...وإلا أراد غالبا التى أصابت الشباب فهي آت...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Otherwise he probably wanted to hit the young people. It was coming. It was light and not dangerous. But we don't know
00:08In the coming days, will there be hospital admission? What about old people
00:13I mean, it has cough, temperature, loss of supply.
00:19Are there any symptoms that we are now feeling
00:25Same symptoms. The symptoms of that day's metamorphosis, and not after this meta-human or crow
00:34It's hard to appreciate art or even ordinary stranger, especially when the symptoms are mild
00:39And in Israel. The symptoms were particularly mild. we in israel know that two restaurants are very high . What light may be the result of the effectiveness of the vaccine
00:49Dr. Mona, you said that it is possible from the genetic study of this virus to know its characteristics in the sense that
00:56Or we expect properties and speed of propagation and others. Can't you expect a genetic study
01:00If there could be any vaccines left
01:06I mean, it can be prevented by vaccines or effective
01:11On him?
01:12Or do we need to experience these 100 days?
01:16today we are waiting for pfizer company which announced for two weeks . There are lab experiments going on
01:24Let's find out how vaccines affect this transgenic in the lab
01:30The lab. As for studying the mutations of some of these mutations, which we know and which are expected to decrease
01:38A little bit of vaccine effectiveness. But we don't know
01:41About all of these two vaccines are two categories in the spinal protein, some of which we don't know yet.
01:48Thanks to you, Dr. Mona Kayal
01:51A physician consultant in the diagnosis of bacterial and viral diseases in our colleague from Barak. Thank you, Doctor, for all this information
02:01Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:02And now we see how sharing your opinions on your company, a death fence. This question was what is pushing Turkey to reform its relations
02:12in the countries of the Arab region. So far, the largest percentage of the economic crisis with the collapse of course
02:19the turkish lira for new and standard grades
02:27compared to 22% for the region's balances, and 11%. Political isolation
02:35Thank you for watching tomorrow with a meeting