• 3 years ago
In 1922 a star was born Betty White, she gave us unlimited amount of laughter from "Life with Elizabeth" to the "Golden Girls" and many blockbuster films. She was a grandma we learned from and love. From many memories we had from her TV shows and films through her journey to fame , we thank her. From the song we all know and love from her Golden Girls show, "Thank You for Being a Friend".

Rest in Peace Betty White from all of us at Echelon Studios!

Watch one of Betty White's shows here:

Life with Elizabeth: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7tszaf


00:00Betty White, in Life with Elizabeth.
00:16Lucky you.
00:17I got to work today.
00:18Got the papers out here, honey?
00:20Come on out and watch everybody work for us.
00:22Morning, Jack.
00:23Hi, Jack.
00:24Got the bunnies?
00:28Well, I'm hungry.
00:29I had a piece of jam and bread all
00:30set out in the kitchen that disappeared, right and thin.
00:35That looks nice, Jack.
00:37Come on, sit down.
00:38Oh, the bliss.
00:39Oh, the dumping of the good food.
00:43I didn't do that.
00:44That looks nice, Jack.
00:45Come on, let's sit down.
00:47Oh, the bliss.
00:49Oh, the darn telephone.
00:53They no longer live here.
00:54I have no idea where they went.
00:55They didn't leave an address or phone number.
00:57I suggest you call information.
01:00What was that?
01:01That was number 73.
01:03A good, straightforward answer, if I ever heard one.
01:06Alvin, you and I have a problem that we are about to share.
01:10You see that phone?
01:12I also hear it.
01:17They no longer live here.
01:18I have no idea where they are.
01:19They didn't leave an address or phone number.
01:21I suggest you call information.
01:24No, this is not a recording.
01:29Oh, yeah.
01:31Come on, you eat your hamburger, and I'll
01:33explain this whole thing.
01:34Oh, then we are going to eat in here, huh?
01:36We have to.
01:37Alvin, I have had a day the likes of which you wouldn't believe.
01:42Well, hello.
01:45No, they no longer live here.
01:47Oh, Mama, it's just been horrible.
01:49No, not yet.
01:52Mama, can I call you back?
01:53We're just about to have dinner, and I'll.
01:56Yeah, if you don't mind.
01:59All right.
02:03Yeah, bye, Mama.
02:09The horse!
02:10Hey, Mama.
02:13Oh, bring him in for a second.
02:15Oh, there he is.
02:17Oh, Cincinnati, never forget.
02:19Come here.
02:20Oh, honey, cut it out now.
02:22Come on.
02:23That looks like the, that looks like the light bill.
02:27Light bill, honey?
02:30Never mind that.
02:31You know it.
02:32Come on.
02:33Here's a letter from Mama.
02:34Do you want to read it?
02:36Honey, cut it out.
02:38What's it all about?
02:39Read it.
02:40Oh, it's a card from the light company.
02:43They want to know why we don't pay our $7.50 light bill.
02:48What is that?
02:49What is that supposed to be?
02:50Honey, look at this.
02:51Will you stop acting like the queen of a lady?
02:53Oh, no, it's just a medical report.
02:56Open it.
02:58Here we go.
03:04I hate letters that start out occupant.
03:09Elizabeth, the office boy has got to go.
03:17Oh, hello, Mrs. Skinridge.
03:19Bags away.
03:20No, I...
03:23You what?
03:25Don't go away.
03:26Don't go away.
03:28You what?
03:30Don't go away.
03:31Stay right there.
03:32I'll send the office boy after it.
03:34I'll put the bags in the mailbox.
03:36All right.
03:37Thank you, Mrs. Skinridge.
03:41She says it's serious.
03:43Listen to this.
03:45The girl's name is Laurie Olsen.
03:47She's a rather sweet and somewhat wearing young thing,
03:50and Wheeler wants to marry her and raise pigs.
03:57On a farm.
03:58Besides, they're way too young to get...
04:00Oh, now, wait a minute.
04:01Wheeler's not even dry behind the ears,
04:03and he's talking about marriage?
04:05You write that sister of yours
04:06and tell her to stop talking and do something with that boy.
04:09After all, marriage is important.
04:12Marriage is for life.
04:14Gosh, honey, look how long I looked before I found you.
04:18And even then, I got lucky.
04:21What else did she say?
04:23You bet you may.
04:26Every signature helps.
04:28From what I hear, you have to really hit them
04:30over the head down at the city hall.
04:34Of course, with a brand-new mayor, what can you expect?
04:38I didn't vote for him.
04:39Did you?
04:42Well, yes, I did.
04:44I rather like him.
04:46It's a free country.
04:47You sign over here on the back.
04:48No, I want to see what it says.
04:50Oh, nobody ever reads it.
04:52They just sign.
04:54This whole thing is concerned with just one palm tree?
04:59Well, they take out a tree.
05:00They take out two trees.
05:01Boy, you know what?
05:02They're widening the street.
05:03That's the way it starts.
05:05One tiny little palm tree.
05:09You must remember, Mr.
05:12You must remember, Mr. Dawson,
05:13that we are the city, you and I.
05:15The time?
05:16About seven months after Vicki and Gus Angel were married.
05:19The characters?
05:20Two chicks and a wheel.
05:22The plot?
05:23Two's company, three's for the birds.
