• 3 years ago
In Blythe, California, a remote desert town, Ethan Inglebrink is an eccentric, agoraphobic drug addict obsessed with his garden. This dark comedy follows the last days of his life as he struggles to find meaning though it could be too late. On the brink of eviction, he gardens furiously in hopes of winning the "Garden of the Year" contest and $100,000 so he can finally pay his rent. His older brother Todd (VAL KILMER) is convinced that Ethan's salvation is in jeopardy and calls in their family priest (PETER FALK) to help. Head to head in a hilarious battle of the gardens with his neighbor, Ethan must rise to the challenge and fix his screwed-up life to save himself and rescue his love interest. With a seemingly subconscious awareness of his impending death, he decides that if he's going down, then he's going down in style.

Director: Mark David
Writer: Ronnie Gene Blevins, Mark David
Starring: Ronnie Gene Blevins, Diane Ladd, Rip Torn
