Aired (December 13, 2021): Dorothy (Yasmien Kurdi) confronts Minnie (Thea Tolentino) after learning that Ronald (Lucho Ayala) is a thief. Which side will the former take?
Catch the latest episodes of 'Las Hermanas' weekdays at 2:30 PM on GMA Network, starring Yasmien Kurdi, Faith Da Silva, and Thea Tolentino. #LasHermanas
Watch its episodes weekdays at 2:30 PM on GMA Network. #LasHermanas
Catch the latest episodes of 'Las Hermanas' weekdays at 2:30 PM on GMA Network, starring Yasmien Kurdi, Faith Da Silva, and Thea Tolentino. #LasHermanas
Watch its episodes weekdays at 2:30 PM on GMA Network. #LasHermanas