Treasure Hunting in Milford-fort shantok-montville-Bantam Lake-morris-monroe-tuxis island-charles island-Connecticut

  • 3 years ago
Sitting on a secure Bitcoin network is One and Only podcast version of 'Treasure Revealed' episode: 'Puerto Rico, Mona Island and Silver Shoals'

Old riverbeds are great places to look for gems and precious metals po gasa p-a-u-g-a-s-u-c-k the pogasac reservation was located in milford from 1675 to 1861. this was a battlefield in 1648 between the wepawog and milford tribe and the morgue nation the burepa walk defeated the mohawks in a swamp about one mile east of the ferry side charles island is located off silver sands state beach and has a long haunted treasure-rich history this tri-score cursed haunted island started as a place of conflict between the settlers and the native americans the we power we w-e-p-a-o-w-a-y

we power y or we power wag tribe who live here first the tribe believed that this was a sacred place connected to spirits a battle occurred with the settlers by the tribe laws it is said that the sachem or chief named ansan tawai put a curse on the island saying and the shelter will crumble to the earth and he shall be cursed it is said that the native american spirits guide guard the island and discourage any treasure seekers some legends state that the spirits of the powell gossip tribe who once lived here as well beheaded the pirates for bearing the treasure in the sacred land they are also the ones who made the treasure invisible to anyone who sought 25 ladies 25 years later captain kidd of course buried his treasure on charles island located of silver sands state beach under a place called hagrug in 1699. it is said that he stopped here while he was heading toward boston or kid might have buried treasure on stratford point the exact spot is vague anyway this thought goes that a chest was buried in 1699 and what was witnessed by residents this people said that the chess was buried by pirates and that they knew it was kid's crew no less there have been coins from his era found under the sand so there might be something to the legend it is said that in 1850 two men did find a treasure chest by saw a shrilly wristling headless body wrapped in a flaming sheet plunged toward them from above and they ran away terrified by a flaming skeleton they went insane never to recover from the fright so many people have searched here that island that has many pits where no vegetation grows that is considered the second curse of the island by the pirate kid and his pirate ghost who protect his treasure as an interesting side note there is a documentation that kid did visit this area twice so to dismiss the legend out of hand might be an error on the treasure seekers part the third curse was placed here 22 years ago after kids visit five sailors buried a mexican emperor's stolen treasure in a cave in 1721 the emperor cursed the treasure and those who stalled it if you enjoyed this program please subscribe like it and share it four out of all five sailors had a tragic death and the treasure was never


