CollegeHumor To Debut on MTV Next Month

  • 15 years ago CollegeHumor finally announced the details of its new show, "The College Humor Show," which will debut on MTV Feb. 8. The office comedy will be a longer version of the site's "Hardly Working" series, which executive producer Sam Reich told us off the record back in August. You can read Chris Albrecht's story about the news today over at NewTeeVee. I previously interviewed CollegeHumor's Sam Reich and Amir Blumenfeld about the site and republished the interview today, along with the show's trailer. The interview is mostly a straight man/funny man routine similar to those on the "Jake and Amir" series, but there's some useful insight into the CollegeHumor production process as well. You can read my original post here. --Kelsey Blodget, Associate Producer
