BORREGO Movie (2022) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Lucy Hale stars as Elly, a young botanist on a research mission gone awry. After witnessing a drug mule's plane crash in the Borrego desert, she is kidnapped and forced on a dangerous journey to a remote drop-off point. With limited essentials and alone in the desert with her captor, desperation for survival takes hold as Elly risks her life to escape from his clutches before the trip turns deadly.
directed by Jesse Harris
starring Lucy Hale, Jorge A. Jimenez, Nicholas Gonzalez, Leynar Gomez, Olivia Trujillo
release date January 14, 2022 (in theaters and on VOD/Digital)
directed by Jesse Harris
starring Lucy Hale, Jorge A. Jimenez, Nicholas Gonzalez, Leynar Gomez, Olivia Trujillo
release date January 14, 2022 (in theaters and on VOD/Digital)
Short film