• 3 years ago
Lotawana Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A monotonous life has pushed the unfulfilled Forrest (Todd Blubaugh) to a voyage of self-discovery by living aboard his sailboat on an alluring, Missouri lake. Soon he catches wind of the rebellious and free-spirited Everly (Nicola Collie) and their idealistic dreams align for a thrilling and thought-provoking, romantic adventure. Can they survive, reconnect with nature and rewrite their own rules of modern existence, or will they discover that society operates the way it does for a reason? EMMY Award-winning filmmaker, Trevor Hawkins of MAMMOTH, created his debut feature-film, Lotawana, in his own backyard on Lake Lotawana, Missouri by writing, directing, shooting, editing, financing (with a loan against his house) and literally almost dying in an underwater cave.

Director Trevor Hawkins
Writers Trevor Hawkins
Actors Todd Blubaugh, Nicola Collie
Genre Drama, Romance, Action and Adventure
Run Time 1 hour 37 minutes