Parent-Approved Tips for Having the ‘Santa Talk’ With Your Kids

Wibbitz Top Stories
Wibbitz Top Stories
3 years ago
Parent-Approved Tips
for Having the ‘Santa Talk’
With Your Kids.
Whether we like it or not, kids eventually
grow up and grow out of believing the “magical
myth” surrounding Santa Claus.
Here are some tips from parents on how to handle
the big reveal and answer your child's questions.
1. Emphasize the
underlying spirit of Santa.
Let them know that Santa’s generosity and love
exists in a broader sense during the holiday season.
2. Stress that Santa
is as real as you
believe him to be. .
This method will allow children to continue
believing if they want to, but also explains why
it's okay for others not to still believe.
3. Allow them to participate
in the nonbeliever fun. .
Show them that the idea of Santa is real and include
your kids in the process of getting gifts for others. .
4. Encourage them not to
ruin the fun for others. .
Explain to them that although they’re not
believers anymore, others still are and it’s
important to allow them to keep believing.
