Krakow Poland - Must See Cathedrals

  • 3 years ago
These are some of the most beautiful cathedrals you need to see when you get to Krakow, Poland -including St. Mary's Basilica, Wawel Cathedral, St. Joseph's Church and The Church of St. Peter and Paul.

Hi there, I'm Michael Johnson, owner of Film Compass and your travel guide into Krakow. I had the wonderful opportunity to call Poland my home for nearly 2 years. I liked it so much that I can't wait to move back!

1. St. Mary's Basilica

A trip to Krakow wouldn't be the same without checking out Saint Mary's Cathedral. This cathedral is massive and stands at 262 feet tall. It's foundations date all the way back to the 13th century with construction completed in the 14th century.

Entry to the cathedral can cost as little as 10Zl while visiting times can vary. Typical visiting times are Monday - Saturday (11:30AM - 6:00PM) and on Sunday after mass ends (2:00PM - 6:00PM)

The cathedral is located in Krakow's Main Square and overlooks the Sukkenice(Cloth Hall) and the Town Hall Tower.

More information about St. Mary's visiting times and dates can be found at the churches website:

2. Wawel Cathedral

Wawel Cathedral sits inside Wawel Castle and is considered to be the Polish national sanctuary and coronation site of Polish monarchs. At more than 900 years old this cathedral has many styles of architecture including Gothic and Florentine.

Visiting hours may vary depending on the time of the year so please check out Wawel Cathedrals website before planning your visit:

3. St. Joseph's Church

I would highly recommend making your way across the Vistula River to a place called Podgorskie Square where you'll find St. Joseph's church. Built between 1905 and 1909 the the gothic styled church is one of the largest in Podgorze. Numerous altars, benches and wooden pieces encompass the church some of which could be considered beautiful works of art.

4 . The Church of St. Peter and Paul

You've probably passed by this church or been very near it. The church of St. Peter and Paul in Krakow is located just a few hundred meters from Krakow's Main Square on Grodzka Street.

The front of the Baroque styled church is lined with statues of saints atop the fence. Once inside remember to turn around and gaze up on the massive organ pipes that stretch to the ceilings.

Many small orchestras practice and perform here. If you get a chance to see a band perform the interior and high ceilings act as the perfect echo chamber and will make you feel like you're at a symphony.

Saints Peter and Paul Church was built between 1597 and 1619 and is considered to be the biggest of all the churches in Krakow in terms of seating capacity.

Pictures of the interior and more information can be found at the churches website but you may want right click and Google Translate to read the site:
