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  • 3 years ago
00:00To Yalda. Stalin was able to obtain an agreement in principle that the Soviet Union would receive half of Germany's war reparations.
00:11Allies on dividing Germany into occupied Aqa Lim once victory was achieved.
00:20Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:24Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:26Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:27But the end of the war against the Third Reich is far from being achieved.
00:33Despite the inevitable defeat, the Germans are still resisting
00:39In order to eliminate Hitler. British and US forces fired a barrage of gunfire
00:45Just 200 kilometers from Berlin. the allies hit the city of dresden with incendiary bombs .
01:01the bombardment destroyed the city and the tram lines . And all that's left is more important than all the humans who live there.
01:10The death toll of destruction is terrifying in a study that killed between twenty five thousand and thirty thousand civilians.
01:23In conjunction with this attack, the Allied armies continued their attack on the ground.
01:31Christ to Berlin is a major logistical challenge
01:36There was a real problem with the numbers of soldiers in the British and Canadians. However, the number of French soldiers was on the rise. Of course, with the liberation of the allied armies of France, an increasing number of young people gathered in support of the cause of the new French army
01:52who fought alongside the old resistance fighters, in addition to the colonial forces that fought their way from North Africa to France.
02:00But the vast majority of the Western Allied armies were American soldiers. This has become largely an American offer.
02:11Despite the harsh winter and the enemy's violent resistance, the French First Army, with American support, finally liberated the pocket of Cole Mar on the ninth of February,
02:21But the natural frontier still stands in the way of the Allies. Hitler's mentality at that stage was based on the idea of fighting to the end.
02:30Therefore, he hoped that the Rhine would be an impenetrable barrier in the West in front of the Western allies, and therefore he could withstand in the heart of Germany in this way
02:50Al, in order to prevent the Alliance's advance, the Germans have partially destroyed it.