• 4 years ago
FREE AT LAST! Words spoken decades ago, still ring in the hearts of those who labor for the preservation of LIBERTY & JUSTICE. After a one minute clip of Martin Luther Kings' inspiring words, the song "Let My People Go," as sung by Ann M. Wolf (1:18) continues to tell the story of the quest for Freedom. In smooth blues/jazz tones, the everlasting and heartfelt mission to secure freedom unfolds.

Song, "Let My People Go" is sung by Ann M. Wolf and is from her album, "A Voice for Freedom," as produced by Tracy Collins.

“Let My People Go” is in the public domain. The third verse and chorus have been written by Ann M. Wolf, for such a time as this.

Film compilation by Ann M. Wolf

Other images & clips are from
public domain or free sources
as well as from these contributing artists:

Rally scenes - David Sumrall – Stop Hate
MLK Clip - Pond5
Brett Jordan -Pexels
Jimmy Chan - Pexels
Rodnae Productions – Pexels
Meelimello – Pixabay
Roman Odintsov Pexels

This video is not for sale, but may be shared on social media, streamed or embedded for non-profit, educational & inspirational purposes.

For more videos & music like this, go to: https://annmwolf.info/


