• 3 years ago


00:00:57All right, send him in here.
00:01:07Come in.
00:01:12I await your orders, Colonel.
00:01:13I am trusting you with a mission that is risky and of maximum importance.
00:01:18Thank you for your confidence in me, sir.
00:01:21You recently took a course in drugs and narcotics in which you did very well.
00:01:25I'm sure you know there was a brilliant raid conducted in the north by our men quite recently,
00:01:30with local cooperation, of course.
00:01:32They made the biggest haul of narcotics ever confiscated at one time by any police force
00:01:36in the world.
00:01:37Yes, I know.
00:01:38I was in Rome then.
00:01:40With my class, I was able to see the cocaine, as well as the hashish, and the marijuana
00:01:45that was brought into this country so cleverly by those smugglers.
00:01:47All right, now then, we have information, though it's vague and imprecise.
00:01:52On one of the islands off Naples, there is an organization that is doing all of this
00:01:56smuggling, and we're pretty sure it's an international gang.
00:01:59Now look at this.
00:02:00This is Ischia.
00:02:02That's where they're operating.
00:02:03At least we know that much about it.
00:02:05This is where you will go.
00:02:06You will work in collaboration with the local Navy squadron, our men in that area, intensify
00:02:11the coastal patrols.
00:02:13Check the boats and watch the movements of all the people on the islands.
00:02:17I'll do my best, Colonel, sir.
00:02:18You leave tomorrow.
00:02:19Yes, sir.
00:02:22Yes, Colonel.
00:02:23I'm sorry to cut your leave time like this.
00:02:26No matter.
00:02:27It's all right.
00:02:28Tell me, how is our mascot?
00:02:29Same as always.
00:02:30She steals your heart.
00:02:31You're going to miss her, eh?
00:02:32Arrivederci, and best of luck.
00:02:50You will be all alone for the first time.
00:02:52I'm hoping it won't be long.
00:02:54The best guard in the world will watch over you, even though he was rejected from police
00:03:01I'm entrusting you with her most precious possession, Julia.
00:03:03Make her rest a little.
00:03:04She looks a little pale, you know.
00:03:05Will you be away a terribly long time, daddy?
00:03:09No, darling.
00:03:10I'll be back soon.
00:03:12And you be sure to write.
00:03:16Listen, Mario.
00:03:17I've been trying to say...
00:03:18Don't bother, dear.
00:03:19I know.
00:03:20Don't be seen with bathing beauties or be seen with any women.
00:03:23Don't worry about it.
00:03:24I won't fool around.
00:03:25I know all about your terrible jealousy.
00:03:28Ciao, papa.
00:03:30Remember, when you write to me, write to Senior Denardus, not Andreani.
00:03:34Yes, I know.
00:03:35Ciao, darling.
00:03:52Ciao, daddy.
00:04:20What's going on?
00:04:43Well, I think they sent someone.
00:04:46Marshal, the lieutenant has arrived and is waiting in your office, sir.
00:04:56Lieutenant, sorry we were at sea.
00:04:58Didn't expect you so soon.
00:05:00Marshal Caccani at your service.
00:05:01Sergeant Peretti is my assistant.
00:05:03It's my pleasure, sir.
00:05:05Marshal, it appears that we'll be working together for some time,
00:05:08although I admit this place was made for pleasure.
00:05:10The women, the scenery.
00:05:12I noticed...
00:05:13Sorry, lieutenant, that here at least we work.
00:05:16I don't know about the natives.
00:05:18Say, would you like to look at the offices?
00:05:20Oh, I've looked around.
00:05:21They're very nice.
00:05:22Tell me, where are you staying?
00:05:23At the Hotel de la Porta.
00:05:24It's right nearby and convenient.
00:05:25Ah, the Porta.
00:05:26Arrivederci, Marshal.
00:05:27I'll start in the morning at six o'clock on a motorbike to make my first inspection.
00:05:31Shall I come along?
00:05:32No, that won't be necessary.
00:05:33Don't forget, I'm Mr. Denardus.
00:05:38He will need to be watched.
00:06:14A beer, too, please.
00:06:15Sure, Don Gaetano.
00:06:16This terrible heat.
00:06:17One must drink.
00:06:19You're so right.
00:06:20Oh, yes, and especially with all the work you do.
00:06:22Don Gaetano, the Lord should only bless you.
00:06:24Don't exaggerate things.
00:06:26Ah, don't exaggerate, Don Gaetano.
00:06:29Just yesterday I saw my boy, and he's getting stronger, and he's gained weight.
00:06:33He even looks handsome now.
00:06:35He used to be so thin.
00:06:36Thanks to you, he's better.
00:06:38You're a benefactor to us all.
00:06:40You are called by that name on the island.
00:06:42You heard that?
00:06:43They called me a benefactor.
00:06:45Well, I guess you must have earned the title.
00:06:47Oh, they aren't hardly too generous.
00:06:50So what would you call a man who has built a home for sick babies, tell me?
00:06:54And charges no money.
00:06:55That's just what he did, this Don Gaetano.
00:06:58You weren't introduced, but you're new to the island, sir.
00:07:02Mario Denardus, sir.
00:07:04Gaetano Baronte, and I'm delighted to know you.
00:07:07Did you just get here?
00:07:08Oh, yes, you know, a little vacation.
00:07:10Oh, I understand.
00:07:11A bit of real tranquility.
00:07:13This is where to get it.
00:07:14I'm sure I will indeed.
00:07:20Well, you will excuse me.
00:07:22It's been a pleasure meeting you.
00:07:23I hope we meet again.
00:07:24I hope so.
00:07:38There he is, over there.
00:07:41You'd better get going.
00:07:59A cognac and soda.
00:08:07Let me have a light, please.
00:08:10Don't you like our floor show?
00:08:14Right now, no.
00:08:16That means you did like my song.
00:08:18Yes, you sing very well.
00:08:21I must return your compliment.
00:08:23You're quite a guy.
00:08:24I'm about to blush.
00:08:26I don't think that you're the type.
00:08:29Gloria, a customer wants to see you.
00:08:31In just a minute.
00:08:34You might just as well take this.
00:08:36A present until we meet again somewhere.
00:08:50Looks like the lieutenant was right
00:08:52suspecting the people in that place.
00:08:55The motor launch went that way.
00:08:57It could be just a rich guy
00:08:59who likes boat rides.
00:09:01Yes, that could be what it is.
00:09:02On the other hand, it may not be.
00:09:04Let's just follow him anyway.
00:09:05He's not far away.
00:09:20There's no doubt.
00:09:21That boat just looks like a slow one.
00:09:22It has a powerful motor.
00:09:25I tried to keep it in sight,
00:09:28but I couldn't.
00:09:29It disappeared.
00:09:30I think it went right in there, Marshal.
00:09:32It just slipped in.
00:09:33No other way to go.
00:09:35We've been taken in, sir.
00:09:37Drop anchor right where we are.
00:09:39We're going to search the whole area.
00:09:41Drop anchor and cut engines.
00:09:44Even if that man has disappeared,
00:09:46we'll retrieve the boat and check it out.
00:09:47Yes, sir.
00:09:48How could we ever find it?
00:09:49So many coves and inlets there.
00:09:51To search, especially at night.
00:09:52I guess you're right.
00:10:03As soon as we could see your signal,
00:10:05we immediately chased the boat,
00:10:06but we lost it in the dark.
00:10:07These people have very fast equipment.
00:10:09I put a motorboat on patrol.
00:10:11It's been out all morning.
00:10:12I plan to go there now,
00:10:13unless you have other orders.
00:10:15No further orders,
00:10:16except I think you'd better get together
00:10:17all the information you can
00:10:18about that Dioro.
00:10:20Just what she's done up to now,
00:10:21and I want to know where else she's been singing.
00:10:23Certainly, sir.
00:10:24And you will have that girl
00:10:26under surveillance continuously.
00:10:28Yes, sir.
00:10:29But permit me to say this to you.
00:10:31The best man to watch that singer
00:10:33would be you, sir.
00:10:34You don't want to bother?
00:10:36With your youth and your good looks
00:10:38and just your physique,
00:10:39it would be a pleasure to do a job like this
00:10:41from morning to night.
00:10:43Are you really serious?
00:10:44Why, surely a man like you
00:10:46could do it in a manner we never could.
00:10:48You better think a little bit about it.
00:10:50And you know,
00:10:51I think she would like the attention, too.
00:11:04Bet you didn't expect this surprise, did you?
00:11:06If it weren't for the telegram
00:11:07that got to me at the last moment.
00:11:09Don't be angry.
00:11:10Go on.
00:11:11Why should I be angry?
00:11:12But I should have been consulted.
00:11:13You probably would have said we shouldn't.
00:11:15You haven't written to me at all.
00:11:17I'm sorry. You're right, dear.
00:11:18I think I like this place.
00:11:20I was sure the baby would enjoy seeing her papa.
00:11:22And this is what I thought.
00:11:24Mario isn't working so hard
00:11:25and we wouldn't be in his way a bit.
00:11:27And besides,
00:11:28it wouldn't hurt to watch him a little.
00:11:30What is it, dear?
00:11:31You're so preoccupied.
00:11:33Oh, Porter.
00:11:35Sorry, dear.
00:11:36I can't come with you to the hotel.
00:11:37I must join the command squadron immediately.
00:11:39Ready, sir. Where does it go?
00:11:40It's the Hotel Posta.
00:11:41I'll be there as soon as I can.
00:11:42Mario, must you really go right now?
00:11:44Yes, dear.
00:11:45Unfortunately, I'm here to work.
00:11:48I'll be seeing you.
00:12:00Well, hello, Mario.
00:12:01Good morning.
00:12:02Just fine, and you?
00:12:03I'm all right.
00:12:07I must go. I'll see you tonight.
00:12:09All right.
00:12:30This way, please.
00:12:41Can you tell me when the bus for Pozzuoli leaves?
00:12:44In one hour.
00:12:45Oh, they told me it left right away.
00:12:47I'm driving there.
00:12:48Would you like to come along?
00:12:49Thank you so much.
00:12:50I'm supposed to take the ferry for Ischia tonight,
00:12:52but I never would have made it.
00:12:53Let's go.
00:13:30He brought her, all right.
00:13:53Ah, you decided to visit us, eh?
00:13:57You shouldn't have made me come here now.
00:13:59I'm not supposed to be coming here yet.
00:14:01You make me nervous.
00:14:03My compensation, you're always most...
00:14:08Sure, you're hidden away here,
00:14:09and I'm in the open taking chances.
00:14:12I think that you worry too much.
00:14:14Listen, if it weren't for me and that joint,
00:14:16you could take all that pretty merchandise
00:14:18and dump it in the bay.
00:14:20Again, you avoid the truth about you and me.
00:14:22Just remember
00:14:23that three times I fished you out of a hospital,
00:14:26drugged so bad you were blind.
00:14:31Listen, we're acting like idiots.
00:14:33Better not forget.
00:14:34A lot of things hold us together.
00:14:39You know why I was impatient to see you?
00:14:41Every once in a while,
00:14:42I think I would like to make that one big killing,
00:14:45maybe a big haul,
00:14:47then quit this lousy business we're in.
00:14:49Yes, me and you.
00:14:52Foster, you're not serious.
00:14:54What do you want with me?
00:14:55The boss told us that a treasury lieutenant
00:14:59had arrived here.
00:15:00My luck, I didn't get to know the man.
00:15:03But he certainly is making time with you.
00:15:06So what about it?
00:15:07All I'm trying to do is keep him under control.
00:15:10Now listen, you're playing with fire,
00:15:12having fun with that lieutenant.
00:15:14Sounds to me like you're getting jealous.
00:15:16No, it is not jealousy.
00:15:17It is a direct order from the chief.
00:15:19You better listen.
00:15:21Now this is the way it is.
00:15:23There's a big job we have to do in a short time
00:15:26and it can't be done anywhere else.
00:15:28This is the only place we can bring in
00:15:30the narcotics we're going to need.
00:15:31The international big bosses will be here to buy.
00:15:34They don't want any interference.
00:15:36They don't want to be caught here.
00:15:38Those treasury boats tightened up
00:15:40want surveillance since that lieutenant is on the island.
00:15:43They could mess up the whole operation
00:15:46and we'll never get another chance like this one.
00:15:49Okay, just what do I need to do?
00:15:52You have to work out something.
00:15:54Anything, doesn't matter how you do it.
00:15:57That lieutenant, get him out of the way.
00:16:00And so now you're asking that I commit some brand new crime.
00:16:03It's in our interest, our own interest, you and I.
00:16:07I told you there was a limit to what I would do
00:16:09and this is much too much.
00:16:12I intend to quit this whole business and right now.
00:16:15Don't be so stupid.
00:16:17You know what I could do to you.
00:16:19I could send you right back to prison.
00:16:45Mr. Stinardus.
00:16:59In case you're interested,
00:17:00your husband is not at headquarters right now.
00:17:02He's at the nightclub with that Doro woman.
00:17:05Oh, but, please.
00:19:04No, no, no, let him go!
00:19:06Let him go!
00:20:02Would you care for a tea, ma'am?
00:20:04No, no thank you. I'm not staying.
00:20:41There she is.
00:20:43You know where to take her.
00:21:05Your men must be exhausted, Sergeant.
00:21:07We'll keep the patrol going till morning,
00:21:09using the other crew till you're ready to go again.
00:21:11Thank you, Marshal. Lieutenant.
00:21:13I can assure you, Lieutenant,
00:21:15that the zone you designated is under regular, continuous patrol.
00:21:19Lieutenant, the patrol. All right, Fiorenti?
00:21:23All is normal around the siren.
00:21:25All right, men. Good night.
00:21:28Nothing we can do but await the return of the second and third squadrons.
00:21:32Our friends must be aware of our patrols by now.
00:21:36And naturally, they won't dare to stick their necks out.
00:21:39It's only been a few days and you seem so depressed.
00:21:41Well, what have we accomplished?
00:21:43We learned that wherever Dora's been booked in the past,
00:21:46suddenly there, the narcotics traffic becomes heavy.
00:21:49We could expect that.
00:21:51But what have we found out? What have we uncovered?
00:21:54We're tiring out our men, Marshal.
00:21:56Too much duty, too many patrols, the watching.
00:21:59Listen, Lieutenant, the truth is
00:22:01that isn't really what's bothering you.
00:22:04The arguments with my wife?
00:22:06But it's really partly my fault.
00:22:08Oh, don't worry, Marshal. She's mad, that's all.
00:22:11Mad? But how could she know that you were only
00:22:13seeing that Dora woman in the line of duty?
00:22:15Tell me what else I can do, Marshal.
00:22:18Placate my wife's temper by telling her about all our secrets?
00:22:22Can't do it.
00:22:37Anything wrong, Lieutenant?
00:22:39My baby, Fiorella.
00:22:41No. No, it has to be just a threat.
00:22:46Fiorella, where's the child?
00:22:48In the hotel, sleeping. Why do you ask me that?
00:22:51Come on, let's go.
00:22:53Mario! Mario! What's wrong?
00:22:55Mario! Mario, answer me!
00:23:45Finally made it. It all went okay.
00:23:47Bring her back in here.
00:23:54Put her there.
00:23:56She's unconscious. See? She's been hurt.
00:23:58No, she just passed out.
00:24:00Good. We don't need that kind of trouble, at least not right now.
00:24:03Good. Get her a dress and some shoes.
00:24:07She's coming to.
00:24:09Come on, I prefer not having to listen to her bawl.
00:24:28Let me out! I haven't eaten! I've been good!
00:24:31Oh, please!
00:24:44Not only did we watch the two waterways, we watched every possible landing place,
00:24:48as well as we could with the amount of men we had.
00:24:50Thanks for the report. I knew that you'd be doing everything possible.
00:24:54Let's get back to your case.
00:24:56Well, for one thing, we could call in the local police.
00:24:59No, no, they'd be too much exposure.
00:25:01Ah, no, they were quite explicit in the terms they set.
00:25:04They will return Fiorella to my Giulia only if I don't come back,
00:25:08and only if we don't bring in the police.
00:25:10Your poor Giulia. I pity her.
00:25:13Before I left, the man the natives called her benefactor had her come stay in his hospital,
00:25:18so she wouldn't be left alone. As for me...
00:25:20I returned to make a report.
00:25:22You've given your report. Now you must remain here in Naples.
00:25:25But, sir, that's impossible.
00:25:27My poor baby. What about her?
00:25:30Calm down. Our men are doing all that is possible to do.
00:26:04Let's go.
00:26:26Commander, we had good luck. There was a load of cigarettes.
00:26:29Get those men aboard and take the load, too.
00:26:31All right, move it. Let's go.
00:26:33Come on.
00:26:41The same today. All their land and sea search and patrols are doubled.
00:26:45The time is going by, and we cannot try to move.
00:26:48Stop that useless babbling of yours.
00:26:51Why don't they bring the child up here? Cover the windows.
00:26:55I want complete darkness.
00:26:59No! No! Let me go!
00:27:02No! I won't go with you!
00:27:05Mama! Mama! Let me go!
00:27:07Let me go!
00:27:09Mama! Oh, no! Let go!
00:27:12Oh, stop that, will you? Stop that!
00:27:15Put her down on the chair.
00:27:19Now listen to me.
00:27:21You want to go back to Mama, don't you?
00:27:24And your father, too.
00:27:26Who are you? I can't see you. It's so dark in here.
00:27:29Answer me.
00:27:32Would you like to be sent home?
00:27:35Please! I want to go to Mama!
00:27:40We've prepared...
00:27:44...a letter to your mother.
00:27:48Just add something there and sign your name to it, all right?
00:27:55Right! You're gonna hurt my mama!
00:27:58Please leave my mama alone!
00:28:00Please let me go! Please!
00:28:03Mama! Mama!
00:28:05You listen. I will make you write it.
00:28:08Write! Write!
00:28:10Oh, you little monster!
00:28:12We could make her telephone over our radio telephone.
00:28:15Isn't that a lot better?
00:28:17Yes. Take that right downstairs.
00:28:20All right, take her out. Go on.
00:28:22No! No! Let me go! Let me go!
00:28:26Telephone in the morning around 11.
00:28:29Now, Forster, you'd better get this straight.
00:28:56We'd better get going. Quick, start the engine. It's getting late.
00:28:59We'll be there in a couple of hours.
00:29:25Come on.
00:29:28Come on.
00:29:30Come on.
00:29:54Sloan, I want you to take a look at that boat.
00:30:01Ah, you want us all, eh, Marshal?
00:30:03I'm always busy.
00:30:05No smugglers, eh, Marshal?
00:30:07Yeah. Your job is not easy.
00:30:09Well, good luck to you.
00:30:11Thanks. And we will be needing it.
00:30:16Let's go.
00:30:18I'm sure he'll be here soon. You like the place?
00:30:20Oh, yes, indeed.
00:30:22Impressive, isn't it?
00:30:23It's such a wonderful thing.
00:30:25It's so marvelous. Just marvelous, yes.
00:30:30Good morning.
00:30:32Good morning, sir.
00:30:34Hello? Hello? Fireman?
00:30:47Oh, look, there's Don Gaetano.
00:30:52Good day.
00:30:53Good day to you.
00:30:54I would like to submit the estimate for the purchase of new cribs.
00:30:58Ah, in a moment I'll be with you in my study.
00:31:00They tried to make us buy the fancy ones with lacquer, but the contestant...
00:31:03Excuse me, Annalisa, but I want to know about Mrs. DeNardis.
00:31:09She stays in her room.
00:31:11Sir, you...
00:31:12I made her take a walk earlier, but she's in a terrible state.
00:31:15Down, down. I'll leave the cribs up to you and the countess.
00:31:18You can handle her, all right, I'm sure.
00:31:20Of course.
00:31:24Animals adore him.
00:31:25How he has earned it.
00:31:29There's the bill of lading. Do you want to check it?
00:31:33You're careful, Marshal.
00:31:35He already looked at all the stripes.
00:31:36Go on, Don Gaetano.
00:31:38You are one man we don't have to worry about, Arvederci.
00:31:52The latest drugs. Penicillin, cortisone, everything.
00:31:56Our friends overseas are wonderful.
00:31:58They've exceeded our wildest expectations.
00:32:00With what they sent us in this load of drugs,
00:32:02we can easily help twice as many children.
00:32:05I am glad.
00:32:06The whole world takes your work to its heart, I believe.
00:32:10Mama, mama, it's me. Can't you hear?
00:32:12Fiorella. Fiorella, my sweet baby.
00:32:15Are you all right? Where are you?
00:32:17I'm in...
00:32:20Fiorella, speak. Tell me where they've got you.
00:32:23That's enough.
00:32:25Hold it there.
00:32:26Please. Please.
00:32:28Fiorella. Fiorella.
00:32:31Don Gaetano.
00:32:36What is it?
00:32:37Don Gaetano. Fiorella.
00:32:38Fiorella. What's wrong? Tell me.
00:32:40I just heard a voice on the telephone.
00:32:42They made a call here.
00:32:43They'll murder her if we don't let them do what they want, Don Gaetano.
00:32:46No, no, no, no. Ladies, please calm down.
00:32:49We must remain calm.
00:32:51Yes, remain calm.
00:32:53My dear, I know what to do.
00:32:55You must get in touch with the commander
00:32:57and get him to suspend all surveillance immediately.
00:32:59We can't take any chances.
00:33:01But I must go to Naples right away while my husband is there.
00:33:04But he hasn't written as much as one letter.
00:33:07Please pay attention to me now.
00:33:10You go directly to Marshal Carcani.
00:33:13Get him to send Naples a wire.
00:33:16After all, the command is his direct responsibility.
00:33:20That is what you must do.
00:33:23Please, you must listen.
00:33:27I'm on your side.
00:33:31Yes. Yes, I know that.
00:33:34I'm sure you are.
00:33:36But I need to try to do something here.
00:33:38I must do something.
00:33:40My baby. My poor baby.
00:33:43Oh, my God.
00:33:45I'm so scared. Help me, please.
00:33:51But please, my dear child, calm down.
00:33:55The important thing is to take some action.
00:33:58But you need rest first.
00:34:00I put her in your car.
00:34:02Later, take her to Marshal Carcani.
00:34:04You better take her now.
00:34:06Take her upstairs.
00:34:08Come, my dear, let's go.
00:35:50Oh, call Papinello.
00:35:52He can load the cans and the cartons onto the truck now.
00:35:55Yes, Don Quixote.
00:36:17Papinello, how many of the cans have you loaded?
00:36:20Then you can go.
00:36:22How is Julia, do you know?
00:36:24We left her with Miss Adolpista.
00:36:26Oh, then she'll be all right.
00:36:28Well, I'm afraid I must leave immediately for the coast to get supplies.
00:36:34A fine man. How hard he works for the children.
00:40:58Sar, Sar, you're here.
00:41:00How did you know where to go?
00:41:02Sar, I'm so glad to see you, Sar.
00:41:04My friend, Sar, you found me.
00:41:06Oh, Sar, you're going to have to hide, you hear?
00:41:09The men here are very bad, you understand?
00:41:12Oh, bad men.
00:41:25And now, ladies and gentlemen,
00:41:26presenting the Diabolo Orchestra with La Buona Notte.
00:41:42Come in.
00:41:49What is it?
00:41:52I want to speak to you.
00:41:53Well, come in, please.
00:41:59I'm the wife of Mario De Nardis.
00:42:02Well, what is it you want?
00:42:04Well, you must know that already, I think.
00:42:07But why should I?
00:42:08Explain just what you're getting at.
00:42:11My husband says he knows you quite well.
00:42:14He talks about you quite a lot.
00:42:16You came to see me because you're getting jealous, eh?
00:42:19No, I just wanted to talk to you.
00:42:22Oh, you did?
00:42:23And why?
00:42:24Please help me.
00:42:26I want to make a deal with you.
00:42:28I'm sure that as soon as I talk to Mario,
00:42:30perhaps he'll do whatever you want.
00:42:33He'll offer all the guarantee possible.
00:42:35He'll do just whatever you say.
00:42:38I speak for my husband.
00:42:39When I offer you anything at all, if you will...
00:42:41Will what?
00:42:43Will you help me find my baby?
00:42:47You heard, and I'm sure you can.
00:42:50Just a minute.
00:42:52You're mixed up in all of this, I know it.
00:42:54And if you will only help me, my husband will...
00:42:56You don't know what you're talking about.
00:42:57You're just confused.
00:42:59Then you refuse.
00:43:00You'll do nothing.
00:43:02I'm sorry, but I can't help you.
00:43:04But I'm sure that you could if you wanted to.
00:43:07If you were a mother, you'd have some idea how I feel.
00:43:10She's a poor, helpless baby.
00:43:12We adults are so merciless.
00:43:14But the crimes we commit on each other are nothing at all
00:43:17compared to the crime of keeping a small child from its own mother.
00:43:22Please listen to me.
00:43:23Look at my face.
00:43:25Look into my eyes.
00:43:26You must be human.
00:43:28I'm aware you must be suffering terribly.
00:43:31I'm sorry, but I just...
00:43:34You don't know a mother's anguish.
00:43:36A mother and her baby.
00:43:38Something that you never knew.
00:43:40A baby held close to your heart.
00:43:42Stop it, will you?
00:43:43I've heard just about enough.
00:43:45Cut it out.
00:43:46Why do you torment me?
00:43:48I had nothing to do with it.
00:43:51My hands are clean.
00:43:52Is it possible that a woman could be so cruel and inhuman?
00:43:57Get out of here, please.
00:45:00I guarantee you, we'll come out of this thing loaded with cash.
00:45:03And best of all, when we're rich,
00:45:05we won't have to go around with that long and miserable face anymore.
00:45:09When are you going to release that baby?
00:45:12It's almost done right now.
00:45:13Just a few days.
00:45:15You must do it at once.
00:45:16Oh, come on.
00:45:17You know that can't be done.
00:45:19But you promised not to pull anything dirty like that.
00:45:22And you were lying to me.
00:45:23You know I really ought to...
00:45:25Later on, we can talk about that.
00:45:27For right now, someone is coming.
00:45:30I'm going to introduce you to our new man.
00:45:33Who is he?
00:45:35The father in general?
00:45:37I'm here to check his identity.
00:45:39Isn't that right?
00:45:40That's right.
00:45:41Why are you so afraid of anyone you don't know?
00:45:43Right here in your own fortress.
00:45:45A little elementary care is a prerequisite in this business.
00:46:05Well, give me your hand, Morozzi.
00:46:34You haven't lost your voice, have you?
00:46:37It's just a surprise meeting you here.
00:46:41And this is Foster.
00:46:45Real glad to know you.
00:46:47You beat it now.
00:46:48All right, then.
00:46:50Yes, I'm authorized by the boss to buy any quantity.
00:46:53Of course, the same price as always.
00:46:55Of course.
00:46:56Then the Genoa gang is with us, right?
00:46:57There's one more condition, though.
00:46:59Operations must begin immediately.
00:47:05Yes, tomorrow night if possible.
00:47:07Say you can do it and I'll call the boss tonight.
00:47:09You really mean that to not us?
00:47:12Wait here a moment.
00:47:17And here we are.
00:47:19And I'm sure that's just what you wanted from the beginning.
00:47:22You didn't tell him who I am.
00:47:24What are you planning?
00:47:25I don't know.
00:47:26But it's pretty clear just what your plans are.
00:47:30You're needed in getting in here and you already have your orders.
00:47:35Is my Fiorella here?
00:47:38Don't get any bright ideas about her because those men wouldn't mind shooting you like a dog.
00:47:45The baby is fine.
00:47:47You are both fortunate.
00:47:50You will be victorious before this game is done.
00:47:54We've got to do it, Foster.
00:47:55The operation cannot be held up.
00:47:57All the merchandise must be delivered in the one night.
00:48:00The deal can't go through without the guarantees we haven't got yet.
00:48:03But we're still holding the hostage.
00:48:05She hasn't done us a bit of good and so we must go.
00:48:08That other way.
00:48:10All right.
00:48:11That other idea you worked out will do it too.
00:48:13Don't stand there talking.
00:48:15Well, it's Gloria.
00:48:16I don't know how she...
00:48:19You promise she will do anything.
00:48:22You just make sure.
00:48:25Anyway, there is Morazzi.
00:48:26He will work with her.
00:48:28You want to see him?
00:48:31Wait a minute.
00:48:40I better not.
00:48:44Tomorrow I'll tell you where we're going to meet.
00:48:47You will inform the Genoa gang.
00:48:49All right.
00:49:13Gloria, I want you to know there's something we have to do.
00:49:16There's no choice.
00:49:17We both have to go along.
00:49:19It is.
00:49:20You haven't made any rough decisions up to now, you know.
00:49:23Now get to the point then.
00:49:24Anyway, Morazzi will stay here and be working right with you.
00:49:28I think you better explain.
00:49:29Gloria, you have to sacrifice your men.
00:49:32All your accomplices in Ischia.
00:49:33One night they must all be picked up by the treasury men.
00:49:36I'm sure Morazzi will know how to do it.
00:49:38I would never agree to something like that.
00:49:40I'm afraid you'll have to.
00:49:41Only if you obey will you share in the money.
00:49:43Better not cause trouble.
00:49:45Keep threatening me and I might just start some...
00:49:47Oh, she's right.
00:49:48We have to keep the agents busy in one place while all of us rendezvous elsewhere.
00:49:54I hope you finally get it.
00:49:55Oh, come on.
00:49:56It could be worse.
00:50:00Now let's go.
00:50:02Come on.
00:50:08Czar, somebody's coming.
00:50:09You go hide.
00:50:24Come on out, Czar.
00:50:26Come here.
00:50:28Come on.
00:50:30We can eat.
00:50:36You must be hungry.
00:50:38Come on.
00:50:39Come on.
00:50:44Hey, you better walk to the landing from here for the Monte Ischia.
00:51:02Gloria, why are you working with...
00:51:04Don't talk about that at the moment.
00:51:06Better tell me what to do.
00:51:08Just do exactly what Foster told you,
00:51:10except there's one thing I want you to do just for me.
00:51:15Take care of my little girl.
00:51:16Keep watching for an opportunity,
00:51:17and when the time is right, get her away and out of danger.
00:51:20I'll do it.
00:51:21I feel much better now.
00:51:23But I don't know just what I can do to help you.
00:51:28I want to tell you a bit of a story now
00:51:31because I think this is the last time we're going to meet.
00:51:35I once had a baby.
00:51:38It seemed as though her father loved the baby and I very much.
00:51:42Then one day he disappeared.
00:51:45I returned to singing.
00:51:48Later on, I went to work with a touring company.
00:51:51My little girl went with me.
00:51:53You know what that's like.
00:51:55We kept on the move doing shows.
00:51:58And one night she was in my dressing room all alone.
00:52:03The poor baby caught pneumonia,
00:52:06and she passed on.
00:52:11Then I was left by myself.
00:52:15The loneliness was terrible and I thought I'd go mad.
00:52:19I began with booze,
00:52:21and soon I started using drugs.
00:52:24They made things seem easier.
00:52:26Then I began to pedal to make the money I needed.
00:52:30And that's the way it all started.
00:52:33No, I'm not finished.
00:52:36Just the other night something else happened to me.
00:52:40Your wife.
00:52:42Last night she begged and pleaded with me to help her.
00:52:46You're both dear to me now.
00:52:50You meant a lot to me from the night I first met you, Lieutenant.
00:52:53I wasn't acting that night at all.
00:52:56You seemed to me the ideal man,
00:52:58the one I dreamed I would meet.
00:53:01Remember, that's what I said to you.
00:53:04That was when you weren't so mixed up in all this mess.
00:53:13We had better go.
00:53:19It's you, Lieutenant.
00:53:21Didn't you suspect it when you were told to be here?
00:53:24To tell you the truth, I expected that at any moment
00:53:27I would see you back on the island again.
00:53:29Give me your hand, Marshal.
00:53:31I want to shake the hand of a man who is both brave and loyal.
00:53:35However, you're looking at abandon.
00:53:37It's the truth.
00:53:39I've been accepted as one of the Genoa gang.
00:53:42I've gotten into their main headquarters.
00:53:44Then you know where they're hiding out.
00:53:47Down there, in one of those villas on the coast.
00:53:51Your daughter must be there.
00:53:53She's there, and I can't do a thing about it.
00:53:57There's someone else going to bring her out of there,
00:54:00and I have to have my wife waiting at the Fisherman's Bar starting at 11 o'clock tonight.
00:54:04You'll have to tell her.
00:54:06Yes, of course I will.
00:54:09Listen, are you sure you weren't followed?
00:54:11They knew I was coming here, but not as Lieutenant Andriani.
00:54:15My cover was as one of the Genoa gang.
00:54:18They want to sacrifice the bunch of crooks that was working with Duro,
00:54:21and they've chosen me to turn them in.
00:54:24Marshal, listen to me.
00:54:27We are faced with an extremely clever maneuver the gang has worked out.
00:54:30They think they will make us send all our forces over to the bar tonight,
00:54:34the one called the Dancing Siren.
00:54:37It's evident by that hour their operation will be going on at their villa on the coast.
00:54:42Well, we will send some men.
00:54:44Down there, so that the smugglers will think that we actually fell for their bait.
00:54:47While at the same time, you, I, and some others will go to the villa
00:54:51where we will catch them red-handed with their two leaders.
00:54:54I know they're there.
00:54:56From this moment on, you, I, and the men who work with us will have to meet in complete secrecy.
00:55:02There's a hut near here where we can meet.
00:55:04A small room with a kitchen.
00:55:06I know the place very well.
00:55:08I can show you the place right now.
00:55:10I think it's just what we need.
00:55:11Come on.
00:55:15You know what to do.
00:55:34I'm reporting in, Lieutenant.
00:55:36You searched completely? You're sure you covered the area?
00:55:39And all the boats that are being repaired?
00:55:41I checked the entire coast. No luck.
00:55:43No one. No one who seemed to be waiting for anyone to come in.
00:55:47Return to your post and don't move till my signal.
00:55:50I'll be waiting, sir.
00:55:51Are you sure that we can't be seen from a passing boat?
00:55:54Don't worry. No one can see us down here behind these rocks.
00:55:57It's essential we be ready to move quickly.
00:56:08Hey, what do you want here?
00:56:10A little girl.
00:56:11Buddy, you're crazy.
00:56:12Who are you?
00:57:10Lieutenant, there.
00:57:12Where look just a head down in the villa
00:57:23Fine they made it Pirellas on the boat. She's on the boat with the person who will take her to Julia
00:57:34The fourth patrol is commencer any luck
00:57:37Nothing to be seen along the entire road
00:57:41It is almost time for the meeting now seems nobody's headed towards the villa at all
00:57:46Are you sure nobody came in earlier in the day? Absolutely sergeant nobody at all lieutenant
00:57:52Then we're going to the villa now two men will stay here to make the contact
00:58:07This is where that boat disappeared the night we followed it smart the seagull is right under the villa real organization
00:58:34What is it?
00:58:36Look at this
00:58:38Strange, why is that?
00:58:41Watch the milk can be in here. I don't know
00:59:06Don't get on don't get on. Oh, who's he the benefactor, you know the Institute?
00:59:11He comes here to get the milk for the children that he keeps up there
00:59:14Yes, and we've run into guy Tano often in this zone. So you told me guy Tano gets medicine contributed overseas
00:59:19Yes, my shipment was just the other day
00:59:22It's also evident now
00:59:25This is the way he brings in all the narcotics drugs, of course
00:59:28Now listen now there cannot be any doubt about it guy Tano is the boss and I'll bet right at this moment
00:59:35Back to the island. We must take the boat and try to surprise him at that villa of his that fake Institute. Come on
00:59:42We'll wire from the boat to have a car waiting for us
00:59:48You will want to verify the merchandise I will arrange for that then I want you to take it away from here immediately
00:59:53I'm sure you gentlemen will agree to add a bit to the agreed price
00:59:56Because in order to arrange for this meeting to go on a complete safety. I had to sacrifice the organization
01:00:02I say you did it just for us what you put in your pocket doesn't count
01:00:05Huh? Oh, the fact is that I maintain an entirely charitable organization
01:00:10Ah, you named a magnificent villa that today I finally saw but you see our philanthropy is involuntary
01:00:16We can't afford to lose our jobs. We can't afford to lose our jobs
01:00:20But you see our philanthropy is involuntary
01:00:22We can't be blamed can we that the police are going to glorious place tonight and arrest her whole gang?
01:00:29I must congratulate you again because a man like you must succeed
01:00:34You can accomplish whatever scheme you work out because you have absolutely no scruples at all. Very well, then
01:00:54Someday I hope that we will meet again, but not on business
01:00:58I've decided to retire and it is my hope that your institution will continue to have plenty of medicine for the children
01:01:05Don't know my security here is not so good. So we move the operation somewhere else
01:01:11You won't have any difficulty starting a new Institute that will benefit children. It's time we started
01:01:18We had better get on with it
01:01:20Go on out there and get the merchandise, right? Come on
01:01:40Leave someone here better guard the gate you take it Marco
01:02:51Get your hands up
01:02:53Moron see you didn't suspect did you?
01:02:57Well, it won't be easy for you. Where's that benefactor? Come on. Where did he go?
01:03:02No, lieutenant. Someone is escaping down the block. So that's what it's all about
01:03:07Come on, Karkani. You'll search this villa and take care of this gang. You're in command. I understand
01:03:12All right, get going and you take that police there
01:03:16You come with me
01:03:44There he goes come on hurry
01:04:16Curse little girl we're almost there before long. You'll be with your mother
01:04:29Can't walk anymore
01:04:31It's better if we keep going
01:04:34My feet hurt. I'm tired. You must try please we must go
01:05:16Don't know how to thank you for this sir, the baby was so tired
01:05:37Better slow down. We're nearly there. I
01:05:45Wanted to get off back there, but why you wake the baby
01:05:53But where are you going whatever I'll take you you dirty traitor
01:06:00Stop the car stop the car
01:06:22The shots came from down there where show me go, please
01:06:26Hurry there were shots and Fiorella must be there
01:07:04Must speak to you Fiorella. Where is Fiorella?
01:07:12The man who shot me the man who shot me the one in the truck
01:07:21She's hurt badly
01:07:26You take care of her come on
01:07:33Mario you must stay help her. Will you she was good to Fiorella see that they get her to the village
01:07:56There he goes come on he's trying to get to the sea
01:08:17You stay right here I'll go after him
01:08:44Let the baby go you here you'll never escape
01:09:14Monster Fiorella Fiorella my baby. Oh my little girl
01:09:36Fiorella my baby my little girl