• 3 years ago
Good news: The very same wild hormones that are wreaking havoc on your body (and personality) might also be firing up your libido. With more blood flow headed to your lady parts, plus bountiful breasts and that dewy glow, it’s normal for your mind to be in the gutter. Enjoy it while it lasts, girlfriend — a few months from now, sex will be the last thing on your mind.

Unless you immediately spilled the beans about your baby to everyone who would listen (which is hard to resist) or you were pretty much forced to tell people because your symptoms were impossible to hide, you might be saving the news until after the 12-week mark (when the risk of miscarriage dramatically declines). You’re almost there!

Your baby’s head is more rounded this week, and the little knees and elbows can bend. They’ll need those elbows to bend when they’re a toddler throwing all the food you serve them off the table, like delicious cocktail shrimp (which, incidentally, is just about the size of your baby right now. It’s also something pretty much no toddler ever will agree to eat, and is one of those things you should avoid eating during pregnancy too unless it’s fully cooked. Whew!)

NEST: You’re not in maternity clothes quite yet, but you might gravitate toward looser clothing as weight gain, bloating and (yes, sorry) lots of gas conspire to make your pants snug. You can get a button extender at a sewing store to buy a few more weeks in your old clothes — or order one online since you’re probably too tired to go shopping, and too moody to deal with other shoppers. Or you could just start living in stretchy yoga pants now (also known as: every mother’s uniform.)
