• 4 years ago


00:01:00Here in the Delta country of Louisiana, where the Mississippi merges with the Gulf,
00:01:05at Pilot Town, 90 river miles below New Orleans,
00:01:09lives a courageous and colorful group of men, the Associated Bar Pilots.
00:01:14Summer and winter, calm and storm, the Bar Pilots are on duty,
00:01:19taking ships across the dangerous bars into the river.
00:01:24There, the River Pilots take over and guide the craft northward to New Orleans.
00:01:29Always members of the Coast Guard Reserve, the Bar Pilots enlisted for active duty during the war.
00:01:35Most continued their piloting duties. Others were assigned to combat.
00:01:40Our story is about one of these.
00:01:43Pilot Johnny Duval returns from combat duty to his home on the Delta.
00:03:08Well, do something! Don't just sit there!
00:03:18Now what do I do?
00:03:21How do you like that? Not even a scratch on your boat.
00:03:25Well, at least you can't sue me for smashing that peanut.
00:03:30Hey, you act like you're scared.
00:03:32I am.
00:03:34Big boy like you.
00:03:37Will that hollow log carry the both of us to Delta Island?
00:03:42Well, what are we waiting for?
00:03:44I'm going the other way, Cypress Point.
00:03:47Doesn't the word chivalry mean anything to you down here?
00:03:51Or do you still beat your women?
00:03:53All right if it's money you want.
00:03:56You'll find a pier on the other side of the bayou.
00:03:59Go out on it and thumb a ride to Pilot Town.
00:04:01Somebody there will take you to the island.
00:04:05I guess I lost my temper. Sorry.
00:04:09Is there a boat I could rent at Cypress Point or a phone I could use?
00:04:13I don't know. I've been away.
00:04:16There used to be a phone.
00:04:18Come on.
00:04:23Get him.
00:04:35Get him.
00:04:42Were you in the Navy?
00:04:44Coast Guard.
00:04:46Well, why did...
00:04:49This Cypress Point place, what's it like?
00:04:54Oh, like any other bayou settlement.
00:04:57Few houses, store.
00:04:59Not much to come home to, is it?
00:05:01I mean after what you've seen. Cities and strange places.
00:05:05I like it.
00:05:07How can you know until you get back?
00:05:09I was born here. I grew up here.
00:05:12That's how I know.
00:05:14And it's peaceful.
00:05:17You don't think much of it, do you?
00:05:19Don't tell me the swamp grows on you.
00:05:23Or maybe it does if you see it through the eyes of someone else.
00:05:27Perhaps you'll show me around.
00:05:30I'm going to be busy for a while.
00:05:33But I know a swamp boy that'll show you the whole Delta country for a buck.
00:05:42It's Johnny Duval! He's coming!
00:05:44Johnny Duval!
00:05:46Johnny! Johnny Duval! He's back!
00:05:53Johnny's home!
00:05:55Come on, Johnny! Johnny Duval's back!
00:06:01Shh! You make too much noise.
00:06:04But Johnny's back! He's coming!
00:06:11Grand-mère! Grand-mère! It's Johnny!
00:06:14Grand-mère, it's Johnny!
00:06:15Johnny Duval, he's home!
00:06:16Oh, there's noise coming!
00:06:18Grand-mère! Grand-mère Vanette, put it away!
00:06:21Grand-mère! Coffee!
00:06:24You crab and shrimp and okra, Tim.
00:06:27Run in kitchen, make for him gumbo.
00:06:30Nothing for a Johnny too good, eh?
00:06:32There's no use you stick around, Mike. You don't hear.
00:06:35Johnny, he's back!
00:06:38I hear good.
00:06:53Mike, you go home.
00:06:57I go, my Tony.
00:07:02Pretty soon he gets tired from Bayou, I come back.
00:07:06You think he stay?
00:07:09You think you'll be good enough for him?
00:07:12You think he ma... You think he marry with you?
00:07:16But I keep my promise, Tony. I marry with you.
00:07:19Get out of here. Mike Calivet, you get out of here!
00:07:22Okay, okay, I go.
00:07:26Do I look all right, Grand-mère?
00:07:29Johnny will have eyes only for you.
00:07:32Run now, little chicken.
00:07:41You've been away a long time, Johnny.
00:07:43Good to see you once again, Johnny.
00:07:49Tony, what's the matter? Can't you see?
00:07:53Tony, what's the matter? Can't you smile? I'm home.
00:07:56Who's that?
00:07:58She didn't say.
00:08:00I hate to interrupt, but who could I see about a boat?
00:08:06My friend, my good friend Johnny.
00:08:11The lady wants to hire a boat.
00:08:14Mademoiselle likes oysters.
00:08:16What's that got to do with it?
00:08:18The only boat available, Mademoiselle. She's loaded with them.
00:08:23Where is it?
00:08:25And that's all!
00:08:32I am the father, me.
00:08:35Oh, there's plenty more.
00:08:38Felicite, you go and find Mike Calivet for Papa.
00:08:41We'll get him, Papa.
00:08:43Good, good. Everyone, quick, please.
00:08:46Here's Mike Calivet. Beautiful.
00:08:50Mademoiselle can use his boat.
00:08:52Thanks. Mr. Duvall...
00:08:55Oh, pardon me.
00:09:00Thanks for the ride.
00:09:08City people come down here and make fun of us.
00:09:12Forget it.
00:09:16Come in with me now. I have something to show you.
00:09:19But I'm still wet.
00:09:20Water never hurt anyone. Come on.
00:09:22I'll go and finish the coffee.
00:09:25Hello, Mike.
00:09:29Where is the uniform?
00:09:31Don't have any medals to pin on it?
00:09:35I see Captain Pierre yesterday.
00:09:38He asked somebody when you're coming back to work.
00:09:46He still think you can handle ship.
00:09:48Mike, you shut your big mouth.
00:09:50What'd I say wrong?
00:09:52Any going back to piloting over the bar?
00:09:56One little accident?
00:09:58Mike, you go on.
00:10:00If he wants to fight with me, let him.
00:10:02Go away.
00:10:09Don't fight with him, Johnny. He's a bad one.
00:10:12If you beat him, he'll wait for a chance to kill you.
00:10:15I have no reason to fight him.
00:10:17What he said was true.
00:10:19He's just mad because the Coast Guard wouldn't take him and they made you an officer.
00:10:23He's jealous.
00:10:24Jealous of me or you?
00:10:26Both of us. Together.
00:10:30Forget him.
00:10:31Now what were you going to show me?
00:10:33Come on.
00:10:46For the best bar pilot in the whole world.
00:10:51Well, we'll try it on.
00:10:54No, Toni.
00:10:56I couldn't pilot an oyster lugger across the bayou.
00:11:00But Captain Pierre, he expects you.
00:11:02Pierre will understand. So will your grandfather.
00:11:04They're sailors.
00:11:06I'm not a sailor.
00:11:08I'm not a sailor.
00:11:10Captain Pierre, he expects you.
00:11:12Pierre will understand. So will your grandfather.
00:11:14They're sailors.
00:11:16They know what happens to a man when he loses his ship.
00:11:19I lost one and I lost a lot of men.
00:11:21But that was a battle. It wasn't your fault.
00:11:24Whether it was or not, I have no confidence.
00:11:27Piloting is out.
00:11:31Would you throw me over for Mike if I'm not a pilot?
00:11:36I don't care what you are, as long as you stay.
00:11:40Pierre will find something for me to do.
00:11:42If not, I can always make a living running a line of traps.
00:11:56Johnny's all right.
00:11:57We've just got to help him get back on his feet, that's all.
00:12:00His superior writes me that physically he's okay.
00:12:04But mentally, no.
00:12:07He blames himself for losing that DE.
00:12:09No one else does.
00:12:11It was just one of those things that happen in combat.
00:12:13But now he's scared of ships.
00:12:15Scared of responsibility.
00:12:17I had a talk with him and he's willing to come back.
00:12:19But as a boatman.
00:12:21Oh, no.
00:12:22Why, he's the best pilot around here.
00:12:24Why, sure, we all know that.
00:12:26A boatman.
00:12:27Why not let him sweep out the joint?
00:12:29I know what I'm doing.
00:12:31And you've got to hand it to him.
00:12:32He has pride and yet he's willing to roll you guys back and forth.
00:12:35Well, what do you want us to do, Pierre?
00:12:39He's on that mail boat that's coming in now.
00:12:41You figure out how to act.
00:13:23Well, how did he get here?
00:13:25I don't know.
00:13:26It's too small to row a boat.
00:13:28Oh, give the guy a chance.
00:13:30It's no good. We can always feed him to the garfish.
00:13:34Johnny, you big...
00:13:44It doesn't soon take your turn, Pete.
00:13:46No, it's nothing.
00:13:47By the time I get out there, I'll be okay.
00:13:49Let's shove off, Johnny.
00:13:50What's the matter, sir?
00:13:51Just a stomachache. Come on.
00:14:00THE END
00:14:17How are you doing, sir?
00:14:18Me? I'm fine.
00:14:21Gonna be fun tonight, eh?
00:14:23How do you know?
00:14:25Itches a little bit in my right ear.
00:14:28When gonna be damp, always itches me that ear.
00:14:32That's better than a barometer.
00:14:34You're right.
00:14:35But when we get outside the river, you see...
00:14:38Captain Daly wants you, sir.
00:14:42What's the matter, Captain?
00:14:44You're sick.
00:14:45It's getting worse. Get me some water.
00:14:51Maybe we ought to go back.
00:14:52No, no. I'll make it.
00:14:53I don't think you ought to take the chance, sir.
00:14:55We haven't got time to go back for somebody else.
00:14:57I've been yelling for a pilot for two hours.
00:14:59Let him yell. It's not that important.
00:15:01It's only a yacht.
00:15:02Yeah, the sweetheart.
00:15:04The man that owns it throws a lot of weight around New Orleans.
00:15:06It's that important.
00:15:16Give me a hand, Johnny.
00:15:18Tim, get my jacket and bag.
00:15:20I still think we ought to go back.
00:15:22They may have to throw a line around me, but I'll get aboard.
00:15:25Let me sit down a minute.
00:15:31I'll be all right.
00:15:38He can't make it.
00:15:40There ain't no can'ts in this business, Johnny.
00:15:42Especially when a ship is sitting out there.
00:15:45He's got to come in.
00:15:46She can wait.
00:15:48Captain Daly, he's got him a job to do.
00:15:50He do it sick or no sick.
00:15:53If I was on his slate, I would do it.
00:15:57If there was a bad storm, we have some excuse but a little fog.
00:16:20Permission, sir.
00:16:22Permission granted, sir.
00:16:49What are you doing in there?
00:16:51I'm calling the pilots' commission.
00:16:52No, Johnny.
00:16:53Bill, come here.
00:16:55Bill, you're going to do some rowing.
00:16:57Yes, sir, Johnny.
00:16:59Wish me luck.
00:17:00The best.
00:17:22You get over that sickness quick, eh, Captain Daly?
00:17:27Must have been something I ate.
00:17:52He almost went overboard.
00:17:55A mill pond.
00:17:56Those boys come aboard in a hurricane.
00:17:58I could do it tonight.
00:18:00Why don't you try it, Dad?
00:18:22Pilot Duval, sir.
00:18:23The swamp boy.
00:18:25Where's your parole?
00:18:27Father, this is Mr. Duval.
00:18:28So he said.
00:18:29I must say you took your time getting here.
00:18:31I'm in a hurry.
00:18:32Let's get underway.
00:18:34Oh, he's really not as bad as he sounds.
00:18:52Why do you blow the whistle?
00:18:54Keep a safe course.
00:18:56But how do you know...
00:18:58They bounce back and tell us how far off we are.
00:19:01Well, the other day I...
00:19:03Keep quiet.
00:19:04I'm trying to listen.
00:19:05Who do you think you...
00:19:06I'm in charge of this ship as pilot.
00:19:08If you can't keep quiet, get out.
00:19:10Don't you dare order me around, you big business!
00:19:13I'll take over myself.
00:20:13Good job, sir.
00:20:25We're in the river.
00:20:26Yes, sir.
00:20:27We're in.
00:20:28New on the job?
00:20:29No, but I've been away.
00:20:30First trip this time?
00:20:32Takes a man a while to get back in the swing.
00:20:35I brought her in, didn't I?
00:20:37Okay, pilot.
00:20:38I'll hold her along.
00:20:44Sorry I was so abrupt, Miss Hilton.
00:20:47So that's what you call it?
00:20:48I was seeing ghosts.
00:20:50What kind of ghosts?
00:20:52Ships that weren't there.
00:20:53But I won't see them anymore.
00:20:55Good night.
00:20:56Good night.
00:21:01What's this for?
00:21:02For the ride, remember?
00:21:04I can't keep it.
00:21:05Good night.
00:21:16Hurt yourself?
00:21:17Not badly.
00:21:18Help me up.
00:21:28Johnny Duval!
00:21:29That's right, Peyton.
00:21:30How are you?
00:21:32I see you got your commission back.
00:21:39Captain Peyton, river pilot.
00:21:42Or, uh...
00:21:44Do you prefer bar pilots?
00:21:48Now, that depends.
00:21:51Well, if I do say so myself, I think it was a pretty good performance.
00:21:56You better duck out.
00:21:57I think I hear him.
00:21:58All right.
00:22:09What are you doing up here in pilot's quarters?
00:22:11Coming back.
00:22:12I did some thinking, sir.
00:22:14I think I was framed.
00:22:18You made it, didn't you?
00:22:20Yes, sir, I made it.
00:22:21I knew you would.
00:22:22All you wanted was a chance to kick that hoodoo in your mind overboard.
00:22:25Now, fill out your papers.
00:22:27By Monday, you'll be back in active duty.
00:22:30And I recommend that he be recommissioned as lieutenant in the Coast Guard Reserve
00:22:41with specific duties as bar pilot.
00:23:03Come here once more.
00:23:04Hurry around, eh?
00:23:06You gonna behave yourself tonight, Mike?
00:23:09Listen to him, will you?
00:23:10Don't I always behave myself?
00:23:12Last time cayenne pepper you spilled on the floor.
00:23:16I spill it?
00:23:17You see me?
00:23:18Time before, it was horse hair caught up very fine.
00:23:22She makes some scratch, don't it?
00:23:25You bring Tony to the dance, say Mike, tonight.
00:23:28If you get lieutenant's cap, maybe she go with you.
00:23:32Stop now.
00:23:33Sit down, big mouth.
00:23:37Hey, Mike, you been around Delta Island last couple of days?
00:23:41A man run me off my trap line.
00:23:43He said private lands now.
00:23:45No more hunt, no more trap.
00:23:48What man?
00:23:50The man that worked for Hilton.
00:23:52Why before you let him run you off?
00:23:54He already gone.
00:23:55I only got a bunch of traps.
00:23:56You only got a bunch of traps.
00:23:58He don't run me off.
00:23:59Hey, you see, Tony, tell her to save couple of dances for me.
00:24:02Talk all the time.
00:24:08You keep on talking like that, he's gonna start a fight.
00:24:12I'll be right behind Johnny Duval.
00:24:17Au revoir, captain.
00:24:19See you tonight at the dance.
00:24:30A present for me?
00:24:31Hello, grandma.
00:24:32Hello, Johnny.
00:24:33Come in, come in.
00:24:36Tony, she's dressing.
00:24:37She makes herself beautiful for me.
00:24:39Mike, why don't you go home?
00:24:49The big fish come, the little fish go.
00:25:00Keeping him around in case I didn't show?
00:25:02Oh, no, Johnny, you know Tony better than that.
00:25:06Tony tell him go away.
00:25:08He just sit around like dead catfish on sandbar.
00:25:11Hush, grandma.
00:25:13I like to dance.
00:25:15If you'd been on duty...
00:25:18Jealous, huh?
00:25:20I like that.
00:25:21Don't stop.
00:25:23I should go without you.
00:25:26Oh, Johnny, wait.
00:25:35Beautiful, just beautiful.
00:25:37When you finish with him, I have something to show you.
00:25:45Lace, grandpa.
00:25:47Real lace.
00:25:48I've been saving it.
00:25:50Skipper give it to me.
00:25:52He say when she marry.
00:25:55You don't know your mother is dead then, Tony.
00:25:58It is yours.
00:26:02Oh, no, no, Tony, it's bad.
00:26:05If your man sees wedding dress before wedding, it's going to be trouble.
00:26:09Oh, fairy tales, grandmere.
00:26:12Fairy tales.
00:26:13See you later.
00:26:38I thought you was going to bring Tony here to dance, Mike.
00:26:41Shut up, you.
00:26:50Well, this is just like any other dance.
00:26:53What did you expect, a brawl?
00:26:55No, silly.
00:26:56Square dances.
00:26:58Give us time.
00:26:59We'll catch on to these new fangled things.
00:27:08Hello, swamp boy.
00:27:10Tony, hello.
00:27:12Hiya, Bob.
00:27:26Did you ask her to come?
00:27:29Oh, her.
00:27:31Yeah, sure, just in case you were busy.
00:27:33I like to dance.
00:27:34Well, dance with her then.
00:27:36She prefers river pilots.
00:27:57You didn't say hello.
00:28:00Hello, Hal.
00:28:02Of course.
00:28:04You know how surprised I was the other night when you came up the ladder of the yacht.
00:28:09Oh, Miss Hilton, Miss Russo.
00:28:14There I've been on that ship cooped up for days with nobody to talk to.
00:28:18That is, nobody nice.
00:28:20I was so utterly bored I could have screamed and suddenly over the rail you came.
00:28:26Was I ever surprised.
00:28:28We dance this one, eh, Tony?
00:28:30Come on.
00:28:31I think that the first time I saw you I thought you were just a swamp boy.
00:28:35Is that why you asked me to bring you here?
00:28:38Look, I don't like being a stooge.
00:28:41You're not, Hal.
00:28:42You're an angel.
00:28:45Shall we dance?
00:28:53Where's that drink?
00:28:59Tony, you have a good time, huh?
00:29:01Mikey's having wonderful time.
00:29:07Sorry, Tony.
00:29:08What you trying to do?
00:29:09Now, wait a minute.
00:29:10You dance crazy like you pilot boat.
00:29:14Don't walk away from my calabitch.
00:29:22That Mikey don't never listen.
00:29:31We're going home.
00:29:32What's the matter with you letting Emil do your fighting for you?
00:29:35Ah, what's happened to you, Duval?
00:29:37I knew you'd forgotten how to handle a ship, but I thought you still know how to use your fists.
00:29:41You know why I couldn't mix with him?
00:29:43Or with you either as much as I'd like to.
00:29:46Worried about the uniform?
00:29:47I'll take it off.
00:29:50Tony, you're not going to let him talk to you like that and get away with it.
00:29:53Why don't you shut up and take your hands off of him?
00:29:56Were you addressing me?
00:29:58Nobody else.
00:30:00What right have you got to come down here and make trouble?
00:30:02Egging him on so he'll fight and maybe get kicked out of the Coast Guard.
00:30:05Why, I'll thank you.
00:30:06Why don't you get out?
00:30:07You don't belong here.
00:30:08You're right.
00:30:09I don't belong here among this.
00:30:11Neither does he.
00:30:12All right, then take him with you if you think you can.
00:30:16Maybe I will.
00:30:18It shouldn't be very difficult.
00:30:21Why, you swamp rat.
00:30:46Now get her out of here.
00:30:47She can't hold us much longer.
00:30:51Did you ever wrestle an alligator?
00:30:53All they need is a little cooling off.
00:31:18I hate you.
00:31:19I hate you.
00:31:20I hate you.
00:31:21Put me down.
00:31:22Put me down.
00:31:23You mustn't kick.
00:31:24Ah, it's her bike.
00:31:25That's not being a sport.
00:31:32And you didn't act a bit nice to Miss Hilton.
00:31:35Oh, I suppose you wanted me to act like her.
00:31:38There I was cooped up on that ship for days with nothing to do but count my shabby diamonds
00:31:43and no one to talk to but a couple of awful millionaires.
00:31:46I was so utterly bored I could scream.
00:31:50I didn't know you loved me that much.
00:31:51I don't.
00:31:52I hate you.
00:31:53You were fighting over me.
00:31:54And look.
00:31:55Look what you've done to my best dress.
00:31:56It's ruined.
00:31:57Oh, I'll buy you a dozen dresses and hats and coats and shoes and everything that goes with it.
00:32:02You know what I'm going to do?
00:32:03No, and I don't care.
00:32:04Well, if you feel that way about it.
00:32:05What are you going to do?
00:32:07Marry you.
00:32:10Well, let's see.
00:32:11This is Saturday.
00:32:12Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
00:32:15I get my two weeks off.
00:32:26The fog is thick as glue tonight.
00:32:28Make you nervous?
00:32:30If it's too foggy, let her lay out there till morning.
00:32:33It's Thursday tomorrow, Tim.
00:32:35Tony's papa was pilot.
00:32:37If you show up late, he forgive you.
00:32:41You feel good now, eh, about piloting?
00:32:44Sure, fine.
00:32:45I'm all right now.
00:32:46I knew it comes out all right.
00:34:15Pilot Duval reporting, sir.
00:34:17I'm Captain Sorensen.
00:34:18This is Mr. Baxter, ship's owner.
00:34:20You had us worried.
00:34:21Figured maybe you was going to leave us out here all night.
00:34:24That's just what I'm going to have to do.
00:34:25Yeah, but you can't do it.
00:34:26Want to get stuck in the mud?
00:34:28A little fog never held us up before.
00:34:30Now, see here, young man.
00:34:32We've been sitting out here in the Gulf for a week with a busted engine.
00:34:35We've got a cargo of bananas that are getting riper by the minute.
00:34:38Another day and I'll lose my shirt.
00:34:40Would you rather lose your ship?
00:34:42New man, ain't you?
00:34:44I've been on the bar a while.
00:34:47What did you say your name was?
00:34:51Oh, yes, Duval.
00:34:54Now I recollect.
00:34:56Well, it looks like we don't go in.
00:34:59From what I hear, Duval is careful.
00:35:02Mighty careful.
00:35:04I advise against going in tonight.
00:35:06And lose a cargo?
00:35:07I want to get in tonight as much as you do.
00:35:10But I'm not taking chances.
00:35:11Of course you're not.
00:35:12A man scared of a little fog can't help it.
00:35:15And Duval's got reason to be scared.
00:35:17He lost a...
00:35:18Now, calm down, son, calm down.
00:35:21Oh, I never heard of such a thing.
00:35:23He's sending us an apprentice.
00:35:25Radio the pilot station.
00:35:27Tell them we want another man.
00:35:29You insist on going in?
00:35:30I'll take you.
00:35:31If we run up on the bar, we'll hear you yelling the Baton Rouge.
00:35:36Half speed ahead.
00:35:38We'll start yelling.
00:35:42Maybe he knows what he's talking about.
00:35:43Now don't you start worrying.
00:35:45I've steamed up the pass in fog so thick you could walk on it.
00:35:48Duval's all right.
00:35:49A bit nervous since he came back.
00:35:51But he knows the passes like a clock.
00:35:53He won't pile us up.
00:36:11Better go north or half west.
00:36:13North or half west, sir.
00:36:21Steady as she goes.
00:36:22Steady as she goes, sir.
00:36:29Where are we?
00:36:31I asked, where are we?
00:36:32It's okay, Captain. I've got her.
00:36:34That's fine.
00:36:36You want to take over? Then take over.
00:36:41Take over.
00:36:57You hear something?
00:36:58I'm not sure, sir.
00:37:11You hear something?
00:37:12I'm not sure, sir.
00:38:12Stop wiggling, little goose, or I'll stick you.
00:38:17I'll answer.
00:38:19No one must see you till wedding tomorrow.
00:38:41I'll answer.
00:39:06Three shots on the bio.
00:39:07Three shots on the bio.
00:39:11That means somebody's dead.
00:39:21No, child.
00:39:23Not Johnny.
00:39:25My Tim.
00:39:28Oh, granny.
00:39:41Oh, granny.
00:40:41Oh, granny.
00:41:35Oh, yes. He went home several days ago.
00:41:38Why, he couldn't.
00:41:40I'm sorry. He went home.
00:41:42We just came from his home. He isn't there.
00:41:44You're his sister?
00:41:46We were going to be married.
00:41:49Wait just a moment, please.
00:41:56Will you look in the dismissed file, see who signed out for John Duval?
00:42:06A lady had him moved to her home, a Miss Hilton.
00:42:22We came for Johnny.
00:42:24He's upstairs asleep.
00:42:26He can't see anyone, doctor's orders.
00:42:28He can see me.
00:42:29I'm sorry.
00:42:30How is he?
00:42:31He's going to be all right.
00:42:33At first it was awful, just lying there.
00:42:36But now he knows me.
00:42:38Why didn't you call us?
00:42:40Why didn't you tell me?
00:42:41Why, it's been two weeks since he was hurt.
00:42:44Naturally we thought that you...
00:42:46And when he regained consciousness, he said he didn't want to see anyone.
00:42:50You're not telling the truth.
00:42:52I found him in the charity ward of the French hospital.
00:42:55If he'd waited for you, he'd been dead.
00:42:58We didn't know where he was.
00:42:59The last I saw him, he asked for an extended leave and went away.
00:43:02You're, uh...
00:43:03Yeah, Moise, chief pilot.
00:43:05Oh, I see.
00:43:07And now you're worried about him.
00:43:10You should have worried before.
00:43:12Forcing him back to the work he feared and hated.
00:43:15It's your fault he's here.
00:43:17And yours.
00:43:18He doesn't want to see you, any of you.
00:43:20He never said that.
00:43:22How do you think he was hurt? He'd been drinking for days.
00:43:25We're giving him a chance to get back on his feet.
00:43:27I'm going to see him.
00:43:28When he asks, I'll send for you.
00:43:30I don't believe you.
00:43:32Come, child.
00:43:33When he's better, he'll come back to us.
00:43:35I'll tell him you were here.
00:44:05No, Mr. Duval does not wish to speak to anyone.
00:45:06Aren't you being a bit high-handed, Janet?
00:45:09You know he can't go back to them.
00:45:11You mean you don't want him to go back.
00:45:13I've never interfered in your life.
00:45:15That's just the trouble.
00:45:17Does anyone tell you what to do?
00:45:19That's different.
00:45:21You and Lovett, Duval,
00:45:23you're going at this all wrong.
00:45:26Lies, deceit.
00:45:28One of these days, he's going to find out.
00:45:31I'll take that chance.
00:45:33I'll take that chance.
00:45:35If he walks out on me, I'll be the one who's hurt.
00:45:38I don't like to see you messing up other people's lives.
00:45:44He's the only man I've ever wanted.
00:45:48Please, Dad, help me.
00:45:53I don't like it.
00:46:04Long distance, please. Delta Island.
00:46:09Don't look so unhappy.
00:46:13Hello, Briggs?
00:46:20I'm sending a new man down in a couple of weeks to work with you.
00:46:23That's right.
00:46:25Johnny Duval is his name.
00:46:28Everything else all right?
00:46:34Thanks, darling.
00:46:36Suppose he doesn't go.
00:46:38Just leave that to me.
00:46:55Stop it. You're going crazy.
00:46:57You want to hang.
00:46:58Who's going to say I did it?
00:47:03He don't do nothing. You stupid.
00:47:05Only what they tell him to do.
00:47:08If you want to fight, go fight Hilton.
00:47:10He owns all the free lands now.
00:47:12Ain't nobody going to stop me trapping.
00:47:14No, but if you start shooting people, they're going to stop you from breathing.
00:47:32Hey, Mike.
00:47:34You got your big job here.
00:47:36Them sanders all over the marsh.
00:47:38Big job, big job.
00:47:41Sit down.
00:47:45You don't talk with Johnny Duval, huh?
00:47:49Why for I want to talk with him?
00:47:51Oh, you don't hear about him.
00:47:53He work for Hilton.
00:47:56Since which day?
00:47:58Since last week.
00:48:00Yeah, since last week.
00:48:02I see him yesterday with woman.
00:48:06Tony is over by Picole Lagoon hunting duck.
00:48:11Maybe she would like to hear about it, huh?
00:48:16Yeah, maybe she would.
00:48:18Alex, I'll see you later.
00:48:30I'll see you later.
00:48:51First French duck today and you have to come along.
00:48:54You want to thank me, Tony?
00:48:56For what?
00:48:57For keep you out of jail.
00:48:59You know, it's against law to hunt here.
00:49:02You better go back to your muskrats.
00:49:05No trap either.
00:49:07No fish, no trap, no hunt.
00:49:12Man makes new rules, Tony.
00:49:18Man's name Duval.
00:49:24Johnny Duval.
00:49:26You know, Tony.
00:49:28For a long time we make our living from Martian swamp.
00:49:33Pretty soon a guy comes along, puts up a sign, it say keep off.
00:49:38Then we are.
00:49:40So your friend Johnny Duval, he go to work for him.
00:49:44I don't care who he works for.
00:49:46That's good, Tony.
00:49:48Oh, go on. The ducks have stopped coming since you got here.
00:49:52Maybe in a few days I see, Johnny.
00:49:56Go away.
00:49:58You say the word, Tony.
00:49:59I put couple of bullet holes in him.
00:50:01Throw him in swamp.
00:50:03I said go away.
00:50:06Okay, Tony.
00:50:56Swing on.
00:51:51You hit him.
00:51:52Now he is dangerous.
00:51:53You hit him! Now he is dangerous!
00:52:54Are you all right, Toni?
00:52:56Will you get my gun?
00:52:58We'll take it.
00:52:59Go on, she's waiting.
00:53:01All right, I'll get it myself.
00:53:29Come on, I'll go with you.
00:53:30She's waiting for you.
00:53:57Spare a light, sir?
00:54:11Remember the day we met?
00:54:15You said you were scared.
00:54:17So today you pick a fight with an alligator.
00:54:20That guy Ames picked the fight.
00:54:22I just finished it.
00:54:24I was the scared one today, Johnny.
00:54:27Come over here and I'll tell you why.
00:54:35Someday I might get mixed up with an alligator myself.
00:54:38And I want you around to protect me.
00:54:40Will you stay around?
00:54:42I'll stay.
00:54:45I've known a lot of men, Johnny.
00:54:48I thought I loved one of them.
00:54:50But he went away.
00:54:52For a while I was dead inside.
00:54:55Then one day, like that, the hurt was gone.
00:55:12What was that? Sounded like a shot.
00:55:33Did you get him?
00:55:47Come on, get going, you.
00:55:50Here we are, sir.
00:55:52Alex, what are you doing here?
00:55:54There were two of them, running a trap wire.
00:55:56So what? Is that any...
00:55:57I'll take care of this, Johnny.
00:55:58Can't you read?
00:55:59Certainly he can read.
00:56:00What's that got to do with...
00:56:01These men have been trapping and hunting on my ground.
00:56:03I've warned them.
00:56:04I put up signs today, warning them.
00:56:06Take him down to Point Allahash and have him locked up.
00:56:08Wait a minute.
00:56:09Dad's right, Johnny.
00:56:10It's the only way to keep them off our land.
00:56:12Sure, Johnny, he's right.
00:56:13You lock me up.
00:56:14You help them.
00:56:15They're your people now.
00:56:16Stop us from hunting, trapping, let our kids go hungry.
00:56:19As long as you got plenty of duck for your sport
00:56:21and plenty of muskrat and mink to make coats for your women...
00:56:24That's enough out of you.
00:56:25Not me.
00:56:26Go on, Alex.
00:56:28Why do you care now what happened to Bayou People?
00:56:31They buy our free marsh and our swamp.
00:56:33We say, get out to Bayou People.
00:56:34Find another place.
00:56:36Remember, Johnny,
00:56:37your father and your father's father before you
00:56:40hunt and trap on this land to live,
00:56:42but not you, Johnny.
00:56:46All right, Alex, beat it.
00:56:47Stay where you are.
00:56:49Duval, give Engstead back his gun.
00:56:51I don't need your help.
00:56:52You run away from all of us.
00:56:54Tony telephoned to you.
00:56:56Tony Wright.
00:56:57She tried very hard to see you,
00:56:59but she don't be good enough for you now.
00:57:02Dad, let him go.
00:57:05We'll both go.
00:57:07Johnny, you can't go back.
00:57:09Did Tony telephone?
00:57:10Well, yes, but...
00:57:11And did she write?
00:57:12Oh, now, look, Johnny, I was only trying to help you.
00:57:15Come on, Alex.
00:57:16All right.
00:57:17I tried to make something out of you, but you wouldn't have it.
00:57:20Go back to the swamp where you belong.
00:57:28Are we going to stay around here all night and argue?
00:57:31They shove us off the land, they shoot at us.
00:57:33They got the law on their side.
00:57:35The law, the law.
00:57:36All right, old woman, what you want we should do?
00:57:38Go to them and tell them we are sorry, we don't do it again?
00:57:41Put Alex in jail because he be a bad boy?
00:57:43You want us to say that?
00:57:44Hilton buy the land.
00:57:45It's his right to say we cannot use it.
00:57:47So we fight him?
00:57:48I remember 15, 20 years ago,
00:57:51we fight other men who buy the marsh,
00:57:53who win, not us.
00:57:55Emil's right.
00:57:56We get nothing by fighting.
00:57:57We get nothing by fighting.
00:57:58Okay, talk to Hilton.
00:58:00Talk to Johnny Duval.
00:58:02I got a better idea.
00:58:04I don't use the marsh, they don't use the marsh.
00:58:07Emil, I burn it.
00:58:08Shut up, Mike.
00:58:10You work for Hilton too?
00:58:12Come on.
00:58:13Wait, Mike.
00:58:14Set fire to the marsh and who sup?
00:58:17All of us.
00:58:18Not Hilton.
00:58:19He can buy other land for the hunt.
00:58:21Emil is right.
00:58:22Give Mike a drink.
00:58:23Fire only drives a fur away.
00:58:25Fire only drives a fur away.
00:58:26Okay, I don't need your help.
00:58:28Call up Johnny Duval.
00:58:31Emil, tell him what I'm going to do, you suckers.
00:58:33Stop him.
00:58:34He won't do nothing.
00:58:35Come on, Emil.
00:58:36Get the drinks.
00:58:38You heard him.
00:58:39We hear him before.
00:58:40Mike full of talk.
00:58:41But he don't burn nothing.
00:58:43Give us a drink.
00:58:44Give us a drink.
00:59:09Emil gets too excited.
00:59:12Mike is going to Delta Island. He's crazy mad. He'll do anything, maybe kill Johnny.
00:59:22You love Johnny.
00:59:26He can take care of himself.
00:59:29You go tell him. Telephone him.
00:59:31I tried. I tried.
00:59:33I tried.
00:59:34I tried.
00:59:35I tried.
00:59:36I tried.
00:59:37I tried.
00:59:38I tried.
00:59:39You go tell him. Telephone him.
00:59:41I tried. I telephoned.
00:59:45All right, I go.
00:59:49Tony, I'm old man. I'll try to stop Mike, but if I don't...
01:00:09There's a short way through the swamp. I'll go.
01:03:06Johnny, Johnny, where are you?
01:03:58Johnny, where are you?
01:07:21Thank you for coming down river.
01:07:23You taking her, sir?
01:07:24I wasn't going to, but all the other boys are working.
01:07:28All except you, Johnny.
01:07:31Say the word and your leave is cancelled.
01:07:36Try it on for size.
01:07:45Be back tomorrow, Tony.
01:07:52Goodbye, Johnny.
01:07:55Now wait.
01:08:23THE END
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