
  • il y a 2 ans
Dans la vie, ce qui compte c'est le chemin pas l'arrivée.
00:06Oh no..
00:07Not the hell caaaaaave..
00:12Save me.
00:36-Victory dance !
00:41Daddy stop it.
00:45What ? I was crushing it all !
00:57-Come on children !
00:59Be quiet please !
01:01So, I'd like all of you to take
01:02a piece of paper and a pen.
01:04Come on Steven, pass on the papers
01:06So, the question is :
01:09What is your biggest..
01:11.. dream ?
01:13-Well me, I'd like to be an astronaut !
01:15-And me, I'd like to be a Footballer !
01:16-Me too !
01:17-We don't say "a Footballer"
01:19-Yes, we do !
01:21-Well, me i'd like to be an archeologist !
01:22-Me, I'll be a business owner.
01:26-Wait, wait ! Don't mock.
01:27 "business owner" is fine, we need them.
01:30So please, write it down on your papers.
01:34Corentin, don't copy.
01:35Besides, it's useless..
01:45-Daddy !
02:01-Change of direction !