59I've got a phone.
00:57:00No, no, I'm sorry.
00:57:02Everything is down.
00:57:04Traffic is at a standstill.
00:57:06Callahan, you better get me an engine and a crew.
00:57:09I'm going to get through tonight.
00:57:11Wait a minute, son.
00:57:13I wouldn't ask any crew to take such a chance.
00:57:16Besides, I don't think I could get one to do it.
00:57:19I know, but if you can get me a crew, I tell you I can make it.
00:57:21We'll get through.
00:57:22No, Mr. Carrington.
00:57:24I couldn't take a chance.
00:57:26I wouldn't accept the responsibility to even attempt such a thing.
00:57:39This dirty little sort of shack.
00:57:40Did you get a good look at these men?
00:57:42Well, I halfway saw them, you know.
00:57:45Would you know them again if you saw them?
00:57:47Well, I think I would.
00:57:48You can identify them, huh?
00:57:49Yeah, I think so.
00:57:50Smokey, Smokey!
00:57:51They've got to send a train to the other end of the division.
00:57:53Now, wait a minute.
00:57:54What are you talking about?
00:57:55The wires are down.
00:57:56The automobile roads are down.
00:57:57Everything is down.
00:57:58Well, what's that got to do with me?
00:57:59Mr. Harrington's got to get the train to his father by midnight.
00:58:02And you're just the man that can do it.
00:58:03You mean they want me to take a train through?
00:58:06Yeah, sure.
00:58:07Come on.
00:58:08All right, let's go.
00:58:09You can't go out tonight.
00:58:10It's too wet.
00:58:11Goodbye, dear.
00:58:13Goodbye, Carol.
00:58:14Come on.
00:58:15Go on, Dad.
00:58:16Take your coat.
00:58:17Good luck.
00:58:18All right.
00:58:19All right.
00:58:20Come on, baby.
00:58:26Good luck, old-timers.
00:58:27You've got three hours and ten minutes to make a four-hour run.
00:58:30But if anybody can't get out of there, you can.
00:58:33Here it is, Dad.
00:58:35Come on.
00:58:36All right.
00:58:37Take care, Caroline.
00:58:38I'll be right back.
00:58:39You're a smart dog, Smoke.
00:59:03How's everything going, Dad?
00:59:04All right.
00:59:05We're hitting about 60 miles an hour now.
00:59:09They're coming to town.
00:59:10Watch out.
00:59:11We can't see it, Dad.
00:59:12We're losing them.
00:59:13I think it's Mendoza.
00:59:15An hour and ten minutes out, and it's going to come 15 minutes off my run now.
00:59:16You say it can't get anything?
00:59:17Well, I've got to get a line through somehow.
00:59:18We're probably losing them.
00:59:19Oh, I don't know.
00:59:20Don't worry about it.
00:59:21We're making it.
00:59:22We're making it, Smoke.
00:59:23Get in there, you dark-haired fool.
00:59:24We're making it.
00:59:25Come on.
00:59:27Get in.
00:59:28Come on.
00:59:29Get in there.
00:59:30Get in there.
00:59:31Get in there.
00:59:32Get in there.
00:59:33Get in there.
00:59:34Get in there.
00:59:35Get in there.
00:59:36Get in there.
00:59:37I'll lock it up. Don't worry about it.
00:59:39You can make it, Smokey.
00:59:41You're a darn tootin' when you think.
00:59:49There's no time to think this hour, Smokey.
00:59:52We'll make it.
00:59:53You're right. It's a long time.
00:59:56What's this?
00:59:57I thought they said nothing could get through.
00:59:59I guess it's that clam again.
01:00:03We've been alerted.
01:00:04Yes. What was that?
01:00:05A shot fired in the wrong road.
01:00:07A shot fired in the wrong road?
01:00:09Smokey, that's odd.
01:00:10We got over that all right.
01:00:11You bet, dear.
01:00:19Any more like that?
01:00:21There may be. You can't tell.
01:00:23It's a road like you've got anywhere.
01:00:25I don't understand what we've got to get through, do you hear?
01:00:29Keep at it. I've got to know.
01:00:31Frank Brock.
01:00:33We don't want to force the issue, Mr. Harrington,
01:00:35but there's not much time left.
01:00:40There's only one spot I'm worried about.
01:00:42What's that?
01:00:43The Black River Bridge.
01:00:44Is that dangerous?
01:00:45No, it's the worst spot on the road.
01:00:47In a storm like this, the way the river must be running,
01:00:49it's likely to wipe out any minute.
01:00:51I hope that bridge will be there, Smokey.
01:00:59Well, gentlemen, I guess I'm late.
01:01:01Get the officer in those papers.
01:01:11We're getting close to the Black River Bridge now.
01:01:13How far is that now?
01:01:15Coming closer to the bridge every minute.
01:01:17Here it is, Smokey.
01:01:18Hang on now, boys. Hang on.
01:01:20Here we go. We're going over.
01:01:27We made it.
01:01:31We're okay.
01:01:36Out of the arch, boys. Out.
01:01:39Wait. You can't whistle. He might hear us.
01:01:42Out. Out.
01:01:59Hey, how'd we get to get that train through anyway?
01:02:01Oh, we got through all right.
01:02:02Come on. I think I got a job for you two fellas.
01:02:04Let's go.
01:02:05Come on.
01:02:06I said nothing could get through.
01:02:09Well, you made it through.
01:02:12I told you so, didn't I?
01:02:14Yes, you sure did.
01:02:16But it's not a sweet locomotive.
01:02:17We didn't burn any wood anyhow.
01:02:19Oh, Smokey, lay off me, will you please?
01:02:23Dad. Dad. Dad.
01:02:25Here I am.
01:02:27What is it?
01:02:28Have you signed anything yet?
01:02:29No, I haven't signed anything.
01:02:30How did you get through?
01:02:31Smokey Nolan brought me through, Dad.
01:02:33I found out all about this gang.
01:02:34They're nothing but a bunch of crooks.
01:02:36Why? What do you mean?
01:02:37You know what I mean.
01:02:38You tried to swindle my father out of control of this road.
01:02:40Yes, I did, Dad.
01:02:41Oh, don't talk nonsense.
01:02:42I'm not talking nonsense, Dad.
01:02:43Certainly you are.
01:02:44They're a bunch of crooks, do you hear?
01:02:45Dad, Smokey was right.
01:02:47There was a headlight bearing down on him the night of the wreck.
01:02:49There was?
01:02:51You see, Dad, the Phantom is an aeroplane with a headlight on it.
01:02:54We saw their men go to the hangar.
01:02:56And when they opened it, there was a large plane with a headlight
01:02:59suspended between the landing wheels.
01:03:01And then they wheeled the plane out to test it
01:03:03because they were going to run it tonight.
01:03:05As the plane took off, the noise in the motor stopped.
01:03:08We found they had a muffler on it.
01:03:12And can you imagine?
01:03:13In the cabin of the plane was a five-foot loudspeaker
01:03:16which attached to an instrument board, an amplifier,
01:03:18that increased the sound a hundred times.
01:03:21And through this, they played an electrical transcription record
01:03:24of train noises which sounded just as if the train were passing.
01:03:28The thing that fooled our signal men most was the column of smoke
01:03:31which looked as if it was coming from a stack.
01:03:33We could only run the Phantom on night when there's no wind.
01:03:35It was impossible to tell it from a real train.
01:03:44Are you sure of this, boy?
01:03:46I'm absolutely sure, Dad.
01:03:48George, I thought this was a dream.
01:04:00I don't need any more proof than my boy can offer me.
01:04:03And I'll take his word against yours every time.
01:04:05Excuse me, Mr. Reynolds.
01:04:07But there's a couple of gentlemen out there in the uniform
01:04:10that are waiting to see you.
01:04:12Yeah, sure. What do you mean?
01:04:14Come on, let's go out there.
01:04:16Come on, let's go. Keep going out there.
01:04:19Well, we've been looking for you. Come on.
01:04:22Ah, Smokey.
01:04:24Good boy, Smokey.
01:04:26You too, Axel.
01:04:28Fine work, huh?
01:04:34It's a deep pleasure to have you back on the road again.
01:04:37Yeah, very good to me, too.
01:04:39I owe it all to you, Axel.
01:04:41Here we go again.
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