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  • 3 years ago
00:00Ni on Norway
00:02The Germans also established concrete artillery sites along the coast line in continuation of Adler's plan to build an Atlantic wall
00:10which will later extend from the southwest of France to the north of Norway
00:15As a small country. The Danes could not do much to face the dark days of German occupation
00:23But what they were able to do was preserve their national sense.
00:27The village of Von, which includes legendary buildings, was established as a work project for the public in the year 1942 to find job opportunities
00:37Or from the nature of the museum of Danish culture
00:40The ideal atmosphere for national song festivals. The King and Christian were the tenth of the first guests, and within two months
00:47There were organized marches across the country
00:50Participate in singing in it. one sixth of the total population
00:53The biggest advantage of singing in Danish was the inability of the Germans to understand what was being built.
01:03Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:09In a country of islands and straits. Moving from one place to another often meant crossing the sea
01:16That is for the Vatican as for travelers today.
01:20In the year 1740, the King authorized the first official internal passage. I used the cables to pull them across the river
01:28The adult is half a kilometer wide.
01:31With phrases that use machines, the numbers have increased dramatically.
01:36Today, there are more than twenty companies. Your phrases provide services through about forty Hebrews.
01:42This saves many people hours of travel and gives a radical solution to the communities that live on the smaller islands.
01:50in the year one thousand nine hundred three,
01:52Ferry services began between Germany and Denmark. In those days there was also a railway line where the train carriages were placed on the ferry's roof,
02:02It was the first road between Petercholova and Raymonda in Germany. It wasn't the 1950s
02:10Ferries have started moving cars,
02:12More people could afford it. After World War II, this path was linked to Communist East Germany.
02:20And so in the '60s, a new path was created
02:23Monserdorf Bohan to Bud Card in West Germany. This is considered one of the most popular ferry routes for transporting passengers and goods.
02:33During the summer months
02:34More than a million cars are carried in addition to three million passengers.
02:40This track is very important and it works all hours of the day throughout the year
02:51During the military, political, and economic turmoil of the first half of the 19th century, many Danes were traumatized.