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00:02:40I'm beginning to suspect this.
00:02:42Somebody is break into our territory.
00:02:45Maybe it's the Tenth Avenue Gang.
00:02:47Come on, we're going to meet them.
00:03:00Okay, come on.
00:03:04What's a big idea?
00:03:10There's no danger out, see.
00:03:17You sure got your nerve, McCoy.
00:03:20So it's you again.
00:03:22How many times do we have to tell you, you can't come down here?
00:03:25Well, I'm here and I'm in the gang too.
00:03:26It says so.
00:03:27In the gang, too. It says so right there.
00:03:33Come on, Amscray.
00:03:36Nick, I'm staying right here.
00:03:39That's what you think. Come on, beat it.
00:03:42All right, all right, I'm going.
00:03:45And remember, this place is for men only.
00:03:49Let's bring the meeting to order.
00:03:53Dames, she must think this is a ladies' aid society.
00:03:56Quit your beefing. She's gone, ain't she?
00:04:02Let's get down to business.
00:04:04Yeah, we got work to do.
00:04:06All right, now here's the setup.
00:04:08I've got one of the fruit warehouses over on 10th Avenue all cased up.
00:04:11It's a cinch to take.
00:04:13They say that fresh fruit is fine for growing kids.
00:04:16It's sure fine for me.
00:04:19How about it, men? Are you with me?
00:04:22Okay, we're on our way.
00:04:27Nice bunch of oranges and avocados you got up there.
00:04:30Yeah, what's that got to do with you?
00:04:33Oh, nothing.
00:04:57What are you doing, Marty?
00:05:00So it's you again. Beat it.
00:05:03Nick, I heard all about your scheme.
00:05:06And if you don't let me join the gang, I'll...
00:05:09Not if I'm in the gang.
00:05:11Okay, you asked for it. You're in.
00:05:17Wait here.
00:05:27What did you do, Marty?
00:05:29I lit that stuff and tossed it in there.
00:05:31What for?
00:05:32Well, when they all run in here to see what the trouble is,
00:05:34that'll leave us a clear field for the fruit wagon.
00:05:37But your lavender set fire to the place.
00:05:39You're crazy. It's a cement floor. Come on.
00:05:57He set fire to the place.
00:06:11What happened? Some kids set fire to the warehouse.
00:06:13Let's get out of here before they catch us.
00:06:16There's some of them now. And there's two more of them.
00:06:27Come on, let's get out of here.
00:06:30All right, quick, Miss Ford. It's too late.
00:06:35Hey, come back here.
00:06:38Stop, I say.
00:06:40Come back here, you scallywag.
00:06:49All right, hold it up, kid.
00:06:52Put that rod away.
00:06:54Come down out of there.
00:06:56Come on up and get me.
00:06:58Wait a minute. I'll come down.
00:07:05Now, what'd you do that for?
00:07:07Just to see the engines roll.
00:07:09A fire bug, eh?
00:07:11Who are those other kids?
00:07:12What kids?
00:07:13Now, don't give me that. I saw them running away.
00:07:15You're crazy. I was alone.
00:07:17Little wise guy, eh? Trying to cover up your pals.
00:07:20Come on along with me.
00:07:25But I tell you, I was alone.
00:07:27Come now, Marty. The officers saw three other boys.
00:07:30Well, I didn't.
00:07:32Besides, even if there were, do you think I'd squeal?
00:07:35Son, you're pretty young to be following the code of the underworld.
00:07:38Why don't you be sensible? Tell me who your friends were.
00:07:41I'm a lone wolf.
00:07:43You know, I may not look it now, but I was a boy once, very much like you.
00:07:47And I got into my share of scrapes, too.
00:07:50But this is worse than a scrape.
00:07:52You started a fire, damaged other people's property.
00:07:55You might have caused injury or death to any number of people.
00:07:59I didn't mean to do that.
00:08:01Well, what did you mean to do?
00:08:03Raid the fruit trucks with your pals?
00:08:05How many times do I have to tell you I didn't have any pals?
00:08:08Now, I want to be as lenient with you as I can, Marty.
00:08:11But you must realize that if you take this attitude,
00:08:14there's nothing for me to do but to send you to the reformatory.
00:08:17I guess I can take it.
00:08:19Well, I guess there's nothing else to do, officer.
00:08:21Come on, son.
00:08:50Jerry Donovan will sit over there on my right,
00:08:53and Joe Marr will sit on his right.
00:08:55Yes, Mr. Malone.
00:08:57And Miss McCoy?
00:08:59Well, she'll sit on my left, of course.
00:09:01And Micah Marr, well, he can sit next to her, too.
00:09:04Yes, Mr. Malone.
00:09:05I want everything the best, because these are my real pals.
00:09:07We grew up together.
00:09:09We get together like this every year.
00:09:11We call this our annual round-up.
00:09:13And this is the first time we've been together since I took over the club.
00:09:16So that's why I want everything perfect.
00:09:18I'll do my best to make it so, sir.
00:09:20I beg your pardon, Mr. Malone.
00:09:22Miss McCoy is ready to go on downstairs.
00:09:24Take care of everything.
00:09:25Yes, sir.
00:09:26I'm expecting some friends.
00:09:28I mean, show and tell the doorman to show them up through the private entrance.
00:09:31Yes, sir.
00:09:37Ladies and gentlemen, the Cigarette Club has the honor of presenting Miss Helen McCoy.
00:09:47Things are coming my way
00:09:50The things I never expected
00:09:54Things are coming my way
00:09:57And I'm no longer neglected
00:10:01When you came into my life
00:10:05Cares went wide and high
00:10:07Now I'm ridin' high
00:10:09Feel like shoutin' hooray
00:10:13Your love is with me to stay
00:10:16And things are coming my way
00:10:20Oh, things are coming my way
00:10:24The things I never expected
00:10:28Things are coming my way
00:10:32And I'm no longer neglected
00:10:36When you came into my life
00:10:40Cares went wide and high
00:10:42Now I'm ridin' high
00:10:44Feel like shoutin' hooray
00:10:47Your love is with me to stay
00:10:50And life is great, life is fun
00:10:53For you're my lucky one
00:10:55Oh, things are coming my way
00:11:13Well, what is it?
00:11:14Well, I finally managed to get that party on the line.
00:11:17Good, I'll talk to him. Do you know who's calling?
00:11:19Not yet, sir.
00:11:31Mr. Brewster? Malone speaking.
00:11:34Yes, Malone, what is it?
00:11:35You know what it is.
00:11:37I have a check before me for $1,375.
00:11:41You stopped payment on it.
00:11:42So what?
00:11:44Well, write me another check that won't bounce.
00:11:47Sorry, I can't do anything for you.
00:11:49I had too much of that bad liquor of yours
00:11:51and didn't know what I was doing.
00:11:53How do I know you didn't rig that wheel of yours?
00:11:55Oh, I don't have to rig my wheel.
00:11:57Percentage takes care of me. You know better than that.
00:12:00You won't get another dime,
00:12:01so you might as well go ahead and sue.
00:12:03You know you can't sue for a gambling debt.
00:12:06Besides, that doesn't happen to be the way I operate.
00:12:09You must know I have other ways of collecting,
00:12:11if you take this attitude.
00:12:13I'm just not paying off.
00:12:15Well, just think it over.
00:12:23Is the diamond there?
00:12:24Yes, sir.
00:12:27Yes, sir.
00:12:28Send diamond to me.
00:12:29Yes, sir.
00:12:40Something on your mind, Lonnie?
00:12:42I got a job for you, Frank.
00:12:44Is there anything I can do?
00:12:45Yeah, keep quiet.
00:12:47James Brewster doesn't believe in playing for keeps.
00:12:50Okay, we'll try and reason with him.
00:12:52He's a little fresh.
00:12:53Sold him down a bit.
00:12:55If you have to push him around,
00:12:57do it gently.
00:12:59Just, uh, you know,
00:13:01teach him how to write a good check.
00:13:03Well, treat him like a brother.
00:13:05Where does he live?
00:13:08Circle House, Terrasse.
00:13:10He's seeing him.
00:13:18Here we are.
00:13:19Well, what are we gonna do?
00:13:21We'll just give him a once-over lesson.
00:13:30A fine thing, you walked out on my number.
00:13:32Only Judy could tear me away.
00:13:34What do you hear from the gang?
00:13:35They all coming?
00:13:36Yes, sir.
00:13:37Look, there's something we've got to settle right now,
00:13:39and I think it's time.
00:13:41To talk about you and me?
00:13:42Helen, for the 47th time,
00:13:44I've told you how I feel.
00:13:46Are you sure?
00:13:47Sure about what?
00:13:48The number.
00:13:49You know, it seems to me it's the 48th.
00:13:51There were two times last week.
00:13:52Well, for the 49th...
00:13:55Will you stop your kidding?
00:13:56I'm not.
00:13:57I'm not sure.
00:13:58Honestly, I'm not.
00:14:00You wouldn't want me to say no
00:14:01when I'm still on the fence, would you?
00:14:03Still my chimera, huh?
00:14:05Marty, stick to your promise.
00:14:06Well, if it isn't going to be me...
00:14:08It's got to be my chimera.
00:14:09Now, Marty, you...
00:14:10Because I'll never give up till I'm counted out.
00:14:14Pardon me,
00:14:15but the master of the ceremonies is paging you again, Miss McCoy.
00:14:18I'm coming.
00:14:19You'd better double-check with the O'Maras.
00:14:21I'll see you later.
00:14:24Yes, sir?
00:14:25I want to get out of these working clothes.
00:14:27The blue serge?
00:14:31The West 30th Precinct Police Station.
00:14:33The emergency squad.
00:14:36Sergeant and his emergency squad, please.
00:14:40Which one?
00:14:42Hey, Mike.
00:14:43It's for you.
00:14:44What's the idea of jumping the gun?
00:14:46You're still on duty.
00:14:50Hello, Marty, you old so-and-so.
00:14:53Sure we'll be on time
00:14:55if we don't get a call before the next squad report.
00:14:57Keep your fingers crossed.
00:14:58So long.
00:15:00Thank you, sir.
00:15:01Get out of here.
00:15:02Hurry up!
00:15:03What's that?
00:15:04Get out of here.
00:15:05Hurry up with that lawnmower, will you?
00:15:06I'm on the last patch now.
00:15:09Five minutes to go.
00:15:10I'll lay you two to one, we get a call.
00:15:12Stop being a pessimist.
00:15:14What's that?
00:15:15Look it up.
00:15:18I'll play these.
00:15:20I would, too.
00:15:22Why don't you guys shut up?
00:15:25Two blue ones.
00:15:28I'll call.
00:15:29Up four.
00:15:30Up eight.
00:15:40I'll call it.
00:15:43What does it mean when they're all one color?
00:15:45Why don't you cut it out?
00:15:49What'd I tell you?
00:15:51Wait a minute.
00:15:52Hey, wait a minute.
00:15:53I had a flush.
00:15:54A flush?
00:15:55You had a royal flush.
00:15:57I did?
00:16:01Where are we going?
00:16:02To the circle house.
00:16:03Yeah, the electric sign on the roof broke loose and killed a man.
00:16:19All right, break it up, break it up.
00:16:21Can't you see that sign up there is liable to fall any minute?
00:16:25All right, boys, get on up there and rise her up.
00:16:32Gangway, men.
00:16:33You bet.
00:16:39What happened?
00:16:40The guy forgot the duck.
00:16:41That sign hit him right on the noggin.
00:16:42He'd never know what hit him.
00:16:43What's his name?
00:16:44Jim Brewster.
00:16:46All right, boys.
00:16:47Clear this stuff out of here.
00:16:48Mike, take that table inside.
00:16:49Be careful you don't drop anything over.
00:16:54Well, Mike forgot it.
00:16:55He was strolling around on the terrace.
00:16:57Who says he was strolling?
00:16:58That guy was sitting there having a drink when flowing had happened.
00:17:00Yeah, with the wind blowing the rain all over him.
00:17:03When you get through being a detective, Mr. O'Mara,
00:17:05would you terribly mind taking the line up to the roof
00:17:08and tying off the rest of that sign to the chimney?
00:17:10Anything for you, teacher.
00:17:12Tom, Larry, take them by the hand and help them up.
00:17:17All right, boys, let's get this sign in here.
00:17:30Say, Larry, whip another line over that center there,
00:17:33and we'll tie off here.
00:17:36Hey, what's this?
00:17:40The stanchion's been cut.
00:17:43Say, Tom, look at this.
00:17:45What about it?
00:17:46Well, if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you.
00:17:50All right, finish up.
00:17:51I'll see you later.
00:18:01Okay, boys, that'll hold it till the repairmen arrive.
00:18:04Let's go.
00:18:07Say, Sarge.
00:18:08What is it now, Sherlock Holmes?
00:18:09This fellow Brewster, he was murdered.
00:18:11Why don't you stop playing detective?
00:18:13You're keeping me up.
00:18:14But, Sarge, I tell you...
00:18:15Why don't you lead the detective to the precinct, Dix?
00:18:18They're satisfied.
00:18:31Cigarette club, and don't spare the horses.
00:18:33Wait a minute.
00:18:34We got a little snooping to do first.
00:18:35You can do your snooping, but I'm going to Marty's party.
00:18:38So am I, afterwards.
00:18:39Don't you realize this is a chance for us to get in the detective bureau?
00:18:42What's the matter with the emergency squad?
00:18:44Haven't you got any ambition?
00:18:46Sure, but not to play cops and robbers.
00:18:48Hey, driver, drop me at the cigarette club.
00:18:51Your mystery will keep for an hour or so.
00:18:54Will you go back with me after the party?
00:18:56It's a deal.
00:18:57Come on, come on.
00:19:14Your mother brother told me you're missing along.
00:19:16She's expecting you.
00:19:17This way, gentlemen.
00:19:18Let's go.
00:19:21Can you imagine that cowboy turning out to be such a gorgeous girl?
00:19:24Now, am I right or am I right?
00:19:25You're right.
00:19:27Come on, Mike.
00:19:28You're in a hurry.
00:19:30Hey, do you mind waiting for the Christmas tree?
00:19:55Hello, my fine-feathered friend.
00:19:57Good evening, sir.
00:19:58May I have your coat?
00:19:59I'm sure I'll get the same one back.
00:20:01Yes, sir.
00:20:04How are you, gang?
00:20:05Oh, hiya, Marty.
00:20:06Hiya, Mike.
00:20:08Hiya, Joe.
00:20:09I'm glad to see you.
00:20:11Sorry, no formalities tonight.
00:20:12This is just a meeting of the gang.
00:20:14Meet Joe Morris.
00:20:15Hiya, Joe.
00:20:16Hiya, Mike.
00:20:17Hiya, son.
00:20:18You look good.
00:20:20Well, if it isn't the McCoy.
00:20:22The real McCoy.
00:20:23Hello, Mike.
00:20:24How are you, Helen?
00:20:25And Joe.
00:20:26Hiya, Helen.
00:20:27Hiya, Marty.
00:20:28Well, how about a little drink?
00:20:29Lead us to it.
00:20:35I was afraid you'd be late.
00:20:36We got a call at 11.59 and we had to roll.
00:20:39Rotten luck.
00:20:40Oh, maybe not so rotten.
00:20:41You see, I...
00:20:42Hey, wait a minute.
00:20:43Wait a minute.
00:20:44Can the business.
00:20:45This is a party.
00:20:46Where's Jerry?
00:20:47He'll be here.
00:20:48He promised.
00:20:50Hello, Si.
00:20:51Good evening.
00:20:52They all here, eh?
00:20:53All inside.
00:21:00There you are.
00:21:02Hello, Jerry.
00:21:04Hello, Marty.
00:21:05My, it's good to see you.
00:21:07Hello, everybody.
00:21:09Sit right down here.
00:21:11You're just in time.
00:21:12Fine thing.
00:21:13We've been waiting for hours.
00:21:14Well, now maybe I'd believe that if I hadn't seen you two
00:21:17just barely beating me to the elevator.
00:21:20Louie, cocktails.
00:21:21Now we're getting somewhere.
00:21:23Champagne for the unregenerate.
00:21:25And sherry for Father Donovan.
00:21:28Well, the annual roundup is now in session.
00:21:35For auld lang syne, my dear, my dear.
00:21:41For auld lang syne, my dear.
00:21:47We'll drink a cup of kindness yet,
00:21:53For the sake of auld lang syne.
00:22:05And thus endeth another chapter.
00:22:07Shall we adjourn?
00:22:08Not at least until we've had a little nightcap.
00:22:10Well, I don't want to break up your party,
00:22:11but I've got to be getting home.
00:22:13We've got to be getting along too, Marty.
00:22:14A little business to attend to.
00:22:15Oh, no, you're not.
00:22:16Not until you have a spot of good old Irish.
00:22:18Well, just one.
00:22:20Good night, Jerry.
00:22:22So long, Jerry.
00:22:23Mike, we have many happy returns of the day.
00:22:24Sure we will.
00:22:25And remember, my turn next year.
00:22:27And this is mine.
00:22:28This year.
00:22:31Wonder well with you, Jerry.
00:22:32Help yourselves to everything.
00:22:33I'll be right back.
00:22:34Oh, thanks.
00:22:35Hey, what are you going to have, darling?
00:22:36I'll mix it.
00:22:37I think I'll have a champagne cocktail.
00:22:38I want two.
00:22:41What is it, Marty?
00:22:43Look, Jerry.
00:22:45It's about that West Side Boys Club of yours.
00:22:47Oh, not mine.
00:22:48It belongs to the boys.
00:22:49Oh, sure, I know.
00:22:51You see, I've had a pretty good year.
00:22:53And I thought maybe your, uh, I mean the boys club
00:22:56could use a gymnasium.
00:23:05That's a lot of money.
00:23:09Business must be good.
00:23:12I'm afraid I can't accept it, Marty.
00:23:14Oh, don't say that.
00:23:16It's honest money.
00:23:17If I don't get it, somebody else will.
00:23:19Oh, it isn't that.
00:23:20It's just, well, it's like this, Marty.
00:23:23The man who gives those kids a gym is going to be
00:23:26pretty much of a hero to them.
00:23:28I see.
00:23:31You want to be no party in making one out of a jailbird,
00:23:34Oh, you're wrong about that part of it, Marty.
00:23:37Censure would come poorly from me.
00:23:39The well might have been in your shoes.
00:23:41You saved us all.
00:23:42Now, wait a minute.
00:23:44I deserve what I got.
00:23:45But the rest of you didn't.
00:23:47Oh, I didn't mean it that way.
00:23:49I mean, you taught us a lesson.
00:23:52That which started out to be just kids mischief
00:23:55might have led to something else.
00:23:57Well, then why don't you accept my money?
00:23:59Is it because I'm a gambler?
00:24:01All right.
00:24:02My name doesn't have to appear.
00:24:04Can't you give it as if from a friend?
00:24:07I know you don't approve of my racket.
00:24:09But don't turn down something that'll
00:24:11keep the kids off the streets.
00:24:13Can't you take it for them?
00:24:15You always were a good salesman, Marty.
00:24:17But I'm afraid I can't do it.
00:24:19Just think of it.
00:24:21Punching bags, boxing gloves, hot and cold showers,
00:24:25and lockers.
00:24:26Why, if the kids of Hell's Kitchen had those things,
00:24:29very few of them would ever see the inside of a reformatory.
00:24:32I guess you're speaking from the heart, Marty.
00:24:35No, I'm not.
00:24:36I'm speaking from the head.
00:24:38I have enough competition in my business.
00:24:40All right, then.
00:24:41Just to narrow down your field of competitors,
00:24:44I'll take you up.
00:24:45Now you're talking.
00:24:47You are generous, Marty.
00:24:49Let's just say it's a kind of an insurance.
00:24:51In case, uh, what you know, I'm wrong about what
00:24:55goes on up there.
00:24:56All right.
00:24:58Maybe someday we might be able to call it
00:25:00the Martin Malone Gym.
00:25:02I hope so.
00:25:04Well, thanks for everything, Jerry.
00:25:06And I'll be seeing you.
00:25:07Now, don't let's wait a whole year this time.
00:25:09Drop in like the others do.
00:25:11Sure I will.
00:25:12Good night, Marty.
00:25:14Good night, Jerry.
00:25:20Oh, come on, Mike.
00:25:21Bottoms up.
00:25:22We got to get going.
00:25:23What do you mean, going?
00:25:24Without asking me?
00:25:25Either of you?
00:25:26All right.
00:25:27I'm first.
00:25:28Oh, but Mike, you said.
00:25:29Can't the sleuthing wait 10 more minutes?
00:25:31So he's still at it, huh?
00:25:33When are you going to join the detective bureau, Joe?
00:25:35Maybe sooner than you think.
00:25:36I'll bet he's got a clue or something.
00:25:38You think you're kidding?
00:25:39Let me tell you wise guys something.
00:25:41A man was murdered tonight up in the swell apartment
00:25:43on Columbus Circle.
00:25:45That's Joe's theory.
00:25:46The detectives reported it an accident.
00:25:48The guys that murdered this fellow Brewster
00:25:49wanted it to look like an accident.
00:25:51Wait a minute.
00:25:52Did you say his name was Brewster?
00:25:55James Brewster.
00:25:56What's the matter, Marty?
00:25:57You know him?
00:25:58Well, he was a very good customer of mine.
00:26:00What makes you think he was murdered?
00:26:02A big electric sign fell on him.
00:26:03Only it didn't just fall.
00:26:04It was pushed.
00:26:05After one of the supporting stanchions
00:26:06had been cut clean with a chisel.
00:26:08Now, why would anybody want to bump
00:26:10off a nice guy like Brewster?
00:26:11That's what we want to know.
00:26:12That's why we're going up there tonight to check up.
00:26:14If we can break this case, they can't
00:26:16keep us out of the bureau.
00:26:17Well, he's sure got that old ambition.
00:26:19So you're going to stand me up for a murder mystery?
00:26:21Not until I have that case.
00:26:23Not until I have that dance.
00:26:24Just a few more minutes.
00:26:25One dance.
00:26:27Just one dance.
00:26:28Now you're talking.
00:26:30I'll go on downstairs, and I'll be
00:26:31joining you in a minute.
00:26:32Come on, Helen.
00:26:39Yes, sir.
00:26:40Get Diamond over here right away,
00:26:41and let me know when he arrives.
00:26:43Yes, sir.
00:26:44And call downstairs and tell the orchestra
00:26:45to keep playing until I tell them to stop.
00:26:47Now, hurry.
00:26:48Yes, sir.
00:26:50You know, if I could afford it, I'd do this every night.
00:26:54If I had the same partner.
00:26:56Mike, you haven't changed a bit in 20 years.
00:27:00I'm on the level.
00:27:01Which explains, I suppose, why I see you so often.
00:27:04Once every six weeks.
00:27:06Well, you work nights.
00:27:10I work nights.
00:27:12What are you trying to get at?
00:27:14Oh, I'm just a cop.
00:27:16And I'm a cop.
00:27:17Oh, I'm just a cop.
00:27:18And I'm still the McCoy dame that
00:27:20always got in the gang's hair.
00:27:22Well, if you feel that way about it,
00:27:24we might as well get right down to it.
00:27:26You know, Helen, I was going to ask you, but.
00:27:30I'm sorry.
00:27:32So am I.
00:27:38This is the longest dance I ever sat out in my life.
00:27:40Yes, get on my nerves, too.
00:27:42Give me a cigar, Joe.
00:27:45That gentleman's in your office now, sir.
00:27:48Oh, he is, huh?
00:27:50Excuse me a minute, Joe.
00:27:51Hurry back, will you?
00:27:52We're leaving right after this dance.
00:27:53I won't be long.
00:28:03Where have you been?
00:28:05Now, don't get in a lather, Marty.
00:28:06Well, murder's a little out of my line, my friend.
00:28:09I heard it was an accident.
00:28:10Sure, boss.
00:28:11We covered up.
00:28:12I told you, if you had to push him around,
00:28:13to do it gently.
00:28:14And then you go and kill him.
00:28:15Well, maybe we were a little rough,
00:28:17but I didn't know he had a bad ticket.
00:28:19I'm sorry it turned out this way.
00:28:21You're sorry?
00:28:22That's right.
00:28:23Because now you'll never collect that money.
00:28:25Oh, skip that.
00:28:26What happened?
00:28:27Well, when he didn't get up, I was a little worried.
00:28:29I figured he might have talked about stopping that check
00:28:31and the bulls might get curious.
00:28:33You see, he was bruised up a little.
00:28:35I told you not to bend that sap over his head.
00:28:38Go on.
00:28:39I figured we had to make it look like an accident.
00:28:41The wind was blowing a bit.
00:28:42That sign was creaking.
00:28:43After all, it could blow down.
00:28:45To make it look good, we put Brewster under the sign,
00:28:48slipped a drink in his hand, and pushed the sign over on him.
00:28:51Personally, I thought it was a pretty good game.
00:28:54Yeah, me too.
00:28:55Yeah, it was marvelous.
00:28:56You would think I'd wait to involve the emergency squad,
00:28:58wouldn't you?
00:28:59So what?
00:29:00So two of my very best pals are on it,
00:29:01and they're suspicious of the whole setup.
00:29:03And they're hitting pretty close to it.
00:29:05They won't find out anything.
00:29:07I didn't leave my calling card.
00:29:08No, but you did leave a stanchion clean cut
00:29:10so that any dummy might know it wasn't an accident.
00:29:12What did you say?
00:29:13That's what the Ameras say.
00:29:14I thought I told you to spread those strands until they broke.
00:29:16I thought it'd be easier just to whack it off with a chisel.
00:29:19Remind me later to wring your neck.
00:29:21I'll save that, and chisel your way out of this jam.
00:29:24All right.
00:29:25The Ameras are your pals.
00:29:26Well, get to them.
00:29:27Put the fix in.
00:29:28The Ameras can't be fixed.
00:29:29So what?
00:29:30All right.
00:29:31Then Sam and I'll get right back over there
00:29:32and really cover up this time.
00:29:33And use your heads this time.
00:29:41In the meantime, you get busy and stall those Ameras.
00:29:44That's great.
00:29:45You gum up the works.
00:29:46And now you've got the gall to ask me to fix things.
00:29:48You better, Monty.
00:29:49We're all in this jam together.
00:29:52By the way, where's that Bruce's check?
00:29:55Oh, that.
00:29:56I burned it.
00:29:57I burned it.
00:30:28Have your hat and coat here, Mr. Ameras.
00:30:30Oh, thank you.
00:30:32Hi, Monty.
00:30:33You're not leaving without a dance, are you, Joe?
00:30:35That's not a dance in there.
00:30:36That's a marathon.
00:30:37Joe, I've got to say...
00:30:38Now look, Monty.
00:30:39It's been swell.
00:30:40I don't want to be a crab, but...
00:30:42Well, this is important to me.
00:30:43You understand, don't you?
00:30:44Sure I do.
00:30:45Now get your cap.
00:30:47All right, little lady.
00:30:49I'll get it.
00:30:50I'll get it.
00:30:51I'll get it.
00:30:52I'll get it.
00:30:53I'll get it.
00:30:54I'll get it.
00:30:55I'll get it.
00:30:56Now get your cap, little lady.
00:30:57Oh, sorry.
00:31:01Get a cab, Mr. Ameras, and tip the driver off not to hurry.
00:31:04Yes, sir.
00:31:06Come on.
00:31:07Have a swell time, Monty.
00:31:09Don't we always.
00:31:10Good night.
00:31:11So long, Joe.
00:31:21Get me a cab, quick.
00:31:24Come on.
00:31:25Hurry up.
00:31:34Say, where did you learn to drive a hack?
00:31:36Correspondence school?
00:31:37Wise guy, huh?
00:31:38Maybe so, but a copper anyway.
00:31:40Yeah, well, what's different?
00:31:42Well, get going, or I'll drive this hack myself.
00:31:45Yes, sir.
00:31:46Come on.
00:31:47I told you to step on it.
00:31:48This is best.
00:31:49These old hacks will go.
00:31:51Sorry, Mr. Malone.
00:31:53Oh, I'll get out and walk the rest of the way.
00:32:17That's got it.
00:32:18That's got it?
00:32:19I guess we're all right now.
00:32:20That ought to hold them.
00:32:21That's what you think.
00:32:49All right, it's all over, boys.
00:32:51Come on, move along.
00:32:52Move along.
00:32:53All right, boys.
00:32:54It's all over now.
00:32:55Go ahead.
00:32:56Move along.
00:32:57Hey, what's the matter?
00:32:58Oh, a terrible thing just happened here.
00:33:00One of our boys has been killed.
00:33:02He fell off the roof there.
00:33:04Who was it?
00:33:05Well, it was a lad named Joe O'Mara of the emergency squad.
00:33:08All right, come on.
00:33:09I asked you to move along.
00:33:10Move along.
00:33:11Will you please walk?
00:33:12I'll walk.
00:33:13I'll walk.
00:33:14I'll walk.
00:33:15I'll walk.
00:33:16I'll walk.
00:33:17Come on.
00:33:18Will you please move along?
00:33:19Get along with him.
00:33:24You know, it's funny about Marty.
00:33:25He's been gone about a half an hour.
00:33:27Oh, he's probably having a drink with Joe.
00:33:29Let's go round him up.
00:33:35Hi, Marty.
00:33:37Where you been?
00:33:38I've just been up the street.
00:33:39Where's Joe?
00:33:41Yeah, wasn't he with you?
00:33:42Oh, yes, yes.
00:33:43He left a while ago.
00:33:44He told me to tell you that he'd call you later.
00:33:47Excuse me.
00:33:48I've got to get on with some dry clothes.
00:33:49Oh, look, Marty, we're going to leave anyway.
00:33:50I'll see you tomorrow.
00:33:51So long, Mike.
00:33:52Thanks a lot.
00:33:53Good night, Marty.
00:33:54Good night.
00:33:55I'll get the rest of it.
00:33:56There's a call for you, Mr. O'Mara.
00:33:57Who, me?
00:33:58Yes, you can take it right here.
00:33:59Oh, probably Joe checking in with a large beef.
00:34:02Hello, will you switch that call for Mr. O'Mara
00:34:04to this phone, please?
00:34:11Listen, kid, I got bad news for you.
00:34:13It's about Joe.
00:34:14He fell off the circle house roof.
00:34:20You sure?
00:34:25I'll be right over.
00:34:26Mike, what is it?
00:34:31It's Joe.
00:34:33He's dead.
00:34:34What happened?
00:34:36They say he fell off the circle house roof.
00:34:41I let him go alone.
00:34:45His hunch was right.
00:34:48Brewster was murdered.
00:34:51And so was Joe.
00:34:58O'Mara, you're a little unreasonable,
00:35:00and I don't like argument.
00:35:01But is it true that you dropped the entire investigation?
00:35:04We have checked and double-checked every angle
00:35:06of your brother's death.
00:35:07There is no evidence whatsoever that he met with foul play.
00:35:10I told you Stooges what Joe found there.
00:35:12Will you show more respect for your department?
00:35:15I'm sorry, sir.
00:35:16I guess this thing has got me down.
00:35:18I know.
00:35:19I can understand that.
00:35:20But you can't just drop the whole thing.
00:35:21O'Mara, we listened to your story.
00:35:23We searched for that cut stanchion.
00:35:25There was none.
00:35:26Naturally, the killers removed it when they found
00:35:28Joe checking up on them.
00:35:29Personally, I think your whole theory is fantastic.
00:35:33I don't care what you think.
00:35:35I know.
00:35:36I can appreciate your feelings, but there's nothing
00:35:38further we can do about it.
00:35:39Then transfer me to the bureau and I'll do it.
00:35:41O'Mara, the case is closed.
00:35:53What happened?
00:35:55Case is closed.
00:35:57Mike, maybe you'll resent my saying this,
00:35:59but don't you think you ought to consider the case closed too?
00:36:03You know when I'll consider it closed.
00:36:05When they pay it off for Joe.
00:36:07Mike, you're wrong.
00:36:08This thing's becoming an obsession with you.
00:36:10Call it anything you like, but I'm going to see this thing through.
00:36:13I know I'm right about that.
00:36:15Now you're being a stubborn, chip-on-the-shoulder Irishman.
00:36:18What you need is a little fresh air.
00:36:21And I'm right about that.
00:36:24Play the Red Queen on the Club King.
00:36:26Can't you be doing something else?
00:36:27Do you have to be kibitzing all the time?
00:36:29I don't know what I'd do without you.
00:36:31I got it.
00:36:32I'll get a package of cigarettes.
00:36:33Sit down.
00:36:35Fancy meeting you here.
00:36:37Hello, Marty.
00:36:38Yeah, I've been looking for you.
00:36:40So I heard.
00:36:41Yes, I figured you had.
00:36:42That's why he was so hard to find.
00:36:44It's on your mind.
00:36:45You ought to know.
00:36:46Look, Marty, I told you to stall that guy.
00:36:48Give us time to work.
00:36:49I did try to stall him.
00:36:50And when I got there, he was lying on the street, dead.
00:36:53It was him or me, Marty.
00:36:54It's a pity it wasn't you.
00:36:56You know Joe O'Mara was a friend of mine.
00:36:58What could I do?
00:36:59He had his heater on us.
00:37:00He had us right for murder.
00:37:01It was him or us, and you too.
00:37:03Aw, shut up.
00:37:04You hired us to do your dirty work.
00:37:06What for?
00:37:07Just to play tough?
00:37:08I didn't hire you to kill anybody.
00:37:09Look, Marty, when you're in a racket,
00:37:10you can't holler copper.
00:37:12And if the spot comes up, you've got to go the whole route.
00:37:15I guess I asked for this when I hooked up with you.
00:37:19Joe O'Mara.
00:37:21We were kids together.
00:37:23And why blame me?
00:37:24You're Sam.
00:37:25All right, you rat.
00:37:26You win.
00:37:27But stay out of my way, because I might change my mind.
00:37:39Where are you going?
00:37:40I'm going to get out of here before he does change his mind.
00:37:43Don't be a fool.
00:37:44I got plans for us.
00:37:55I got plans for us.
00:38:18It's strictly a gag to keep the cops busy
00:38:20while the gang operates.
00:38:21OK, take it up with the detective bureau.
00:38:23It's not our headache.
00:38:25They think I'm crazy.
00:38:26Maybe they got something there.
00:38:28Why, you...
00:38:29Take it easy, Mike.
00:38:30I'm sorry, Mike.
00:38:31I didn't mean anything.
00:38:33Sergeant in as emergency squad speaking.
00:38:36All right, where is it?
00:38:38Rear of cigarette club, 100 swing lane.
00:38:41Cigarette club?
00:38:42Yeah, and no discussions either.
00:38:44All right, men, let's roll.
00:38:54Have you found out anything yet?
00:38:58What's that?
00:38:59What's left of a time bomb.
00:39:02Know anybody who's got it in for you, Marty?
00:39:04No, I don't.
00:39:05I told you that before.
00:39:06No enemies?
00:39:07Not that I know of.
00:39:08Where is it?
00:39:09In Miss McCoy's dressing room.
00:39:15Dave, Mike, and Brown come with me.
00:39:17The rest go around the back.
00:39:19Marty, where's Helen?
00:39:21She's upstairs.
00:39:22Is she all right?
00:39:23Why, sure.
00:39:24She was on the floor singing at the time.
00:39:26What happened?
00:39:27The boys say it's a time bomb.
00:39:30What's all this?
00:39:31I was having a room redecorated.
00:39:37Hello, Mike.
00:39:38Hello, Mike.
00:39:39Don't touch anything.
00:39:40No, don't touch a thing.
00:39:41Don't worry.
00:39:42Just loop it around.
00:39:43Look, Cap.
00:39:44Open like a can of sardines.
00:39:45We know all that.
00:39:47Then you should know that the guys that souped this
00:39:49placed that time bomb to cover it up.
00:39:51Hey, maybe you're right at that.
00:39:54Must hurt you to admit it.
00:39:57You think it's an inside job?
00:39:59That's it.
00:40:00You mean somebody from my club pulled this robbery?
00:40:04Got any idea who it might have been?
00:40:06You had some painters working in that dressing room.
00:40:08Where did they come from?
00:40:09Well, they dropped in last week to ask if I had a job for them.
00:40:12What were their names?
00:40:13I don't know.
00:40:14You didn't know them, huh?
00:40:17Say, they could have set off the time bomb
00:40:20after they finished work today.
00:40:23They could have.
00:40:26Well, I'm glad none of my employees are involved.
00:40:31I'll phone headquarters.
00:40:32Suppose we all meet in your office in 10 minutes from now.
00:40:34Maybe you can help us out.
00:40:36That's all right with me.
00:40:37I'll go see how the boys are coming along.
00:40:42I hope I'm wrong about a lot of things that
00:40:44are going through my mind.
00:40:45About what?
00:40:46A man who plans explosions to attract attention in one
00:40:49spot while he operates in another.
00:40:51Does that mean anything to you?
00:40:53I get it.
00:40:54But Mike, don't jump to conclusions.
00:40:57There's a chance you might be wrong.
00:41:00Think it over.
00:41:02I will, Marty.
00:41:04Mr. Malone, may I see you for a moment privately?
00:41:14Murph, what time did this happen?
00:41:18Well, the call came in about 1140.
00:41:22What's all the mystery?
00:41:24I didn't have a chance to see you before, sir.
00:41:26But I have a theory about that explosion.
00:41:28Now, you're not going to tell me that you think
00:41:30I did it too, are you?
00:41:31Why, of course not, sir.
00:41:32But I do think Diamond had something to do with it.
00:41:38I was in your office early this afternoon
00:41:39balancing your checkbook.
00:41:40Go on.
00:41:41Get to it.
00:41:42Get to it.
00:41:43Well, I saw Diamond and that other fellow were...
00:41:44Sam, yes, yes, yes.
00:41:46Well, they were talking to those two painters
00:41:48who were breaking Miss McCoy's dressing room.
00:41:50And my theory is...
00:41:51That's enough.
00:41:52Never mind.
00:41:57Are you trying to make a sucker out of me?
00:42:00I'll tell you what I'm talking about.
00:42:02You blew in one of my walls while you were knocking off
00:42:04the jewelry store next door.
00:42:06Sorry about the damage, but we'll make it good.
00:42:08Oh, thanks.
00:42:09Perhaps you can square me with my chimera too.
00:42:12He's plenty suspicious.
00:42:14That's too bad.
00:42:15Maybe it hasn't occurred to you,
00:42:16but you're liable to get into Mr. O'Mara's hair.
00:42:18And I'd advise you to take a little trip.
00:42:21I think we can handle O'Mara.
00:42:23Well, I still advise you to take a little trip.
00:42:26Unless you want to handle me too.
00:42:32What'd he say?
00:42:33He just gave us 24 hours to get out of town.
00:42:35I was afraid of that.
00:42:36I'm leaving.
00:42:37Why not leave him?
00:42:39Come on, Frank.
00:42:40Why don't we call on that guy?
00:42:42We're not on speaking terms.
00:42:44I think O'Mara should do the honors.
00:42:47Yeah, I think that check of Brewster's
00:42:48might interest him.
00:42:49Yeah, but you burned it.
00:42:50Did I?
00:42:51That's what Marty thought.
00:42:53But O'Mara won't think so.
00:43:11Come in.
00:43:13You wanted to see me, Mike?
00:43:15I did.
00:43:17But don't anymore.
00:43:20Mike, what is it?
00:43:22I'm in a hurry.
00:43:23I said, what is it?
00:43:25All right, I'll tell you.
00:43:27It's about Marty Malone, our pal.
00:43:30What would you say if I told you for a starter
00:43:31that he was a thief?
00:43:32I'd say you're either mistaken or crazy.
00:43:36I'll show you how crazy I am.
00:43:38Think back.
00:43:39A bunch of kids raiding a warehouse.
00:43:41What Marty Malone did to distract attention.
00:43:43Well, he's been pulling the same gag ever since.
00:43:45Been doing it right along.
00:43:46Tonight, he had the nerve to pull it in his own joint.
00:43:49He blew out a wall to cover a robbery next door.
00:43:52I don't believe it.
00:43:55Maybe you'll believe this.
00:44:00What's so surprising with this?
00:44:02It's only a motive for a murder.
00:44:05Brewster Welch darned Marty.
00:44:07Stop this check.
00:44:09Marty killed him, or had him killed,
00:44:11and used the same gag to cover it up,
00:44:13just as Joe suspected.
00:44:16All right.
00:44:20Listen to this.
00:44:21You know what happens to Welch's.
00:44:23But do you know where Malone was
00:44:25when your brother was knocked off?
00:44:27A friend.
00:44:30And you believe this?
00:44:32Of course I believe it.
00:44:34You believe a friend guilty of murder
00:44:36on an anonymous note?
00:44:38Look, Jerry.
00:44:39Who knew Joe suspected Brewster was murdered?
00:44:43Who knew Joe was going back there to check up?
00:44:47Who was out in the rain with no explanation
00:44:50at the exact moment my brother was killed?
00:44:54You're wrong, Mike.
00:44:55I know you're wrong.
00:44:58You think that, huh?
00:45:00You're on his side.
00:45:10So you put that gun in your pocket.
00:45:13Give it to me.
00:45:14Oh, no.
00:45:15I'm saving that for another friend.
00:45:19Give it to me.
00:45:20I won't let you go until you do.
00:45:22You won't let me go.
00:45:24Get out of my way, Jerry Donovan.
00:45:27Nobody's gonna stop me.
00:45:29That's where you're mistaken.
00:45:31You asked for it.
00:45:47Good evening, Father.
00:45:49Where's Mr. Malone?
00:45:50He's gone up to his apartment.
00:45:55Oh, by the way,
00:45:56Mr. O'Mara should happen to come along.
00:45:58Don't let him in under any circumstances.
00:46:00All right, Father.
00:46:13Let me in the private entrance.
00:46:14I can't, sir.
00:46:15Oh, yes, you can.
00:46:16You let us in before.
00:46:17Now walk over there and open that door.
00:46:28I haven't got my key.
00:46:29I said open it.
00:46:31All right.
00:46:32Take it easy.
00:46:40There you are, sir.
00:46:41Get in there.
00:46:54So under the circumstances,
00:46:56I think you'd better keep out of his way.
00:46:58Run away from him?
00:46:59Oh, I don't mean it like that.
00:47:00But he's like a madman.
00:47:02Give him a few days to cool off.
00:47:04In the meantime, maybe I can reason with him.
00:47:06Jerry, there's something I must tell you about Mike and Joe.
00:47:09Now, indirectly, I...
00:47:13Mike, get from behind the curtain.
00:47:16Now, indirect, I...
00:47:22Get from behind the cloth, Malone.
00:47:23Now, listen, Mike.
00:47:24Jerry, keep out of this now.
00:47:25Wait a minute, Marty.
00:47:28You're not going to use that gun.
00:47:29Oh, yes, I am.
00:47:30Put it down, Mike.
00:47:31Oh, no.
00:47:32Do you know whose gun this is?
00:47:33It's Joe's.
00:47:34I said put it down.
00:47:36Get out of the way, Jerry.
00:47:37Are you going to put it down?
00:47:39I'm asking you the same question.
00:47:41Drop that, or we all go.
00:47:42All right, go ahead.
00:47:43I'm not moving.
00:47:44I wouldn't want to live and see you a murderer.
00:47:55All right, Jerry.
00:47:58Turn around, mister.
00:48:02Mike O'Mara.
00:48:05What's going on here?
00:48:06He forced his way in here with that broth.
00:48:08He was going to kill Mr. Malone.
00:48:10Wait a minute.
00:48:11Why, Mike's an old friend of mine.
00:48:13Don't give me any favors, Malone.
00:48:14Let's go.
00:48:15Now, wait a minute.
00:48:16I said let's go.
00:48:21All right, Jim.
00:48:27I wish we could make Mike see what a great wrong
00:48:29he's doing you, Marty.
00:48:30A great wrong.
00:48:32Jerry, a while ago I said I had something to tell you.
00:48:37Will you hear it now?
00:48:38All right.
00:48:39Go ahead.
00:48:40Mike has done me no wrong.
00:48:42It's the other way around.
00:48:44He's right.
00:48:45If it hadn't been for me, Joe would have been alive today.
00:48:48What do you mean?
00:48:50I didn't actually kill him.
00:48:52My hired hoodlums did.
00:48:54I wasn't in on it.
00:48:55I tried to stop them.
00:48:56But why did they kill him?
00:48:58Because he knew too much.
00:49:00Joe caught them doing my dirty work.
00:49:03What kind of dirty work, Marty?
00:49:06Oh, I sent them to collect the gambling debt.
00:49:09And they accidentally killed the guy.
00:49:11I didn't mean for them to kill him.
00:49:13No more than I meant to set fire to that warehouse.
00:49:16You know, when we were kids.
00:49:19It all goes back to that, Jerry.
00:49:21I know.
00:49:23What am I going to do?
00:49:26Maybe I can help.
00:49:28Hello, Jerry.
00:49:29Hello, Mike.
00:49:30Come in.
00:49:36You sent for me.
00:49:37Here I am.
00:49:38And I'm glad to see you.
00:49:39Even if I did hope you'd come without being asked.
00:49:41Hello, Mike.
00:49:44What is this?
00:49:45A frame-up?
00:49:47It's a set-up.
00:49:48It's a set-up.
00:49:49It's a set-up.
00:49:50It's a set-up.
00:49:51It's a set-up.
00:49:52It's a set-up.
00:49:53It's a set-up.
00:49:54It's a set-up.
00:49:55What is this?
00:49:56A frame-up?
00:49:57Do you have to be framed to see your friend?
00:50:00I wasn't sure I had any.
00:50:02Well, here's two.
00:50:05Now, the reason I sent for you.
00:50:06I'll tell you.
00:50:08All right.
00:50:10It's about Mark.
00:50:11Uh, Malone.
00:50:13That's it.
00:50:14Mike, what's got into you?
00:50:16Last night, I tried to kill Malone.
00:50:18This morning, he refuses to prosecute me.
00:50:20He's playing the martyr, making himself a hero and me a heel.
00:50:23Now, look, Mike.
00:50:24Can't we reason this thing out sensibly?
00:50:26You did that last night, Jerry.
00:50:28It saved his life.
00:50:29And yours.
00:50:31That's what a friend's for.
00:50:35I'm glad you were there.
00:50:36And I'm glad to hear you say that.
00:50:38There's something else I'd like to hear you say, Mike.
00:50:41That I won't go off my nut again?
00:50:46I won't try to kill him again.
00:50:47Now you're beginning to talk sense.
00:50:50Because I won't help him play martyr and go to the chair myself.
00:50:53That's where I want to see Malone.
00:50:55That's justice.
00:50:56That's what I want.
00:50:57That's what I'm going to get.
00:50:58The law will kill him, not I.
00:51:00That'll sort of even things up for Joe.
00:51:02Now you're going out of your head again.
00:51:03I'm sorry.
00:51:04That's the way I feel about it.
00:51:05The way you feel about it.
00:51:06Now, now, now.
00:51:08That's all he thinks of, himself.
00:51:10He doesn't want us and he doesn't need us.
00:51:11There's nothing more we can do.
00:51:13Now, don't judge him too harshly.
00:51:14Well, he dares to judge Marty.
00:51:16Has he the right?
00:51:17No, but, well, things will work out.
00:51:19I'm afraid they won't.
00:51:20Well, at least we'll keep on trying.
00:51:39Hello, Helen.
00:51:40You're showing up pretty early tonight, aren't you?
00:51:42I had to see you, Marty.
00:51:43It's about all this.
00:51:44I wanted you to know whose side I was on.
00:51:47I know, Helen.
00:51:48I understand.
00:51:50You think I'm taking his part.
00:51:53It's your side I'm on, Marty.
00:51:55It's all off between Mike and me.
00:51:57Because of this?
00:51:59Isn't it terrible, Marty?
00:52:01He's like a crazy man.
00:52:02But who can blame him?
00:52:03I can and do.
00:52:05I don't ever want to see him again.
00:52:11Listen, Helen.
00:52:12You've got to hear his side.
00:52:14We've heard it, Jerry and I.
00:52:16We tried to reason with him, but it's no use.
00:52:18But if Jerry tell you both the truth.
00:52:20The truth about what?
00:52:21About Joe's death.
00:52:23About me.
00:52:24He didn't say a thing about you, Marty.
00:52:26Well, you're on the wrong side, Helen.
00:52:28The wrong guy.
00:52:30If Jerry won't tell you, I will.
00:52:32Tell me what?
00:52:34Look, don't blame Mike for all this.
00:52:36Surely you're not going to defend him after all he's done.
00:52:39Well, what has Mike done?
00:52:40Tried to avenge his brother's death.
00:52:42His murder.
00:52:43Is that so terrible?
00:52:45What do you think?
00:52:46I don't think.
00:52:47I know.
00:52:49But how?
00:52:50Oh, Marty, surely it isn't true.
00:52:53Not what Mike thinks.
00:52:55I didn't go up and push you off the roof.
00:52:57But I might as well have.
00:52:59Helen, I've got to tell you the whole truth.
00:53:04The Polar Gardens looks like a cinch.
00:53:06If you please explain it to me just once more,
00:53:08I'll understand.
00:53:10The armored car calls for the Doe at 1030.
00:53:14Oh, it's you.
00:53:15What did you find out?
00:53:17There's only one guy, an engineer, on duty in the ammonia room at 1030.
00:53:21Well, it looks like it's well set up to me.
00:53:24There's some news of the last edition that may interest you.
00:53:29It seems O'Mara has turned that check of Brewster's over to the DA.
00:53:34Now I know I'm going to leave town.
00:53:36Will you quit squawking?
00:53:37Well, I got a squawk coming.
00:53:38Suppose Malone starts singing to the DA to save his own neck.
00:53:41He won't sing.
00:53:42Yeah, well, who's going to stop him?
00:53:43We are.
00:53:44Now you're talking.
00:53:45This is the time to knock that guy off.
00:53:47Don't be in such a hurry.
00:53:48We've still got O'Mara to worry about.
00:53:50All right, so we take care of him too.
00:53:52I was coming to that.
00:53:54Maybe we can pay off the whole mob at once, huh?
00:53:57Wait a minute.
00:53:58Will somebody please tell me what this is all about?
00:54:02Hey, does Helen McCoy know you?
00:54:05No, but if you're in an introducive mood...
00:54:09Call the cigarette club.
00:54:10Get her on the phone.
00:54:11The number's circled six...
00:54:12Never mind.
00:54:16I know the number.
00:54:25Is this Miss Helen McCoy, the friend of Mike O'Mara's?
00:54:28Well, this is a pal of Mike's.
00:54:30And he's over at my place in pretty bad shape.
00:54:33Sick and delirious, and he's calling for you.
00:54:36Oh, where is he?
00:54:37Hotel Emerald, room 1701.
00:54:40Hotel Emerald, room 1701.
00:54:44Yes, of course.
00:54:45I'll come right away.
00:54:46Hotel Emerald, room 1701.
00:54:59Father, Miss McCoy.
00:55:00She's called you on the telephone.
00:55:01Oh, thanks, Maria.
00:55:04Hello, Helen.
00:55:05Hello, Jerry.
00:55:06Mike Sill.
00:55:07He's at the Hotel Emerald, room 1701.
00:55:09I'm going there right away, and I wish you'd meet me there.
00:55:11Well, of course I will, Helen.
00:55:12Oh, thanks, Jerry.
00:55:13I'll see you there.
00:55:18All right, Edwin.
00:55:19She gets here, you entertain her.
00:55:20Then we telephone and get a hold of O'Mara.
00:55:23He'll come barging in here with a hundred coppers.
00:55:25No, he won't.
00:55:26He'll be coming all alone.
00:55:27You're going awfully fast for me.
00:55:35Good evening, Mr. Diamond.
00:55:36Is Mr. Malone in?
00:55:37I'll see.
00:55:38Never mind.
00:55:39We want to surprise him.
00:55:40But Mr. Malone doesn't wish to be disturbed.
00:55:42Now, everything's going to be all right.
00:55:44Don't worry.
00:55:46Who is it?
00:55:47Hello, Marty.
00:55:49How are you tonight?
00:55:54Hello, fellas.
00:55:59Sit down.
00:56:06Will you have a drink?
00:56:07No, thanks.
00:56:11Well, this is an unexpected pleasure.
00:56:14It's nice of you to drop in on me like this.
00:56:17And quite a coincidence, too.
00:56:19Look, Marty, let's bury the hatchet.
00:56:22We got a soft touch lined up.
00:56:24We want to cut you in.
00:56:27Always thinking of my welfare, huh?
00:56:29What is this soft touch?
00:56:31Well, it goes something...
00:56:37They're holding a big charity ice carnival at the Polar Gardens tonight.
00:56:41It ought to gross about 60 Gs.
00:56:43And that's not hay.
00:56:46What's that to do with me?
00:56:47I'm coming to that.
00:56:48At 10.30, they transfer the box office take to an armored car.
00:56:52Only tonight, they won't.
00:56:54Go on.
00:56:55Your story fascinates me.
00:56:57Well, here's the gag.
00:56:58They freeze their own ice, of course.
00:57:00That means a pretty big ammonia plant in the basement.
00:57:03Let me see that.
00:57:06Gas masks.
00:57:07That's the gag.
00:57:08The armored car crew can't take the fumes.
00:57:10But with these masks, we can.
00:57:12And the 60 grand.
00:57:14And what am I supposed to do?
00:57:15I figure it'll take five men to handle this job right.
00:57:18I've always liked you, Marty, so I'm throwing this chance your way.
00:57:21My pass.
00:57:22Then you're in.
00:57:23You must think I'm an awful sap.
00:57:25First you frame Mike to bump me off.
00:57:27Then you think out a crude idea like this to take care of me.
00:57:30Oh, you're slipping.
00:57:32You mean you don't want any part of it?
00:57:33And get a slug in my back?
00:57:35Not this evening.
00:57:37You are coming, you know.
00:57:39Don't make me laugh.
00:57:42Well, maybe this will make you laugh.
00:57:44I'm going to call Miss McCoy.
00:57:46She dropped in for a chat.
00:57:49Wait a minute.
00:57:53Yes, this is Ed.
00:57:54Hello, Ed.
00:57:55Put Miss McCoy on.
00:57:57Go ahead, Marty.
00:57:58Say hello.
00:58:02Here, you can speak to Mr. Malone.
00:58:04Marty, they're holding me over here in the...
00:58:08You know better than that.
00:58:22All ready, Marty?
00:58:24We got nothing against the girl.
00:58:26We'll let her go around midnight unless we have trouble with you.
00:58:29All right.
00:58:30You win.
00:58:32Let's go.
00:58:45You won't be needing this, Marty.
00:58:47I'll take care of it.
00:59:01Is this Mike O'Mara?
00:59:02Yeah, who is it?
00:59:03Oh, the guy that sent him that bouncing check.
00:59:06Say, you're just the guy I want to talk to.
00:59:08Where are you phoning from?
00:59:09Whoa, let me do the talking.
00:59:11Your pal Malone is going to stick up the polar gardens tonight.
00:59:16Yes, at 1030.
00:59:17At 1030?
00:59:18The ammonia room.
00:59:19The ammonia room?
00:59:26Marty will do more than just ask questions.
00:59:28He won't bother me.
00:59:29Well, Mike O'Mara will, so think up a good answer for him.
00:59:36Just a minute.
00:59:41I'm looking for Miss McCoy.
00:59:43She isn't here.
00:59:45Oh, I...
00:59:46I beg your pardon.
00:59:47I must have made a mistake.
00:59:59Operator, get me the house detective.
01:00:00Quickly, please.
01:00:04There's a little trouble on the 17th floor.
01:00:06Could you come up right away, please?
01:00:08Bring someone with you.
01:00:14I'm getting out of here.
01:00:15What's the matter?
01:00:16There was a freak at the door.
01:00:17What's wrong with that?
01:00:18You don't think he was up here by accident, do you?
01:00:19Come on.
01:00:24Wait a minute.
01:00:25Hold on.
01:00:26Call them downstairs.
01:00:27All right.
01:00:28Come on.
01:00:29Helen, are you all right?
01:00:30They set a trap for Mike and Marty at the polar gardens in the ammonia room.
01:00:32I'm trying to get the police.
01:00:33What we want is the emergency squad.
01:01:03Hey, can I see you for a minute?
01:01:29All right.
01:01:30Let's get your dirty work over.
01:01:31This is pretty tough to take, Diamond.
01:01:32But maybe I'll call the shots next time.
01:01:34All set?
01:01:36That door leads to the lobby.
01:01:37When I give you the office, open it.
01:01:38When the fumes get good and thick, you yell and start the panic.
01:01:39Then we'll rush the box office.
01:01:40All right.
01:01:41I got it.
01:01:42Sam, spot yourself in there.
01:01:43When I give you this, bust a wide open.
01:01:44Why didn't I learn it?
01:01:45I'll show you.
01:01:46I'll show you.
01:01:47I'll show you.
01:01:48I'll show you.
01:01:49I'll show you.
01:01:50I'll show you.
01:01:51I'll show you.
01:01:52I'll show you.
01:01:53I'll show you.
01:01:54I'll show you.
01:01:55I'll show you.
01:01:56I'll show you.
01:01:57When I give you this, bust a wide open.
01:01:59Why didn't I learn a trade?
01:02:00Put on your gas mask.
01:02:01Hey, boss.
01:02:02Here comes the Mera.
01:02:08Keep your eye on the loan.
01:02:55Beware of that car!
01:03:05Oh, you're staying here.
01:03:17All right, Marty.
01:03:20You got your right this time.
01:03:23This is where I pay you off.
01:04:14How are you feeling, Marnie?
01:04:38In your day of sorrow,
01:04:40how many of us became as to us?
01:04:43And how many of us have believed in the spirit of sanctity?
01:04:56How's that, Father?
01:05:00What's up?
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